Transmitter engineering: on about Monday reception on on free view became sporadic. We have no new electrical devices in the house to cause interference and all 3 televisions are affected but to varying severity. The worst affected tv makes even watching Bbc 1 difficult with constant sticking/juddering. Our main TV and the other in our sons bedroom are OK for the main 5 channels but channels like Dave ja vu and Spike and a few others are pixelating severely and have become totally unwatchable. I tried to retune but it makes little difference. The problems all started at the same time on all TVs so is it something we can fix or is it there a problem with the transmitter (I think we are connected to the Sutton Coldfield transmitter). We have an aerial on the roof and appears undamaged and still facing the usual way.
Thursday 14 January 2016 8:52AM
Transmitter engineering: on about Monday reception on on free view became sporadic. We have no new electrical devices in the house to cause interference and all 3 televisions are affected but to varying severity. The worst affected tv makes even watching Bbc 1 difficult with constant sticking/juddering. Our main TV and the other in our sons bedroom are OK for the main 5 channels but channels like Dave ja vu and Spike and a few others are pixelating severely and have become totally unwatchable. I tried to retune but it makes little difference. The problems all started at the same time on all TVs so is it something we can fix or is it there a problem with the transmitter (I think we are connected to the Sutton Coldfield transmitter). We have an aerial on the roof and appears undamaged and still facing the usual way.