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All posts by Joe Alessi

Below are all of Joe Alessi's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Hello, Great site!
My question in brief: I have redisgned my living room and got rid of the old CRT and bought a flat screen which i've hung on the wall. I chased into the wall all the cables - 5:1 set-up, optical cable, four HDMI's (for future use) and the ariel coax cable.. BUT, i forgot to factor in the cable to connect the satellite receiver which i use for the Italian channels, mainly to keep my old dad quiet when he and my mum come and visit.. So, quite simply, i need the same satellite receiver but with an HDMI socket.. Does one exist? Many thanks in anticipation.

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Wednesday 1 February 2012 10:34PM

Great site!
My question in brief: I have redisgned my living room and got rid of the old CRT and bought a flat screen which i've hung on the wall. I chased into the wall all the cables - 5:1 set-up, optical cable, four HDMI's (for future use) and the arial coax cable.. BUT, i forgot to factor in the cable to connect the satellite receiver which i only use for the Italian channels, (mainly to keep my dad quiet when he and my mum come and visit) So, quite simply, i need the same satellite receiver but with an HDMI socket.. Does one exist? Many thanks in anticipation.

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Thursday 2 February 2012 9:54AM

jb38: Thanks so much for your reply. The satellite receiver i was using is a Samsung DSR9400 FTA, a fantastic, little, (with the emphasis firmly on the little)good-looking and very fast machine, i'm loathe to get rid of it, as traditionally sat receivers haven't been blessed with good design, normally big and ugly! So if there's some HDMI to SCART converter on the market, that would be great. The TV is a Samsung UE46D5520 LED HD 1080p TV, 46 Inch with Built-in Freeview HD (bought specifically because it doesn't have stupid 3D!)
I look forward to your reply
Many thanks

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Thursday 2 February 2012 11:14AM

Michael: Many thanks for your reply. It has got a scart socket but as i said in my original post, i chased what i thought were all the relevant cables into the wall, but completely forgot about the scart cable for the sat receiver, probably because i don't use it that often. By the way, on Euro restrictions, i don't think it's got anything to do with Brussells, more to do with money and private interest! The Tivu bvox would be fine if i used it a lot, but i only use it occasionally and i find that the scrambled programmes are usually new home grown dramas and sport. I'm more interested in the news, although i will certainly look into Tivu for my dad's house, as he's always grumbling about scrambled programmes. Can i buy one here in the UK?
All the best

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Friday 3 February 2012 10:41PM

jb38: many thanks, problem solved!

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Many thanks

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