Hi there, My tv is only 5 yrs old but yesterday suddenly stopped working. It now tells me no signal. The set has built in free view. I have connected a free view box and the tv now works. Is it likely that I can get this repaired or am I stuck with a separate free view box? I know this sounds silly but my tv is wall mounted and I now have a thick cable trailing down the wall, I am 60 and live alone - so handy man available.
Tuesday 29 May 2012 9:27AM
Hi there, My tv is only 5 yrs old but yesterday suddenly stopped working. It now tells me no signal. The set has built in free view. I have connected a free view box and the tv now works. Is it likely that I can get this repaired or am I stuck with a separate free view box? I know this sounds silly but my tv is wall mounted and I now have a thick cable trailing down the wall, I am 60 and live alone - so handy man available.