Archive (2002-)
All posts by Louise Irvine
Below are all of Louise Irvine's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.Dave Lindsay. We're deffo receiving from Tealing, I checked with the guys who did the upgrade work. We've got a cheap powered indoor aerial, and we receive a fairly good signal, including HD channels from Tay Bridge on the TV that doesn't work on the communal system. Also, we were given the PSB's for Tealing to do a manual tune.
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Dave Lindsay. We've tried everything, working TV's in all sockets, which are fine, non-working TV in all which is not. Yes we have a splitter as the aerial cable enters the flat, supplying all 4 aerial sockets.
The guys have already been back, and according to them and their "spectrum analyser" (not sure what the technical term for the equip they use) there was nothing wrong with our system. Hubby had installed a masthead amp at the point of entry, but this was removed by the aerial engineers, saying it had been wrongly installed. If it had, we wouldn't have got a signal to any TV, besides he used to be a TV engineer.
I'm certain we've tried everything, including purchasing of a double sheilded co-axial cable, but so far nothing has worked.
The only thing that I can think of is that the tuner in one TV and the Youview is particularly sensitive, and therefore picking up interference from somewhere, whether its Tay Bridge or electrical cabling in the property.
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Wednesday 27 March 2013 11:25AM
Hi. My postcode is DD4 7JE. We used to receive our signal from Tay Bridge but we've just had our communal aerial upgraded to receive from Tealing transmitter. Since the upgrade, 2 of the 3 TV's work great, but one, and our Youview box have good signal strength (45 - 60%) but picture quality is around 10% at best, and unwatchable. As we are so close to Tay Bridge transmitter, less than 1 mile away, could this be causing the loss of picture quality?