Ch4 has a new drama set in a prison which makes for a great deal of background chatter and general noise making understanding what is being said at times nearly impossible, had it not been for the first episode having had subtitles I wouldn't have been able to follow the plot also subplots in episode 1as I am struggling with episodes 2 & 3 please Ch4 I really want to enjoy the rest of the episodes with subtitles on my iPad
Saturday 8 January 2022 7:58AM
Ch4 has a new drama set in a prison which makes for a great deal of background chatter and general noise making understanding what is being said at times nearly impossible, had it not been for the first episode having had subtitles I wouldn't have been able to follow the plot also subplots in episode 1as I am struggling with episodes 2 & 3 please Ch4 I really want to enjoy the rest of the episodes with subtitles on my iPad
Many Thanks