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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Andrea green: Although I suspected that you might be using the Garelochhead transmitter (@ 0.5 miles away) I also thought it prudent to check your location relative to that of the transmitter due to the nature of the terrain around that area, hence for my request for the P/code involved.

However, as far as your problems are concerned, nothing as yet was seen reported as far as any fault conditions being in existence, nor are there any indications of work being carried out at the transmitter, which by the way is located between a gap in the trees on the right hand side (going uphill) of the Whistlefield Road behind the Feorlin Way estate.

I do of course realise you have said that your neighbours are also experiencing problems and which I assume have their own separate aerial? therefore if at all possible, I would suggest that you try to make a few enquiries further along the roadway on your right heading towards the main part of the town for purposes of finding out if any problems exist in that area, as its possible that the aforementioned trees are partially obstructing the signal path to the Faslane side of the Loch.

Should anything be reported I will make another posting to this effect.

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Andrea green: Yes, Michael is quite correct! as I have just spotted it as starting on the week commencing 25th albeit this fact not being mentioned on either the BBC's website nor the R/T investigation dept.

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Jef: With regards to your 12.53PM and slightly later 12.57PM posting, although I am unaware as to everything that has been suggested by Sky but though wondered what the result would be if you swapped the two LNB input connectors over? my reason for asking being that LNB1 is the main input and anything defective about that input will trigger the "no signal" message even although LNB2 input might be perfectly OK.

The other thing I did not see you mention is the result of carrying out a signal check, as although the "no signal" warning might well be seen indicated its not necessarily the case of no signal at all, as it could still be there but at a low level thats not high enough to resolve a picture.

If you refer to my 4.26PM posting (of 24th) where I am replying to Paul Parkinson, this posting seen above your own 12.53PM one made today, use this for reference regarding the the procedure to use for carrying out these various checks.

But with regards to the box in question changing channels on its own, although this strongly suggests a fault with the box what I would like you to try is that once you have selected a programme place the remote control out of sight of the TV in another room and leave it there for as long as necessary to verify that the control isn't faulty, as although this is not by any means a common problem its likewise not unheard of either.

The final thing being, if you have another box in the house then why don't you try swapping them over on a temporary basis, as this would save a multitude of checks having to be made if it was discovered that the problem also changed location.

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Adrian Bird: Waltham is listed in the engineering notices as being liable to suffer from interruptions to its service at any time during this week, and indeed as you may have seen on the posting above your own was off the air for 43 minutes yesterday.

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Andrew: Based on having knowledge of the Whitby area I would say that there is almost no chance of you receiving a signal from the Bilsdale transmitter anywhere around the Baxtergate level, as indeed neither can many locations somewhat higher up as you climb out of the valley and with any signal that might be received being totally erratic.

The other aspect that makes the situation worse is that Bilsdales PSB channels transmit on twice the power of the commercials, and the erratic reception I refer to is when on the PSB channels.

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Jef: Should you are referring to the two inputs from the dish then it should not matter what way they are replaced as both are technically identical, however if you have found that they only work one way then that indicates that there is a fault on one of them, the way to test which one being to select BBC on 101 (or it could be any channel) and if the picture is seen swap the two inputs over, if the picture is found to have vanished then that input is defective.

Further info dependant on whether or not this was found to have happened.

By the way, the copper core should only protrude about 3MM maximum from the front of the "F" connector as well as having been cut at a slight angle, the core siding into the socket much easier if its been snipped that way whereas not so if its been cut parallel.

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Paul: At 5 miles away from the transmitter and with only a minor obstruction being seen on the signal path (about 0.25 mls from you) is liable to suggest that some problem "might" exist with your aerial system albeit I do acknowledge the fact of you having said that its located in the loft.

As you haven't actually mentioned what the other channels are indicating, what you should do is go into the tuning menu / manual tune and enter Ch21 (ITV3 etc) but do NOT press search or scan, because on practically all devices with a manual tune facility after you have entered the channel number the level of the signal will be seen, make a note of whatever it is then carry out exactly the same procedure again but this time enter Ch27 (Film 4 etc), once again noting the level, then finally repeat as before but use Ch24 then compare this with the levels that's been seen across the other two commercial mux channels, and which by the way all radiate on 50Kw compared to the PSB's on 100Kw.

Its quite common for levels to change over the year through atmospheric reasons, but not with the magnitude such as you are reporting.

It might transpire that you will require to move your aerial about 12" or so either side of where its presently positioned, this done while leaving your TV on the manual tuning procedure as mentioned as its tuner acts like a signal meter when used that way, but further advice is dependant on the results of your test.

By the way, work was going on at Carradon Hill yesterday connected to DAB radio but not according to info the TV services.

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Adrian Bird: Unfortunately I am unable to make any retrospective checks as far as engineering information is concerned as its updated on a weekly basis, however as a person who also uses the Waltham transmitter (located West side of Stamford) I can say that reception from there has been problematic at times since about mid January, the channel that has recently been causing most problems being mux Ch56, however on checking about 10 minutes ago I see that its Ch57's turn today as far as it indicating erratic quality, mux Ch56 indicating stable.

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Friday 1 March 2013 3:59PM

Richard Baguley: The statement made in the latter part of your posting just about sums the situation up as even in the very latest boxes these sockets are still in effect ornaments, the sockets in question according to Sky being "reserved for future use".

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Friday 1 March 2013 4:33PM

Richard Baguley: As you most likely will have already realised I accidentally replied Gareth Lewis under your heading, please accept my apologies for this error.

However as far as your own question is concerned, if the situation has resolved itself then the fault you refer to was most likely caused by a very minor temporary glitch at the transmitter, things of that nature never really reported.

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