I have previously got BBC news he, aljazeera had, BBC 4 hd, thought signal quality is often poor. Re BBC news, channel number has always been 107. Today there was message on TV that new channels had been found, so these were retuned as on previous occasions. Now, when I try to get channel 106 or 107, it says "invalid channel." I can still get BBC news on channel 130, but this, of course, isn't HD. Can you help, please.
Monday 22 June 2015 12:02PM
I have previously got BBC news he, aljazeera had, BBC 4 hd, thought signal quality is often poor. Re BBC news, channel number has always been 107. Today there was message on TV that new channels had been found, so these were retuned as on previous occasions. Now, when I try to get channel 106 or 107, it says "invalid channel." I can still get BBC news on channel 130, but this, of course, isn't HD. Can you help, please.