My analogue reception is very poor but under the right conditions I can receive a reasonable digital signal. This reasonable digital signal is lost in wet weather. I understand on switch over the dig. signal strength will increase, My high gain roof aerial is directed to the Dovertransmitter because of hills I don't have an unrestricted sight line to Dover. Will the increase signal strength on the 27th of June overcome my problems or do give in and switch to Sky?
Tuesday 15 May 2012 10:28PM
My analogue reception is very poor but under the right conditions I can receive a reasonable digital signal. This reasonable digital signal is lost in wet weather. I understand on switch over the dig. signal strength will increase, My high gain roof aerial is directed to the Dover transmitter because of hills I don't have an unrestricted sight line to Dover. Will the increase signal strength on the 27th of June overcome my problems or do give in and switch to Sky?