I'm trying to retune 3 separate TVs to the Walthamdigital signal and two have retuned perfectly - no problems at all.
For some reason, the third has retuned OK, except for BBC1 and BBC2, which are just unwatchable. All 3 TVs are fed from the same aerial (with a 3 way splitter/booster) so I'm a bit puzzled as to why 2 TVs are OK and the third isn't picking up the Beeb channels, despite my trying an "install from new" on the third telly.
I see there was some transmitter work going on Waltham, but the alert seems to say it was finsihed on 31st August and it's 2nd Sept today...
Friday 2 September 2011 11:33AM
I'm trying to retune 3 separate TVs to the Waltham digital signal and two have retuned perfectly - no problems at all.
For some reason, the third has retuned OK, except for BBC1 and BBC2, which are just unwatchable. All 3 TVs are fed from the same aerial (with a 3 way splitter/booster) so I'm a bit puzzled as to why 2 TVs are OK and the third isn't picking up the Beeb channels, despite my trying an "install from new" on the third telly.
I see there was some transmitter work going on Waltham, but the alert seems to say it was finsihed on 31st August and it's 2nd Sept today...
Post code LN5 9BX.
Any ideas??
Many thanks!