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All posts by William

Below are all of William 's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Friday 14 September 2012 3:29PM

If my aerial signal providing freeview is overly strong therefore "swamping" the satellites signal would fitting an attenuator maybe solve the problem

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Saturday 15 September 2012 2:02PM

I can see some 100pf capacitors on eBay fairly cheap but they are ranging from 50V to 15KV any particular ones and when I get them shall I just hold them in place between the 2 points of contact ( braidings and inners )

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Saturday 15 September 2012 2:03PM

How do I link the capacitors across them

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Saturday 15 September 2012 4:31PM

I have a multimeter

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Monday 17 September 2012 4:15PM

Jb38 ok so I have my multimeter at home now as it was in my work over the weekend so can you please explain carefully where I have to put my 2 leads against to take a reading

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Monday 17 September 2012 4:22PM

Jb38 this is what you told me to do but I don't know exactly what you mean by this "William: Set it on a 250 volt or slightly more AC range and check if anything reads between the outer of the coax plug and the side of the "F" connectors, the latter connected into the Sky box but the coax connector "not". (free standing) " can you please tell me in laymans terms I understand the settings on the meter obviously but I can't make sense of where to put the leads by this post

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Tuesday 18 September 2012 5:21PM

jb38 I have an update for you.
Ok so first of all I tried ( the piece of insulated wire technique ) where I push the "bared end" into the sky boxes (Aerial IN) socket (centre pin) and the other end "un-bared end" against the (centre pin) of the "main aerial point" on my master wall plate where my sky plus etc is also fed from.
The result is cutting my sky signal instantly (error 25) until I remove the end from the box then it's fine.
Also when I place the "bared end" into RF2 same result.
But when I take a flying lead into "aerial IN" from my master wall plates main aerial point I can still get "freeview/digital" in my bedroom TV via the RF2 but at the cost of no sky signal so basically the centre pin of the main aerial as soon as it touches any centre pin of RF2 or aerial IN my signal goes.
The outers of the " f connectors " to the outer of the main aerial point is fine no voltage on AC or DC, but when I put the multimeter across the centre pins (aerial IN on box to main aerial on wall plate) I get 17.82v DC centre pin to centre pin or 38.8V on the AC range.
It doesn't matter if I bring my bedroom TV in to the living room and try it straight from RF2 into back of it same result as the wiring to the slave co-ax point from the return port to my bedroom is not the problem it's the centre pin from my main aerial that cuts the signal.
I can have either freeview in my bedroom without going through the sky box with my main aerial or just analogue/sky signal via RF2 ( but not both ) unless I cut the box out with a splitter then I get a fuzzy sky picture and freeview in my room.
Also with regards to the magic eye that's fine when I plug it straight into my sky boxes RF2 ( the light comes on) but can't get it in my bedroom TV ( even with main aerial and RF2 in splitter ) into my return port ( to my bedroom TV point

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Wednesday 19 September 2012 4:57PM

Jb38 I have just Took my main aerial cable into an "attenuator" and plugged it into "aerial IN" on my sky box and my sky signal is staying and with a cable from RF2 into " return " on my living room wall plate I can now see digital/freeview and sky on analogue in my bedroom TV now without fuzzy picture but my magic eye still not lighting up when plugged in to my bedroom TV via the flying lead from my bedroom co-ax outlet

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Wednesday 19 September 2012 7:40PM

Jb38 I checked the return outlet on ohms ( inner to outer ) no dead short totally clear then went to my bedroom wall plate took the cover off and getting - 9 volts on the cable (braiding to core) when RF2 is plugged in but not getting it on the outlet side inner to outer.
New co-ax point required I take it.

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Wednesday 19 September 2012 8:07PM

I am not far away from the southern general hospital about 1 mile my bedroom aerial point is just a standard co-ax point but my main aerial point in the living room is a multi point with sat 1 , sat 2 , FM , TV (main aerial) and return which is linked through to my bedroom haven't opened the master point up didn't want to I will buy a new co-ax point and hopefully when I change it I will get the voltage through to the front of the plate and along my jump lead into my TV link/bedroom TV.
The only thing I found strange is when I plugged a jump lead into sky boxes RF2 and tested the other side outer to inner I got 9V DC but when I plug it into " return " and go to my bedroom the back of the slave point is reading -9V DC

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