My 3 year old Panasonic tv loses the picture from BBC 1 and 2 after about 20 mins and I get the message "no signal" on the screen.If I go to ITV for 1 minute and back to BBC 1 the picture returns but is lost again after a short time.
I live close to Sutton Coldfield mast and get 10 ratings for quality on re-tuning.
I have re-tuned a number of times but it has not worked.I have changed the aerial lead at back of tv with a new cable without success.
The tv in my bedroom is linked to the same aerial in the loft and does not suffer this problem.
Suggestions please.
Tuesday 28 August 2012 3:26PM
My 3 year old Panasonic tv loses the picture from BBC 1 and 2 after about 20 mins and I get the message "no signal" on the screen.If I go to ITV for 1 minute and back to BBC 1 the picture returns but is lost again after a short time.
I live close to Sutton Coldfield mast and get 10 ratings for quality on re-tuning.
I have re-tuned a number of times but it has not worked.I have changed the aerial lead at back of tv with a new cable without success.
The tv in my bedroom is linked to the same aerial in the loft and does not suffer this problem.
Suggestions please.