If you wanted to select which channels you wanted from which aerial (using upto 3 aerials) the optimum solution would be to use a notch filter, much like the fracarro option below: -
OK these are a bit pricey for the domestic market, but will do exactly what is say on the tin. Given that most commercial filtering systems are £300+, this comes in quite nicely. (NN171QG)
Wednesday 9 November 2011 8:36AM
If you wanted to select which channels you wanted from which aerial (using upto 3 aerials) the optimum solution would be to use a notch filter, much like the fracarro option below: -
Fracarro UK
OK these are a bit pricey for the domestic market, but will do exactly what is say on the tin. Given that most commercial filtering systems are £300+, this comes in quite nicely. (NN171QG)