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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Craigkelly (Fife, Scotland) transmitter
Monday 4 November 2013 8:21PM

John Robinson: Please be aware that work is being carried out this week at Craigkelly and with a "liable to interruption" notice having been posted on the engineering page to this effect.

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Craigkelly (Fife, Scotland) transmitter
Tuesday 5 November 2013 12:03AM

ac: Are you sure that your Samsung is capable of receiving HD channels? because if its an HD ready type then it will "not" be fitted with a DVB-T2 tuner which is a necessary requirement for HD reception, hence the TV will display a "no signal" warning if any attempt is made to scan an HD channel such as Craigkelly's mux Ch21.

If you are unsure as to whether or not your TV is capable of HD reception, then if you supply the model number of the device in question this can be checked out.

That said though, if the signal you are receiving from Craigkelly is a tad on the high side then it might possible block the reception of Craigkellys Ch21, Samsung HD tuners being quite sensitive devices and as such are easily overloaded.

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Craigkelly (Fife, Scotland) transmitter
Tuesday 5 November 2013 12:40AM

ac: Just spotted your earlier posting! and in which you have given the model number of the Samsung in question, however on checking the spec of this model on Samsung's website it would appear that although this set is capable of HD reception this facility is only available on Freesat and not Freeview, the spec being listed as : DVB-T / C / S2.

I will of course double check this tomorrow, but the spec mentioned does tally up with your inability to receive anything on Ch21.

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Craigkelly (Fife, Scotland) transmitter
Tuesday 5 November 2013 7:48PM

MikeB: Yes, and you are of course quite correct! as although I was just stating that seen on Samsungs website I did wonder about why a sophisticated high end device such as the F6800 would not have a Freeview HD facility hence my reason for saying that I will double check on that said.

By the way, the undermentioned is a link to the Samsung website referred to, the info supplied by Samsung under "System" either being incorrect or alternatively applying to a European model, because as you may well be fully aware of when dealing with Samsung literature its sometimes difficult to know what they are referring to without carrying out some detective work.

46-inch F6800 Series 6 Smart 3D 400 CMR Full HD (1080p) LED TV - Samsung UK - TECH SPECS

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Heyder: Provided that you definitely covered the front of the Sky box with the suggested thick towel to prevent the boxes I.R pick up sensor from overriding the magic eye and that you used the kitchen TV's Sky remote control for the test, then that eliminates those items as being responsible including the eyes decoding circuitry in the Sky box.

Another test I would like you to try is leave the magic installed in the kitchen as normal but do "not" connect the output from the eye into the LG TV and see what happens, as the "output" from the eye does not require to be connected into anything in the second location for it to be able change channels on a Sky box located elsewhere.

By the way, has the eye been working OK since the new booster box was fitted? and does the link from the boxes RF2 go through the new booster box before being fed into the kitchen? the only reason for asking is that eye systems are sensitive to long cable runs.

Further info dependant on reply.

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jeri: On the assumption that you are referring to a satellite system (Sky) then carry out a signal strength check, as most problems such as those mentioned are caused by the dish being slightly out of alignment or alternatively by water having entered the "F" connector on the dishes LNB.

If you are using a standard Sky box then press : services - 4 - 6 and with the strength / quality of anything being indicated having to be around the 50+ minimum and with the quality preferably being higher than the strength.

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jeri : You should not really have attempted that procedure when you were aware that you we experiencing iffy reception, try disconnecting the box from the mains supply for about a minute or so before reconnecting it again, then once it starts to respond to the remote control allow it to go through the usual searching for listings procedure.

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Tuesday 5 November 2013 9:02PM

Debbie: If the Freeview signal to the upstairs TV's is being fed from the aerial through the Sky boxes "aerial in - RF2 out facility then onto whatever method you use to split the signal between the bedrooms? then a simple booster being inserted between the aerial and the Sky boxes "aerial in" socket would possibly improve the situation.

However, could you confirm (or not) if the method described would relate to your set up? or if not then please clarify.

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jeri: Well, you have unfortunately land up in a situation whereby the only option you have left is to carry out the "update software" procedure again but whilst your box is connected into a dish feed that's known to be OK, although even that might not correct the problem "if" you have corrupted the software.

By the way, is the box in question a standard Sky box or one of the later + types?

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Georgina Rees: This type of problem is frequently caused by either the dish having been moved (blown or knocked) out of alignment or alternatively by water having entered the boxes "F" connector where its connected into the dish.

Should the latter apply then this can be checked by swapping the boxes LNB1 & LNB2 inputs over, if though the situation remains the same then this is inclined to point to a possible dish alignment problem, as even although a "no signal" message may have appeared its not necessarily the case that nothing is being received, as signals under a certain level will trigger this message.

You should carry out a signal check using the following procedure:

Press "Services" on your Sky remote control and you will see the main menu with "Options" being highlighted.

2:- Select the "Settings" menu using the right arrow button and press select.

3:- Use the left / right arrows to scroll to "Signal" and press select, the grey bars displayed will show you the strength of the signal being received, if any! should though anything be indicated then the strength / quality levels of that seen have to be around 50% minimum to produce a picture, this especially so where the quality is concerned which should never be lower than the strength.

By the way error 25 (sometimes 29) and not receiving a signal means exactly the same thing.

Further info dependant on reply, although if all the aforementioned fails then you could try placing the box in standby for 30 secs or so before disconnecting it from the mains, this then followed by reconnecting it again after a further 30 seconds and going through the installation procedure.

In cases like this its always much easier to verify if the dish is OK or not by trying another box on the dish, if a standard box then try each of the two input leads one at a time.

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