hi in the last few days the picture on ITV1 and several other channels was really poor (i've a freeview box but no satellite/cable tv). in the last day or so i've just got a black screen, I did a retune today and followed instructions about completely unplugging the Box and removing the arial to do a scan, and then plugged the arial back in to do another scan. Now the Bundle A Multiplex of channels has completely disappeeared. i know my area GU31 4HZ is due to change over around 29 Feb (i come under Midhursttransmitter) but could I be being affected by recent changes in Guildford or somewhere else? My arial is in the loft so shouldn't have been moved by wind. and I've just checked and I've got ITV 1 and Channel 4 on analog still. do i just wait for the changeover at Midhurst?thanks
Wednesday 15 February 2012 7:26PM
hi in the last few days the picture on ITV1 and several other channels was really poor (i've a freeview box but no satellite/cable tv). in the last day or so i've just got a black screen, I did a retune today and followed instructions about completely unplugging the Box and removing the arial to do a scan, and then plugged the arial back in to do another scan. Now the Bundle A Multiplex of channels has completely disappeeared. i know my area GU31 4HZ is due to change over around 29 Feb (i come under Midhurst transmitter) but could I be being affected by recent changes in Guildford or somewhere else? My arial is in the loft so shouldn't have been moved by wind. and I've just checked and I've got ITV 1 and Channel 4 on analog still. do i just wait for the changeover at Midhurst?thanks