I have a high gain aerial receiving transmission from the Dovertransmitter, but I live very close to the Chartham transmitter. My existing aerial is some 8ft above my house and I want to get it removed as it causes a lot of vibration in the wind. I intend to have a loft aerial to pick up transmission from Chartham transmitter (use to have this for anologue TV and had brilliant reception) however I have been told I wont get all channels from Chartham. Which channels can I pick up from Chartham?
Thursday 21 February 2013 9:37AM
I have a high gain aerial receiving transmission from the Dover transmitter, but I live very close to the Chartham transmitter. My existing aerial is some 8ft above my house and I want to get it removed as it causes a lot of vibration in the wind. I intend to have a loft aerial to pick up transmission from Chartham transmitter (use to have this for anologue TV and had brilliant reception) however I have been told I wont get all channels from Chartham. Which channels can I pick up from Chartham?