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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

david: When you refer to having carried out various types of scans does this also include "reinstall all services" accessed from the service set up menu?

It would also have been assistance if you had provided a post code or at least one from somewhere nearby e.g: a post office or shop, plus maybe you could indicate the actual model number of the Philips TV in question.

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Winter Hill (Bolton, England) transmitter
Wednesday 17 April 2013 7:43AM

CHRIS: If not already having done so you should carry out a "factory reset" on your TV's before carrying out an auto-tune, this also being called "default setting" or "first time installation" dependant on the brand of TV involved, because at just under 7 miles from a 100Kw station and with an "apparently" clear line of sight (excl man made objects) from the transmitter you should not be having any problems.

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DAVE: Dave Lindsay is referring to the memory capacity of the boxes "tuner" irrespective of what its used in, and which brand dependant can vary in the maximum number of channels they are capable storing, and if the maximum is exceeded because of more channels having been picked up than the memory can hold they are only retained so long as the device is kept powered, because once not by being switched off they will just drop out.

Excessive channels being picked up is usually caused by more than station having been picked up or multiple scans having been carried out without the equipment having been "factory reset" between each, this also called "default setting" / "first time installation" or "reinstall all services" on some Phillips devices.

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natalie: As your box is not responding to the remote control then try changing the batteries, or if none to hand remove the back cover and use your thumb to rotate each battery a couple of times as this cleans the contacts at each end of the battery.

If neither action resolves the issue then disconnect the box from the mains and wait about 30 seconds or so before reconnecting it again and take it from there.

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Connecting it all up | Installing
Wednesday 17 April 2013 3:34PM

Ray123: The TV only requires one input because its not capable of recording, any satellite (and only satellite) device that enables you to record one channel whilst viewing another is always fitted with twin tuners hence the requirement for two inputs.

By the way the LNB2 input on a Sky box is mainly used for recording purposes, normal viewing being via the LNB1 input.

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Griffojack: Queries involving reception problems have to be accompanied by a post code or at least one from somewhere nearby, e.g: a shop or post office, as knowledge of same enables anyone offering advice access to info on the details of transmitter covering the area.

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Griffojack: The main reason for the post code is that although Winter Hill (@ 26 miles) does cover Merseyside another transmitter called Storeton (@ 3 miles) also covers part of the area, this being why a more precise location is required to help determine which transmitter is involved.

However as Winter Hill would appear to offer the best signal where you are located you should try manually tuning in the missing mux channel used by RT / Film 4 / Yesterday etc which is Ch55.

If this draws a blank then go into the manual tuning menu enter Ch29 and try a scan on that channel, this being Storetons equivalent of Winter Hills Ch55, if though neither results in success then carry out a signal strength test on both channels, this achieved by once again entering the manual tune facility and entering Ch55 but NOT followed by pressing search or scan, because if a signal is being received it should be indicated as soon as you entered the mux channel into the box, note whatever it is then carry out the same check again but on Ch29, once again noting the result and giving an update of same.

By the way, are you on a communal aerial system?

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Diagnostics - old version
Wednesday 17 April 2013 8:26PM

Angela Gibson: Were any of the following included in the retuning suggestions you had referred to?, "factory reset" / "default setting" / "first time installation" or "reinstall all services", because if not then go into in your TV or boxes set up menu and should one of the listed be seen try it.

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Loft aerials | Installing
Thursday 18 April 2013 9:40AM

sarah: By being located at just over 8 miles away from Sandy I don't really think that you have anything whatsoever to worry about by moving the aerial into the loft, that is so long as its not sited close to any control equipment that "may" have been installed associated with the panels which can cause intermittent glitches on the picture.

But though, you would be much better purchasing a log periodic type aerial and fitting that in the loft, these being much easier to position by having an overall length of only 3' 6" / 14" wide, an example of the type referred to in the link.

Online TV FM DAB Aerial sales

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Griffojack: The strength / quality being indicated on Ch55 should have been high enough to resolve a picture, although its entirely dependant on the equipment you are using as some devices require a higher quality level.

What you should try is to wipe out anything already stored on your TV / box by carrying out a "factory reset", this on some devices being referred to as "default setting" - "first time installation" or "reinstall all services" and once completed try manually tuning in Ch55 and storing any results, then go back into the EPG programme guide and check if RT or anything is seen listed, if so press on a programme just to ensure that it does actually resolve a picture and not just the case that its being indicated.

If though a picture is seen, then if your equipment has an "update channels" or "add channels" facility then you should select that to fill in the missing muxes, otherwise you will have to manually tune them in one at a time.

Winter Hills mux channels being: 50 (BBC) - 59 (ITV1) - 54 (HD) - 58 (SDN - ITV3 etc) - 49 (ArqA - Pick TV etc) - 55 (Film 4 etc) + of course RT with Max Keiser (and Stacy) a programme I also view when I can.

I will say though that on the subject of quality, about the only thing that anyone can do that stands a chance of increasing the quality level is by moving the aerial to a slightly different mounting position, as sometimes even a movement of only about 12" or so to the right or left of its present position can result in a considerable increase being seen, however I fully appreciate that this isn't an easy thing to arrange except by those who use loft aerials.

By the way, if RT etc is capable of being viewed but is suffering from glitches etc, then it would be worth trying to borrow a booster (min 6db but preferably more) from someone and trying a test with that fitting in line, because even although boosters do not generally help in cases of a low quality signal, they can however still give an improvement by lifting the signal strength and which in turn can (in some instances) reflect on the level the quality is sitting at, albeit the quality will still suffer from fluctuation if this was previously evident.

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