I live around 30 miles from Sutton Coldfield but in almost direct view. No problem with our main set run via a roof top aerial. A portable in the kitchen has a below par analogue signal using the suplied aerial (double telescopic). The digital tuner will not tune here but ave tuned it via the main aerial and can get a signal in the kitchen if I hold the aerial.
There is an RSJ close by. Will this effect performance? Will a modern indoor aerial help?
Sunday 9 January 2011 3:51PM
I live around 30 miles from Sutton Coldfield but in almost direct view. No problem with our main set run via a roof top aerial. A portable in the kitchen has a below par analogue signal using the suplied aerial (double telescopic). The digital tuner will not tune here but ave tuned it via the main aerial and can get a signal in the kitchen if I hold the aerial.
There is an RSJ close by. Will this effect performance? Will a modern indoor aerial help?