You will find there is now a serious problem with access to your mast for larger vehicles. The landowner opposite has placed a row of large boulders along the south side of the lane opposite yous (and mine) entrance ways. I believe they have no right to do this. They claim ownership of the roadside kerb. Please look into this, I'm sure your companies word and might will carry more sway with the local authorities than mine. Many thanks Michael Sanders (owner of no. 23 Windmill Hill Windmill Hill)
Tuesday 13 March 2018 10:27AM
Dear Sir or Madam
You will find there is now a serious problem with access to your mast for larger vehicles. The landowner opposite has placed a row of large boulders along the south side of the lane opposite yous (and mine) entrance ways. I believe they have no right to do this. They claim ownership of the roadside kerb. Please look into this, I'm sure your companies word and might will carry more sway with the local authorities than mine. Many thanks Michael Sanders (owner of no. 23 Windmill Hill Windmill Hill)