I've recently returned to Edinburgh for University and have been experiencing difficulty trying to receive any freeviewchannels. My TV has built in freeview and worked fine up until the changeover but now won't pick up any signal no matter where I move it. I am currently using a plug-in aerial although I've also tried connecting it to the outdoor aerial on top of the building. I've tried the reset procedure but still haven't had any luck. Any help would be much appreciated.
Friday 7 October 2011 12:49AM
I've recently returned to Edinburgh for University and have been experiencing difficulty trying to receive any freeview channels. My TV has built in freeview and worked fine up until the changeover but now won't pick up any signal no matter where I move it. I am currently using a plug-in aerial although I've also tried connecting it to the outdoor aerial on top of the building. I've tried the reset procedure but still haven't had any luck. Any help would be much appreciated.