I live in East Ruston, North East Norfolk, NR12 9JL. Freeviewchannels received ok until 9th November when block of BBC channels dissapeared.Since final change at Talcolneston yesterday 23/11 we have no channels at all. Tried rescanning with and without booster, different leads etc.. However checking aerial position it is not pointing 214/216 sw as advised. but probably more towards 200 s sw. Would this be the cause of our problem?. as mentioned aerial position has not been changed and we had been receiving Freewview using a plug in booster.
Thank you
Thursday 24 November 2011 9:44PM
I live in East Ruston, North East Norfolk, NR12 9JL. Freeview channels received ok until 9th November when block of BBC channels dissapeared.Since final change at Talcolneston yesterday 23/11 we have no channels at all. Tried rescanning with and without booster, different leads etc.. However checking aerial position it is not pointing 214/216 sw as advised. but probably more towards 200 s sw. Would this be the cause of our problem?. as mentioned aerial position has not been changed and we had been receiving Freewview using a plug in booster.
Thank you