Anyone else in the Arfontransmitter area lost their Freeview HD signal? I've had no HD since Monday but it was fine (albeit on a low signal) over the weekend. ITV channels and C4/S4C normal def are also showing variable signal strength. I've checked the BBC transmitter website and it comes up as reporting a normal service - I've used the web form to ask what is going on but no reply.
For the record, I've rescanned and also tried reverting to factory settings on my Panasonic TX-L37ET5B just in case a software update had caused problems, but nothing doing so I think the TV is fine. Trouble is none of my neighbours can get Freeview HD on their sets so I can't tell if it's widespread or not!
Wednesday 27 June 2012 7:11PM
Anyone else in the Arfon transmitter area lost their Freeview HD signal? I've had no HD since Monday but it was fine (albeit on a low signal) over the weekend. ITV channels and C4/S4C normal def are also showing variable signal strength. I've checked the BBC transmitter website and it comes up as reporting a normal service - I've used the web form to ask what is going on but no reply.
For the record, I've rescanned and also tried reverting to factory settings on my Panasonic TX-L37ET5B just in case a software update had caused problems, but nothing doing so I think the TV is fine. Trouble is none of my neighbours can get Freeview HD on their sets so I can't tell if it's widespread or not!