I have a Foxsat HDR which has unfortunately gone wrong (under warrantee) and is being exchanged but I have got things which I have recorded on it that I want to keep.
I have also got a LG Freeview + DVD Recorder with HDD.
Is it possible to copy the things on the Foxsat onto DVDs (which I would prefer) using the LG or if not onto DVDs then the LG Hard Drive?
If so, please can you tell me how to connect them all up to do it as I know nothing about these things and dont want to blow anything up?
Sunday 11 September 2011 12:24PM
I have a Foxsat HDR which has unfortunately gone wrong (under warrantee) and is being exchanged but I have got things which I have recorded on it that I want to keep.
I have also got a LG Freeview + DVD Recorder with HDD.
Is it possible to copy the things on the Foxsat onto DVDs (which I would prefer) using the LG or if not onto DVDs then the LG Hard Drive?
If so, please can you tell me how to connect them all up to do it as I know nothing about these things and dont want to blow anything up?