I've been having the same problem as p blyth the last two nights. Yesterday, I had to turn off altogether because reception dropped out every few minutes. Tonight I have followed instructions on the BBC site and retuned my box. This seems to have strengthened the signal a bit, although it wobbles occasionally. Unfortunately, it has also lost the channel I was watching plus several of my favourite channels. Trying to add them manually just tells me they don't exist.
The aerial is on the roof. I was wondering if the problem could be the current high air pressure. Although, that wouldn't explain why the signal should go at around the same time both nights.
P.S. The signal has just dropped out completely again.
Saturday 1 October 2011 10:47PM
I've been having the same problem as p blyth the last two nights. Yesterday, I had to turn off altogether because reception dropped out every few minutes. Tonight I have followed instructions on the BBC site and retuned my box. This seems to have strengthened the signal a bit, although it wobbles occasionally. Unfortunately, it has also lost the channel I was watching plus several of my favourite channels. Trying to add them manually just tells me they don't exist.
The aerial is on the roof. I was wondering if the problem could be the current high air pressure. Although, that wouldn't explain why the signal should go at around the same time both nights.
P.S. The signal has just dropped out completely again.