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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

minn: Try temporarily swapping the upstairs box over with the one in the living room (or vice versa) and that will instantly let you know if the box is faulty or not.

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ald beagle: I didnt actually mean you to try swapping with your neighbours box, but just if they would let you try "your box on their dish" for purposes of finding out if your box would search for and find listings.

Of course if you borrowed your neighbours box you would only require to take the box with the remote but minus any leads, as your mains connector is the same as theirs and you already have a scart link going to your TV, as far as the dish feed is concerned you would only use their boxes LNB1 input as the LNB2 input is basically for recording purposes, you might though get a false no signal warning but just ignore as its only the signal checking screen you wish to access using the procedure previously mentioned.

If though you just take your box into your neighbours it would only really involve taking the box along with its mains connection and scart lead (plus remote) into your neighbours, then after placing your neighbours box in standby unscrewing their boxes LNB1 (and only 1) input connector and coupling it into your box, then connecting your boxes scart lead into their TV's scart input socket which of course might not be used, as by their box being an HD type it will only be connected into their TV using an HDMI lead.

The only thing remaining that you "might" have to do is select AV1 input via the "input select" button their TV's remote control, although if you have correctly left your box switched off whilst connecting everything up, then after switching the box on and allowing about 15 seconds for it to stabilise as soon as you press Sky on your boxes remote the TV should switch over to it, if it doesn't then press TV on your remote followed by pressing Sky again.

There is absolutely no danger of damaging anything on your neighbours TV if you follow these instructions, if anything is unclear dont hesitate to ask for clarification.

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Anna: If you are meaning that it only works on one of the feeds, then that can either mean that the LNB port on that feed is defective or that water has possibly entered the "F" connector on the dish end of that feed thats connected to the LNB.

But though as you have mentioned about bending the inner core where it protrudes from the end of the connector that could suggest that the engineer who installed the dish has not cut the protruding end of the coax properly, as it should protrude about 3mm from the end of the connector and with it preferably having been cut at an angle and not straight across.

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dawn: If its a really old dish then its very likely only to be fitted with a single output LNB and Sky+ requires twin outputs, and so this would require changing to a quad type (dual types outdated) and with a second cable being run from the dish to wherever the box is located.

It should also be appreciated that a subscription (£10.00 per month) is required to enable a Sky+ boxes recording / playback facilities to operate, otherwise the box will just perform as a standard (non-recording) type.

By the way the dish does not get changed, its only the LNB on the end of the arm that the coax goes into.

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James: There are ways of getting around conservation area problems where satellite dishes are concerned if a residents garden has any positions where its possible to obtain an unobstructed view of the S/SE Skyline whilst preferably (but not essentially!) not being visible to a passing roadway.

Should a spot be found in their garden that meets the positioning requirements then there is absolutely nothing to stop them using a portable satellite reception dish kit of the type used by most caravanners, as the dish is mounted on a small tripod and with its total height being only about 4 feet or so above ground level, the dish being simplicity to align compared to a normal wall mounted type as its LNB is fitted with coloured alignment LED's which eliminates the necessity to use a meter, a friend of mine in the next village which is also a conservation area having used one of these kits for nearly two years now without so much as a whisper from anyone in authority or otherwise, as its not actually classed as an installation by it being a completely free standing structure of a portable nature.

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Winter Hill (Bolton, England) transmitter
Wednesday 13 February 2013 11:35PM

anthony: A Humax tuner is slightly more sensitive to that of a Sony, although in cases where low level signal levels are involved all devices being used should have their own individual feed from a powered splitter, as thats the only way to guarantee that each device receives exactly the same signal level.

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Wednesday 13 February 2013 11:40PM

David Higham: No! as Sky will disable the recording / playback side of the box around the same time as your ability to view Sky's dedicated to a package channels.

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Thursday 14 February 2013 12:06AM

ian from notts: Not necessarily, as a non subscription Sky viewing card is not box dedicated and can be interchanged between boxes, as its purpose is to enable the viewer to obtain the correct regional news services for the area they live in as well as satisfying decoding requirements, as some regional ITV areas although being free channels are encrypted.

Box dedicated cards are used more for Sky+ and Sky+ HD purposes where subscriptions as well as recording facilities are involved, or to be able to view programmes dedicated to a Sky package.

Ch5 HD though does have slight question mark hanging over it, as I have noticed a couple of contradictory statements having been made by Sky, something which I hope to receive clarification on from a in-house contact I have there.

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Paul: Pardon me if I am wrong, but isn't the advice given just an abbreviated version of "exactly" what I have already advised Roy Mercer as being the best policy to take three days ago?

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Winter Hill (Bolton, England) transmitter
Friday 15 February 2013 5:49PM

anthony: Re: your signal readings on the Humax, considering that you would appear to be located at approximately 18 miles away from Winter Hill I think that its quite an achievement for you to receive the MEN 1Kw transmitter with the indications that you do, DDD being a couple of miles further away from the TX at 20 miles.

Problems with reception at these sort of distances from a low powered transmitter is almost inevitable, and if prior to your present difficulty you had been receiving a reasonably workable signal then in my opinion its purely through good fortune, albeit that the terrain indicator does not indicate any obstructions to the signal, at least as far as natural ones are concerned as these type of indicators take no account of trees or man made structures.

That said, just out of interest what results do you get signal wise on the Humax if you reverse the Sony / Humax connections? i.e: the Sony being before the Tandy distribution amp and the Humax after it.

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