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All posts by Margaret Stoker

Below are all of Margaret Stoker's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Connecting it all up
Saturday 24 November 2012 2:44PM

I have just bought a Bush pvr and I already have a Panasonic duel vcr/dvd recorder my tv is a Tosiba with two scart sockets. I obviously now want to record to my pvr but still want to use my other machine even if only as a player for discs and tapes. I have set up the new pvr with the scart in the second scart socket of the tv as the tv manual states for a media recording machine and the two RF cables connected to it and the other recorder with its scart to the first socket on the tv. There is also a HDMI cable from the original recorder to the TV which I have not moved. Even if I put the RF cables back in the older machine I have no picture or sound just a blue screen then of course my pvr wouldn't work. The only way the older machine works is by being connected as it always was and no connection on the new PVR. HOPE SOMEONE CAN HELP IN VERY SIMPLE TERMS PLEASE

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