Please can you tell me why we get such a bad picelated reception from this stations transmitter. This has been like this since the change over. When I had the old cheap set top box with terestial transmission I had no problems but this service which is supposed to be the be all and end all is total rubbish.
This service should never been released until it was right.
I live over in West Sussex near Littlehampton and have always had good reception. The channels affected are 11, 12, 15, 19, 20, 21, and 24. At the change over a new areal had been installed and the BT Vision system. Everything comes back to the transmission of signals from Rowridge station. The digital sighnal is transmitted vertically as wel as horizontally so why the problem.
I look forward to you with a solution to this problem.
Friday 27 July 2012 1:56PM
Please can you tell me why we get such a bad picelated reception from this stations transmitter. This has been like this since the change over. When I had the old cheap set top box with terestial transmission I had no problems but this service which is supposed to be the be all and end all is total rubbish.
This service should never been released until it was right.
I live over in West Sussex near Littlehampton and have always had good reception. The channels affected are 11, 12, 15, 19, 20, 21, and 24. At the change over a new areal had been installed and the BT Vision system. Everything comes back to the transmission of signals from Rowridge station. The digital sighnal is transmitted vertically as wel as horizontally so why the problem.
I look forward to you with a solution to this problem.
Chris Verrinder.