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Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Dell : In addition to that said, I noticed that the starting date for COM 7 is indicated on this site as being May 2014, and so DUK's starting date "might" possibly be an update.

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Full technical details of Freeview
Thursday 20 March 2014 9:02PM

John Barnes: You can find out the information required by clicking on "J's Digital UK tradeview" (second bottom) seen in the choices on the right hand side of your posting, or alternatively by opening the undermentioned link.

Coverage Checker - Detailed View

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Craigkelly (Fife, Scotland) transmitter
Saturday 22 March 2014 2:28PM

charles carrington: In addition to that said, when making queries of this nature its always advisable to provide a location in the form of a post code or alternatively one from nearby such as a shop / Post Office, as although this particular mux is indeed directional the cut off areas shown on a radiation pattern chart for such a transmitter are seldom ever of a sharp precise nature, meaning that in certain instances reception within the cut off area's of each "side leg" (NOT rear) of the coverage area shown is possible by anyone located at relatively short distances from the transmitter, which in the case of Kirkcaldy could be as little as 3 miles.

However, although you have said that a "no signal" message was seen this does not necessarily always mean that no signal whatsoever exists, but possibly one that's just under the reception threshold for your receiver to produce a picture, therefore when you entered C30 into your "manual" tuning menu you should try it again but do NOT follow entering the number by pressing search or scan, because if any signal is evident then no matter how weak it might be it will show on the strength / quality bars.

My reason for mentioning this is that a couple of test codes around the Hunter Street area of Kirkcaldy (@ 4 miles / bearing 226°) indicated good reception of LEH, and with reception still being indicated as possible at 7.8 miles near to Coaltown of Wemyss, albeit this under the status of being variable.

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Chris: Its really a case of whether or not the repositioned aerial has been aligned facing in "exactly" the same direction and mounting polarity as before? as what you have reported is inclined to suggest that it hasn't been, or alternatively that you are located in an area where the signal level received from the transmitter can vary over a few feet or so, something that's not exactly uncommon in certain areas.

A couple of "Mumbles" SA3 test codes tried out (5AS / 4DH) indicated that your reception could be (as mentioned) from the Wenvoe (horizontal polarity) transmitter @ approx 31 miles or alternatively the Kilvey Hill (vertical polarity) transmitter @ approx 4 miles, signal levels from both being good dependant on your exact location.

However, more precise information can only really be supplied with knowledge of the post code applicable to the premises being referred to, or alternatively one from somewhere nearby such as a shop / post office.

By the way, and aerial such as a DAT45 "has" to be precisely aligned to avoid the possibility of erratic reception quality being experienced due to the narrow pick up acceptance angle of this type of aerial, Log periodic's being superior in areas where minor fluctuations in the angle the signal is being received at is liable to occur.

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Ian Edge : "Hear, hear", well said!, although as far as Richard E's accusation of left wing bias in the BBC is concerned, I feel that in many instances its inclined to err in exactly the opposite direction, that is judging by the amount of air time that's given to views being expressed by some right winger relative to that from someone on the opposite side of the fence.

Of course it could just be that the right winger just seemed to be going on for longer!!

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MikeB: Re: BBC and allegation of left wing bias, I would say that the various examples given in the second / third paragraphs of your posting just about sums the situation up perfectly, insomuch that it's total nonsense!

I also found your references / links to other articles on a similar theme most interesting!

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Gillf: If you are not receiving any signal whatsoever then the problem is liable to be caused by something associated with your installation, however Walthams PSB3 / HD service on C58 as well as COM5 / C56 has been problematic throughout the entire day.

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Diagnostics - old version
Sunday 30 March 2014 8:17PM

Alan Sleigh: Apart from requesting assistance from your local dish installer, or alternatively purchasing one of those cheap / simple sat finder meters, then about the only option you have is to leave the Freesat box on say BBC1, then with the TV temporarily positioned where it can be viewed from the dish "slowly" press lightly on each end of the dish (in turn) whilst carefully observing for any signs of the "no signal" warning breaking up and an image reappearing, because if the dish has been blown or knocked slightly out of alignment its nearly always in the horizontal (right to left) plane.

At least that is in the case of a dish mounted on a brick wall, yours not being possibly bringing the vertical aspect of an alignment problem into the equation.

That said is on the assumption that you have "not" tried to retune the box? because if you have then its best to carry out a another retune with the box connected to someone else's dish to recover the channels.

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Monday 31 March 2014 9:00AM

john: Yes! it certainly is on COM7 / C31 (554.00Mhz), although you will have to carry out a rescan to receive it, or alternatively a manual tune on C31.

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Idris Martin: You cannot use channels 22 / 25 or 28 for the purpose of determining the origin of the signal you are receiving because as Dave Lindsay has said these channel numbers are common to both Rowridge and Stockland Hill, although as DL has also mentioned some receivers indicate network / region names on a signal strength test.

Therefore the only way of finding out the info required is by carrying out a signal strength test on your BBC and ITV channels, Rowridges BBC-C24 / ITV -C27, Stockland Hills BBC-C26 / ITV - C23.

As far as aerial direction is concerned, should your aerial be facing Rowridge then Stockland Hill will be picked up on approximately (as its roughly 30° out) on the reverse of the aerial, and of course vice-versa, but in non line-of-sight situations such as yours signals can sometimes be picked up at different angles to that expected due to reflections from hills etc.

By the way, Rowridge is located @ 47miles / 85°, and with Stockland @ 31miles / 294°, your reception predictions not being particularly good from either station.

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