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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Craigkelly (Fife, Scotland) transmitter
Friday 18 January 2013 9:49PM

Rowland Nicholson: Referring to the Humax box, select BBC1 and carry out a signal condition check, as along with the signal strength / quality being indicated the mux channel associated with the indications will also be seen and if its from Craigkelly it should be Ch27.

You should also carry out this check on the remaining muxes which should come up with the following "if" all are being received from Craigkelly.

ITV (Ch24) / HD service (Ch21) / ITV3 (42) / Pick TV (Ch45 / Film 4 (Ch39)

The other point is, that you would be much better to use a powered splitter to feed the signals to each device, as this guarantees that each device will be getting the exactly the same level of signal as well as what they are getting being slightly boosted.

By the way, you are indicated as being at 18 miles away from the transmitter.

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Jeanette Betts: Yes!! Microwave band signals such as used by Freesat or Sky can get completely blocked by even the slightest amount of snow sitting on the surface of the dishes LNB as the signals from the dish bowl are focussed on this spot, the proof of this being, that should the dish be within reach then once that the signals are OK again try draping a wet dish cloth across the aforementioned LNB surface and check the results, as no doubt you will find that the signal has vanished.

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Mr R J Williams: Not 100% completely as nothing really is! but far in a way more reliable than digital terrestrial reception for many people who reside in iffy reception areas within the UK, many who every year suffer from severe reception problems caused though atmospheric conditions that enable distant stations to be picked up that use the same channel numbers as more local ones, and with this resulting in the latter being partially wiped out.

This of course just to name but one of the numerous problems that can be experienced as there are plenty! and with many being non-rectifiable at the receiving end.

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Freesat reception - all about dishes | Free satellite - general
Saturday 19 January 2013 4:59PM

Spike: As far as the post code is concerned some later issue post codes are not recognised by some PVR's, if of course this situation should apply in your particular case, but try entering PE6 7XZ as this is a test code I use to enable Anglia news (West) to be the default region in areas where a persons post code results in them receiving East Midlands news.

On the subject of "unable to find a satellite signal" try swapping the two LNB inputs over on the rear of your PVR and see if this alters the message, giving an update on the result.

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joan marsh: Its basically because that your local (less than 1 mile) Clacton station is a PSB only transmitter and does not transmit the commercial channels used by the programmes mentioned.

However, if you cancel your Sky package you will still be able to watch these programmes on your Sky box because a card is not required to be able to view them, you can verify this by removing your Sky card whilst on one of these programmes.

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Feedback | Feedback
Saturday 19 January 2013 5:40PM

Teresa Slip: Referring to one of your standard Sky boxes, press "services" then 4 - 6 and see what the levels are being indicated as being, as both strength and quality have to be showing at around 55% (equiv of) to resolve a picture, if under then its either that there is still some form of deposit on the surface of the LNB, or alternatively that ether it or the dish has been moved slightly by accident during the snow clearing operation.

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a.coudray: If anyone has tried to either reset or rescan the box after no signal was first discovered then this will have to be repeated, but irrespective of whether it had been or not ask whoever to switch the box off completely from the mains supply, then after about 30 seconds or so switch it back on again and allow it to go through the searching for listings procedure.

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Bob: The amount of movement that's necessary to kill off a signal is absolutely minute and would not be noticed by the human eye, and judging by what you have said its almost guaranteed that the dish is slightly out of alignment.

If you are using a standard Sky box then press "services" then 4 - 6 and see if anything is being indicated, if it is then both the strength and quality have to be at the minimum equivalent of 55% or so to resolve a picture, if it isnt, or there is nothing at all being indicated in the bars then leave it on that screen and try moving the pole a fraction at at time checking after every move, the key to success with this type of operation being to move slowly as some older boxes have a slight lag in responding.

By the way the screen will likely revert to the no signal warning after a few minutes so just put it back on the check screen, and with regards to code 25 or 29 they basically just mean the same thing, i.e: no signal.

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Mary patrick: As its only the BBC channels that you have lost then before attempting anything I would first of all check with a neighbour to see if they are also experiencing a similar problem, as although no transmission faults have been reported as yet you cannot always go by this.

If though the neighbours report all is OK with them then you should take the aerial out of the TV and carry out an auto tune without it, of course nothing will be picked up as all you are doing is blanking out the TV's memory store, but once the auto-tune has completed re-connect the aerial and carry out a second auto-tune to restore the channels, giving an update on results.

Further info supplied as appropriate.

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marian: This means that the input thats presently used on the boxes LNB2 input is defective, and although it could be caused by a short circuit inside the "F" connector at either end of the cable the chances are that its most likely being caused by water having entered the "F" connector plug at the dish end.

The connector should be unscrewed from the dishes LNB and then further unscrewed from the coax for purposes of inspection / drying out with a tissue, then once done smear some Vaseline on the inside of the "F" connectors barrel and screw it back onto the coax, but before doing so ensuring that all strands of the braiding are pulled back over the coax outer cover.

Finally screw the "F" connector back onto the LNB port.

All said of course on the assumption that you are referring to either a Sky or Freesat box?

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