I've swapped from a SkyQ box that stopped showing the free channels as I am unfortunately unable to pay my Bill's to an old sky plus HD box. I've tried all the fixes above and it still says it is not receiving a satellite signal. It received one yesterday on my Q box before they cut me off so how can this be?
Does anyone know of anything else I can do so I can watch TV on the hd plus box? Is it anything to do with having the old viewing card in there instead of the one from my Q box?
Saturday 1 February 2020 3:34PM
I've swapped from a SkyQ box that stopped showing the free channels as I am unfortunately unable to pay my Bill's to an old sky plus HD box. I've tried all the fixes above and it still says it is not receiving a satellite signal. It received one yesterday on my Q box before they cut me off so how can this be?
Does anyone know of anything else I can do so I can watch TV on the hd plus box? Is it anything to do with having the old viewing card in there instead of the one from my Q box?