I have a roof aerial which is pointing towards the Yorkshire transmitter as we were told the signal was too weak from the Nottingham one when it was installed. We get all programmes but some are weaker than others. My question is can I now have it pointed to the Nottingham transmitter in order to get local news? Someone told me that the Notts transmitter will broadcast in HD this month is this true? Will the signal be stronger?
Sunday 6 March 2011 6:52PM
I have a roof aerial which is pointing towards the Yorkshire transmitter as we were told the signal was too weak from the Nottingham one when it was installed. We get all programmes but some are weaker than others. My question is can I now have it pointed to the Nottingham transmitter in order to get local news? Someone told me that the Notts transmitter will broadcast in HD this month is this true? Will the signal be stronger?