nick and MikeB: thanks a lot. I am very grateful to you for giving me the heads up. It didn't seem right to me. Shalln't be getting back to the chap now.
Now shall try and find someone else and I guess I'm better equipped now as I've got a much better idea now of what I should really be paying....well I know it shouldn't be silly money! Man alive, I can feel my brain cells fizzing now.
Tuesday 6 August 2013 11:45PM
nick and MikeB: thanks a lot. I am very grateful to you for giving me the heads up. It didn't seem right to me. Shalln't be getting back to the chap now.
Now shall try and find someone else and I guess I'm better equipped now as I've got a much better idea now of what I should really be paying....well I know it shouldn't be silly money! Man alive, I can feel my brain cells fizzing now.