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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Kentman: Well said!! and exactly my own point of view on this subject.

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Sunday 23 October 2011 3:44PM

Tina: Haven't you tried it yet with another DVD? that is of the non-recorded variety, as some DVD's that have been burnt on DVD recorders (or a PC writer) can fail after a short while, bought DVD's being much more reliable if scratch free and are likewise better for using as test discs.

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David Wall: Well the difference is basically due to the coverage area involved Vs the homes that exist between the two areas you mentioned, with Sutton Coldfield serving approximately 1.870.000 homes, whereas with Angus its only 130.000, the purely commercial interests that use these Mux's not being willing to pay the substantially higher running costs of operating a high powered multiplex due to the much lower level of estimated return that's liable to be made.

(i.e: Unlike the BBC etc aimed at providing a public service, these Mux's are purely a business venture) 

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LEE: Basically no! as these other multiplexes would purely be used by commercial interests, and the area covered by this transmitter Vs the homes involved doesn't appear as an attractive proposition to the business types that would be paying the running costs.

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alana: No! as a Freeview box requires to use a normal aerial, but a Freesat (the emphasis being on "Sat") box could be used with the dish, that is assuming that when it was previously used for Sky? it hasn't been moved any out of alignment.

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KMJ,Derby: Sorry KMJ clashed again, although it must have been within seconds!

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shell: CBeebies is on the same multiplex as BBC1/2 etc, so if you can view these programmes then there is no reason for not being able to view CBeebies, unless the data gathered during a previous re-scan is corrupted.

You have to carry out a "first time" re-tune, this can also be called dependant on box, a "factory reset" or "default setting", and is the only way to purge the box (or TV) of corrupted data.

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Monday 24 October 2011 7:41AM

janet; If when you say "indoor" you are meaning in the same room? then nothing can be guaranteed, however Humax or Sony boxes are generally slightly more sensitive than other types and likewise less prone to glitching on slight signal fluctuations.

Providing your post code would have given a better idea of the signal strength expected at your location.

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Monday 24 October 2011 7:55AM

RYAN: Aerials do not discriminate against signals whether they be analogue or digital, so if your aerial is in good condition then it will pick up any Freeview signals that's available in your area.

Your post code would have given a better idea of what you should be able to receive.

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Monday 24 October 2011 1:18PM

Tina: Some DVD recorders can be very picky about the brand of disc being used, but for people who only really intend any recording made to be played back on the same device then Philips or Maxell DVD+RW types are usually the best, and although they can also play on "some" DVD players its always best to use DVD-RW/R types if intending to view on other players, remembering always to select "finalize" after the recording is made or they will not work on another player.

I would refrain from using Memorex discs though, as they can cause problems on some recorders, and it should also be noted that Samsung was aware of this unit being critical on the brand of disc used, as some time back they had a downloadable (from their website) firmware upgrade to help? alleviate this problem.

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