I currently have Sky donwstairs, and fed into that is a lead from a Wolesy booster box, (In has a cable coming from somewhere, presumably the aerial) and the other cable connects to Sky. This then feeds a signal to all TV's in the house, via another box in the attic. I want to be able to view the Sky channel from the box in all the rooms (I know I can't watch different channels at the same time), how do I do this?
Tuesday 19 February 2013 7:31PM
I currently have Sky donwstairs, and fed into that is a lead from a Wolesy booster box, (In has a cable coming from somewhere, presumably the aerial) and the other cable connects to Sky. This then feeds a signal to all TV's in the house, via another box in the attic. I want to be able to view the Sky channel from the box in all the rooms (I know I can't watch different channels at the same time), how do I do this?