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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Dan B: What you have described "is" the standard set up for feeding the Sky boxes "analogue" RF modulator to other TV's in a house, that is provided the TV's are set on analogue if dual standard DVB (Freeview) and analogue types.

All you require to do is carry out an "analogue" auto tune on each of the bedroom TV's to receive the Sky boxes modulator output, not forgetting to store the result or the channel number will be lost when you switch the set off.

As you have not mentioned it its therefore assumed that no remotely positioned channel changing magic eyes are involved?

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Rowridge (Isle Of Wight, England) transmitter
Tuesday 19 February 2013 9:25PM

Roy Barton: With regards to the test you have carried out, although I do not wish to appear as a prophet of doom but I can tell you if the quality of the signal regularly takes a dive in the evenings then this is NOT the type of problem that's easily rectified as it indicates that the signal received is dependant on a level of atmospheric reflection.

That said, its absolutely essential that you alter the polarity of your aerial as a proper assessment of the situation cannot be made unless this is carried out, because the atmospheric induced aspect might not be so evident if the aerial is orientated to suit the higher powered signal from Rowridge.

By the way, the bursts of quality that you get now and again is caused by the main beam of the signal being reflected off some distant moving object that happens to be passing at precisely the correct angle, such as a high flying plane or a large aluminium sided vehicle like a furniture removal van or similar, its something that happens all of the time but mainly goes unnoticed.

If altering the polarity of the aerial results in a better level of reception then I would take the advice given in Jamie's 4.13pm posting concerning the aerial being tried in different positions to the left and right of where presently installed, as this is a something I "always" advocate myself as in many cases its far more effective than increasing the height which in many cases can actually make things worse.

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langton: Its impossible for anyone to give advice on this without having knowledge of your location, this in the form of a post code or one from nearby such as a shop etc, as this will then enable the reception predictor to be accessed which also gives details of the transmitter involved.

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Edster: If your Freesat box has a non-Freesat tuning mode then yes, as a Freesat box is just basically a free to air box with additional software to cater for Freesat.

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kevin: To answer both queries, the fist being that it depends entirely on the terms of your contract, insomuch that if its been running for under a year then a possible yes, whereas after that period you will be charged for any visits / work carried out.

With regards to Sky+, when you cancel your subscription Sky will disable that side of your box at around the same time as you lose your ability to view Sky package channels.

As far as Irish channels are concerned, any Irish channels dedicated to your package will be lost, but as far as the others are concerned you can find out what (if any) you will be able to view by just removing your card and checking the EPG listings, however do NOT disconnect your box from the power supply after having removed the card or you will find that its reverted back to being a UK box after it has been plugged in again.

If though you wish to return to the Irish channels EPG just reinsert the card and it "might" (dependant on box) return to being an Irish box after about 20 secs or so, if it doesn't just "leave the card in the box" and go though the disconnecting from the mains and waiting 30 secs or so before reconnecting again procedure.

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Rowridge (Isle Of Wight, England) transmitter
Wednesday 20 February 2013 9:34PM

Roy Barton: I find your reports on observations made regarding signal levels / quality of and the results of subsequent tests carried out to be very informative as they are inclined to indicate that you reside in an area where the all year round reception of Rowridge with an aerial in one fixed position "might" not be possible, although only time would tell on that one.

With regards to what Dave Lindsay has mentioned regarding the possibility of water etc having entered you aerial terminations, although admittedly this is capable of causing the type of problem you are experiencing but NOT if you have noticed a reasonably consistent time factor involved when the quality dives, as this is atmospheric involvement.

However your test using only the dipole section from the aerial rather indicates that anything of a high gain (and highly directive nature) is not the type of thing to use, not of course that I would recommend these type of aerials anyway in situations such as yours, but does suggest that a log aerial such as even a DM log carefully positioned would most probably give excellent results, log aerials being relatively easy to position and with the one mentioned only being 2' 9" long and a maximum of 14" wide on the rear element, this corresponding to the lowest channel.

By the way, Doug Cheney's 4.45pm posting regarding his satisfaction with the log that was installed in his property, Doug is roughly at the same distance from Rowridge as yourself but on a bearing of 107 degrees whereas you are on 114 degrees.

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Heidi: It is absolutely impossible for anyone on this site to give advice on your problem when you have not indicated your location, this in the form of a post code or one from a nearby shop etc, as only then can the reception predictor be accessed and which also gives details of the transmitter(s) that covers your area.

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Rowridge (Isle Of Wight, England) transmitter
Thursday 21 February 2013 12:17AM

Roy Barton: Although what KMJ has said regarding Stockland Hill (@ 50 miles / 267 degrees) is always a possibility albeit in my opinion somewhat remotely, however I had already discounted that possibility purely because this stations commercial channels are not indicated as being receivable at your location, and should by any chance they were they would be received at 27 degrees out from being a reverse pick up on your aerial, plus the other aspect of Stocklands Ch28 transmitting @ 25 Kw with a negative offset, but though one never knows!!

The other point I had previously meant to mention being, that everything said is assumed that you are actually aware that the commercial channels from Rowridge are indicated as only being able to provide a variable level of reception in your area even although radiating with an ERP of 200Kw, and although any predictions given have always to be taken with the proverbial pinch of salt what you have reported from observations made does somewhat fit in with the predictions given.

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Showcase TV
Thursday 21 February 2013 7:38AM

Alison Vaughan: If all the other Freesat channels appear to be OK then try resetting your Freesat TV or box but entering a post code of PE6 7XZ and check if showcase has returned, giving an update on the result.

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George: Basically no! as a Sky+ box can only record programmes listed in the EPG and any channels added via the "add channels" facility wont be even although you can view them.

The only thing that "might" work (no guarantee's though) is to revert your box back into being an UK version, this done by removing the card followed by disconnecting the box from the mains supply and waiting 30 seconds or so before reconnecting it again, because after it has rebooted again it will be found to have defaulted back into being a UK version and where Ch5 etc will be seen in the EPG listings.

This being where there is an element of hit and miss involved as Sky boxes do not all respond in exactly the same fashion, but slide your viewing card back in again and then observe if the UK EPG has changed, because if not (which is what you want) then you can just select the Ch5 programme that you want to record, but on the other hand if the EPG has altered when you reinserted the viewing card then I am afraid that you will not be able to record Ch5, because the card "has" to be inserted or the recording side of the box will not operate.

To return the box back into being an Irish version make sure that the card is still inserted and carry out the mains disconnecting / then reconnecting procedure again.

Of course all said on the assumption that you are using an Irish viewing card in the box?

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