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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Single frequency interference
Monday 28 October 2013 9:31PM

Andy : Its certainly a bit of a puzzle as to why the problem was only affecting your Sony TV, although judging by that said in your latest report now suggests the reason for as being connected with technical aspects of your Sony TV's tuner, insomuch that if its RF input circuit is somewhat more wideband than that of the tuners used in your other equipment then this will result in it having a higher level of vulnerability to out of band interference, and when taking this possibility into account "if" any 4G testing was taking place from the mobile phone masts on top of the Manchester College Fielden Campus, which as well as being located at only a short distance away "is" extremely close to the signal path from the Winter Hill transmitter, then this could well be the reason for the Ch58 reception difficulty and why your newly acquired 4G filter has seemingly cured the problem.

As apart from that I cant think of any other reason.

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CBS Reality
Tuesday 29 October 2013 7:10AM

Margaret: This site is in no way connected with CBS Reality and only provides information on how to view it etc, however any comment you wish to make can be done via the feedback form as seen by opening the link.

CBS Reality - Sky 146 Virgin 148 Freesat 135

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Diagnostics - old version
Tuesday 29 October 2013 8:06PM

Peter davies: The latter said by MikeB (retune) will be required in the case of the Wharefdale, and should the manual not be to hand then you will find same on the bottom of the list accessed by opening the link.

By the way, DV3 is actually DVB and is not the model number, this being indicated on the rear mounted I.D plate or alternatively the underside of the chassis.

Freeview Retune - list of manuals | Digital switchover | - 11 years of independent, free digital TV advice

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Connecting it all up
Thursday 31 October 2013 6:03PM

Ron Chase: Coupling a device with a scart socket output into another that uses a VGA input can in some cases be somewhat problematic, however such as the converter lead as seen on the link "might" solve the problem, but though its advisable to read (and note) the qualification made by the advertiser in the product description on the use of this product.

SCART TO VGA 2 M SCART LEAD TO 15 PIN HD - For more: Electronics

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Thursday 31 October 2013 6:13PM

Andy: What you require is a "Freesat" twin tuner recorder (PVR) such as the Humax as seen on the link, although please note that this device in common with all twin tuner devices (e.g: Sky+ boxes) requires two input feeds from the dish.

Manager's specials - HUMAX UK Direct Sales Website

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Full technical details of Freeview
Friday 1 November 2013 12:44AM

Louis : Just a little point with regards to your test on 698Mhz, when you entered the frequency into your TV or boxes "manual" tune facility you should really have hesitated before pressing search or scan, as on most equipment if any signal is being received then no matter how low its strength or quality might be the level will appear on the relevant indicator bars immediately after having entered the channel frequency (or number) as the tuner is simply acting like a form of signal meter free of cut off thresholds, this only coming into play as soon as search or scan is pressed and is the reason why that some people might find that although a signal was being indicated on the signal bars prior to searching its subsequently discovered that nothing has been stored in the EPG list.

The reason for pointing this out being, that "if" any reception from Waltham is possible then it will be suffering from a high level of attenuation due to the fact that its being received on an aerial that's only 17 degrees away from its (or any!) aerials null spot of 90 degrees from the incoming signal, plus the other aspect being that the signal is being received via the aerials rear pick up and which also adds to the attenuation referred to.

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Diagnostics - old version
Friday 1 November 2013 5:14PM

Ron Keesing: If your second TV facility has just gone off and you are referring to both the "analogue" picture on the second TV as well as the red light on the magic eye then have you checked that the cable linking the Sky box to the second TV is still connected into the boxes RF2 outlet socket? as although magic eyes can fail its most uncommon for a failure to occur in an RF modulator.

If though both light and picture have failed then you should carry out a check by temporarily connecting the second TV along with the magic eye directly into the Sky boxes RF2 thereby cutting out any possibility of the cabling being faulty.

Should the situation still be the same then that is inclined to indicate that the box has developed a fault, as although Sky has discontinued fitting "internal" RF modulators in their latest boxes the facility still exists but via an "external" RF modulator connected into the boxes IO port, however nothing has been altered as far as existing boxes are concerned.

Further info dependant on results.

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Connecting it all up
Friday 1 November 2013 6:26PM

Ron Chase : Re: suggestion from Ian from notts regarding the possible use of composite video RCA type A/V sockets, although its to my belief that most models are not fitted with these type of connectors however they "are" fitted with a "S" video output socket, and so dependant on the model of BT vision box you are using you may have the choice of using an "S" video to VGA adaptor such as shown in the link, or possibly (monitor dependant) a simple A/V coupling.

AV RCA Composite S-video Input to VGA Output Monitor Converter Adapter CCTV DVD | eBay

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C42 (642.0MHz) after switchover
Friday 1 November 2013 8:00PM

Pete B: As the difference between channels working and not can in real terms involve relatively small changes in signal strength, then in cases such as yours the quickest way to determine the cause of a problem is to make one or two enquiries with a neighbour for the purpose of finding out if they are being similarly affected, because dependant on the outcome this will either reveal a defect in your aerial system or alternatively indicate that the problem is outwith your control.

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Friday 1 November 2013 9:35PM

Jim danielsen: Does the problem vanish by removing the TV's aerial input lead? and is anything else connected into the TV apart from the Sky box?

Another point being, is the Sky box connected into the TV via an HDMI cable or alternatively a scart lead? because if the former remove one end and make a one turn coil in the cable before reconnecting it again, if the problem is still visible then grasp the coil tightly in your hand and see if this changes anything.

If though you are using a scart coupling then try reversing the cable, i.e: TV end swapped over to the box end and vice versa.

The other point I wondered about is whether or not you are connected into a communal dish / aerial system, because strange problems can sometimes crop up in the multi switch distribution amplifier systems used for this purpose.

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