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All posts by John Hunter

Below are all of John Hunter's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Monday 28 January 2013 10:29AM

Your new 4G interference map is very pretty. Unfortunately, there does not appear to be any key or explanation of what the different colours signify. Until there is suh a key, I don't think that is a help.

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GB flag
Monday 4 February 2013 6:25PM

Thank you for your unhelpful responce. Yes I am aware of the tooltip feature. In the map recieved by me there are several blobs of differeing colours: 3 different shades of green, 2 shades of pink, a few grey patches and several white patches. My guess, and it is no more than a guess, is that the white patches signify areas where no service is possible. Contrarry to your assertion, there is no explanation of the significance of these colours on the map displayed on my computer, no matter what scale is displayed. P{lease can we have a more helpful response this time.

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Whatever the wording, this is a "tax" on a household. To word it so that it appears not to be a tax, will just invite lawyers to increase their incomes from bickering over the small print. The vague term "household" is another opportunity for lawyers. Is the "household" levy of £150 for a whole year or per month (as described in the latter part of the posting)? If you are going for the "household" option, this is going to be more expensive and bureaucratic than the French version which is collected by local authorities. It does not seem to have any advantages over the French system and is not in any way progressive.

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Friday 14 August 2015 9:39PM

This would seem to be quite useful when it is properly calibrated. At the moment it is hopelessly optimistic in the countryside: (1) I have put in my post code, GL7 3DL (gr 209995), and the predictor says that my best signal should come from Blundon (N Swindon) 11.3 km away. My SONY ICF-7600 cannot detect any Radio 3 fm signal
on 91.2 MHz but it gets a reasonable signal from Oxford on 91.7 MHz. (2) The predictor also says that I should get a good DAB signal; my indoor DAB radio does indeed get a signal but the quality is about the same as that I got from my crystal set in the 1950's. In practice, it would appear the much vaunted advantages of DAB radio are grossly exaggerated in the countryside.

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