have just found this site & discovered that there has been 'transmitter engineering' since 6 July; this coincides with terrible reception on BBC1/2/3/4; and commercial channels - pixelating all the time in the evening - sometimes during the day I am trouble free. I found the channel retune on the menu, but hasn't made any difference, in fact it didn't do anything that I was aware of. Can anyone suggest what I can do,was advised when switchover happened, that I would benefit from a satelite dish to enable me to have all freeview channels - not interested in Sky and am quite happy with the basic tv channels - all I want to do is enjoy the stuff I want - at the moment it's unwatchable. If I record onto the HD, I can watch the next day trouble free, not very convenient though.
Tuesday 12 July 2011 12:47PM
have just found this site & discovered that there has been 'transmitter engineering' since 6 July; this coincides with terrible reception on BBC1/2/3/4; and commercial channels - pixelating all the time in the evening - sometimes during the day I am trouble free. I found the channel retune on the menu, but hasn't made any difference, in fact it didn't do anything that I was aware of. Can anyone suggest what I can do,was advised when switchover happened, that I would benefit from a satelite dish to enable me to have all freeview channels - not interested in Sky and am quite happy with the basic tv channels - all I want to do is enjoy the stuff I want - at the moment it's unwatchable. If I record onto the HD, I can watch the next day trouble free, not very convenient though.