Transmitter engineering: I would just like to know after the signal changes at the CALDBECK transmitter in Cumbria on 31st of July and re-tuning my TV & Freeview box (BT) why some of the channels I had before are missing? e.g. 106 - BBC4 HD, NOW 80s - 83, Forces TV - 96, Pick TV+1 - 92, Smithsonian - 99 just to mention a few.
Friday 9 August 2019 2:42PM
Transmitter engineering: I would just like to know after the signal changes at the CALDBECK transmitter in Cumbria on 31st of July and re-tuning my TV & Freeview box (BT) why some of the channels I had before are missing? e.g. 106 - BBC4 HD, NOW 80s - 83, Forces TV - 96, Pick TV+1 - 92, Smithsonian - 99 just to mention a few.