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All posts by Alice

Below are all of Alice's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Connecting it all up
Thursday 16 June 2011 3:19PM

I hope you can help me! I am having problems with picture quality and slight interference sinc purchasing a new TV.

I have a Samsung LCD tv which has 3 HDMI inputs and only one scart. I linked the TV to a recordable DVD via scart, and a V+ box to the DVD. The RF arial is connected from the wall to DVD up to TV.

When I connect the ariel directly to the TV the picture quality is superb. However, when I connect the ariel via the DVD, it lacks quality on the freeview both on DVD and freeview on the TV, as does the picture sharpness when I watch the V+ box (via the DVD AV2).

When I bypass the DVD and connect the V+ directly to the TV the quality is much better.

How do I get a good picture quality with no interference when connecting with a DVD?

Is this due to poor quality leads?

Should I purchase an HDMI cable to connect the DVD to the TV and the V+ to the TV directly? Would this affect my ability to record from the V+ box?

Thank you so much!

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Connecting it all up
Friday 17 June 2011 3:09PM

Hi, Alice here again. I have now connected my DVD recorder to the TV using an HDMI cable, and connected the V+ box with an HDMI cable to the TV. I then connected via Scart, the V+ box to the DVD recorder. I bought a new RF ariel lead which has solved the picture quality problem.

I have set up the V+ box to be in HD which is great.

However, I am wondering now how to record V+ HD onto DVD. The DVD will not record the HD broadcast on the TV setting. It will record what I'm watching on V+ via the AV2 channel on the DVD. BUT... not in HD quality.

Is there any way around this?

Am I able to record HD V+ in HD using my HD-ready DVD recorder?? I guess not as it's connected via Scart... but I just wondered if there's any way the DVD can pick up the HD signal via the TV, as the picture quality appears great on normal TV, but poor in comparison via the DVD AV channel.

I hope someone can help!!

Thank you so much.


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Connecting it all up
Sunday 19 June 2011 11:14PM

Hi JB38. Thanks for your comment. The model number is DRT389H.

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Connecting it all up
Tuesday 19 July 2011 2:29PM

Hi. My mother-in-law has a new HD ready TV which is connected to both a DVD player and a VCR. The picture quality from her DTV is poor, and I'm wondering if its because the ariel signal is weak? The TV receives the DTV channels via the ariel which comes from the wall via the VCR.

Another problems is that her VCR (which is ancient...) cannot record from her TV. Is this because it is connected with only one scart lead? She can only record on her VCR the terrestrial channels received by the video player itself. She can only watch videos and record these 5 channels.

Is there a way of connecting her ancient VCR so that it records DTV? I looked at the AV connections and it doesn't seem to recognise the DTV input. Is this because it's only got one scart connection connected to the TV? I'm baffled because I would have thought it would pick up the AV signal from the DTV? Do I need to manually search for this incoming channel???

Is there a way of making the DTV picture clearer or is it because her flat has a rubbish ariel position / connection??

And is there a way of connecting her TV to the dark-ages VCR so that it records from her DTV?

I'm encouraging her to buy a recordable DVD and possibly new VCR.....

Thanks so much!!!!

Alice x

Thanks so much.

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Connecting it all up
Thursday 21 July 2011 8:02PM

KB Aerials Sheffield : Thank you Keith. When I select the AV input, it says "no signal". Does this mean I have to tune it in to the DTV signal? On the TV itself, it seems to display the VCR films she plays on it. But the problem is the other way round - how can she see what's playing on the DTV in order to then record it?

Re the aerial reception - my m-in-l is based in Chigwell, Essex. (No Essex jokes please...!)


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