I live at PL253AF which is on the edge of the good signal area on the map.
It is also on the edge of this for the Redruthtransmitter.
I am finding it very frustrating when the signal breaks up in the middle of a broadcast.
I can't afford sky (we are a working family paying our way) to overcome this and feel why should I struggle to pay tv license for this.
What are my options?
Sunday 30 October 2016 7:01PM
I live at PL253AF which is on the edge of the good signal area on the map.
It is also on the edge of this for the Redruth transmitter.
I am finding it very frustrating when the signal breaks up in the middle of a broadcast.
I can't afford sky (we are a working family paying our way) to overcome this and feel why should I struggle to pay tv license for this.
What are my options?