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Wednesday 02 March 2011, AM

UK broadband less than half of advertised speeds - March - 2011 - Which? News

This is an increase from May 2010, when the average speed was 5.2Mbps. But the number of broadband customers on packages with high advertised speeds has also increased since May 2010, with average advertised speeds now reaching 13.8Mbps. Ofcom's research involved more than 18 million separate service performance tests in over 1,700 homes during November and December 2010. Whichhas submitted a response calling for greater clarity, so that prospective broadband customers can make an informed choice based on realistic speed advertising. - link
Tuesday 01 March 2011, PM

Dan Sabbagh: News Corp-Sky deal announcement nears - Media -

Certainly the City, lifting BSkyB shares 6p to 793p, is straining for a deal - at somewhere rather more than 700p that Rupert Murdoch originally proposed. News Corp has been talking progress for several days, and various people are trying to lead journalists to the notion that the company has offered up a structural rather than behavioural solution to solve the plurality problem caused by having the Sun, the Times and Sky News all in the one basket. 5.21 Typically, structural undertakings require the sale of one of the overlapping businesses. - link

Be prepared for the big switchover - Entertainment - East Anglian Daily Times

Traditional TV transmission is being switched off, so arts editor Andrew Clarke set out to explore this potentially confusing new television landscape To send a link to this page to a friend, you must be logged in. If you do, on July 20, 2011, you will be left staring at a blank TV screen. The traditional analogue signal is being switched off and will be replaced by a stronger digital TV signal which will theoretically extend the Freeview coverage to areas which currently do not get it places like rural East Anglia. - link

Two more join bidders for national TV channel - Media -

Jeremy Hunt is planning to create the new national channel to support his initiative for a network of local TV services. Hunt is planning to create the new national channel to support his initiative for a network of local TV services. The company is hoping that, as with Scotland where a group of local media operators is making a bid as the Scottish TV Network, there will be an opportunity for separate contractors to run their own distinct services. - link

Channel 6 bidders explain why Local TV will work - Press Gazette

- link

BBC - Press Office - Title

The archive will allow fans to download the last 500 complete episodes and will list the choices music, books and luxury of every guest since 1942. Classic editions will also be broadcast on Radio 4 Extra, curated by Kirsty Young, who will update and contextualise each interview. In addition, the station the relaunched Radio 7 will broadcast special, hour-long versions of episodes from the past year with previously edited material. - link

BBC - Radio 4 Blog: New digital programmes - and a new name for Radio 7

Radio 4 Extra will not be fundamentally different to Radio 7. The vast majority of the programming will remain much-loved archive productions, and we will continue to focus on comedy, drama and entertainment rather than offering news or current affairs... Continue reading this post on the BBC Radio blog... - link
Tuesday 01 March 2011, AM

Don t be fooled. 24-bit will not fix computer audio - Gadget Writing

Were trying to fix the degradation of music that the digital revolution has caused, says Iovine. First, he implies that 24-bit digital audio is necessary for good sound We record our music in 24-bit. Second, he says that the PC has become the de facto home stereo for young people but that sound is an afterthought for most computer manufacturers. - link
Monday 28 February 2011, PM

BBC - Research and Development: Universal Control

TVs and set-top boxes STBs are starting to gain connections to the home network and to the Internet. Increasingly, they also have WiFi connections that give them access to the home network as well as to the Internet. Tablet devices like the Apple iPad are selling so well that a significant number of consumer electronics manufacturers are now rushing to get competing products onto the market. - link

Which? responds to 'up to' broadband review - February - 2011 - Which? News

28 February 2011 Which responds to 'up to' broadband speed advertising review Which says current 'up to' broadband speed claims in advertising are not enough to communicate realistic speeds that can be achieved by a reasonable number of consumers. However, broadband speed tests have found that the headline speed is usually unachievable in practice, and the majority of people receive no more than a fraction of the theoretical maximum. Whichbroadband expert Ceri Stanaway says 'Which has long been concerned about the way broadband speeds are advertised and has been campaigning for change. - link

Piracy is the Future of TV: commercial TV sucks relative to illicit services - Boing Boing

Uniformity in each of these areas across services will make all services of this kind - will make TV viewing on the Internet as a practice - more appealing to all potential users. In fact, legal services can model their protocols directly on established pirate standards, as they are hardly secret.7 Offer a Premium Service for Personal Archivists At the moment, piracy provides the best means for individuals to build personal libraries of television content, for all of the reasons given above. Legal services should consider how to serve this niche even better than pirate communities do. - link
Monday 28 February 2011, AM

Ofcom - The Ofcom Broadcasting Code

The Code Guidance can be found here http// Programmes broadcast prior to28 February2011are covered by the version of the Code that was in force at the date of broadcast. Previous versions of the Code can be found here http// - link

Jeremy Hunt stakes his reputation on local television - Media - The Guardian

It was a mantra that followers of Jeremy Hunt had become bored of hearing in the run-up to the general election. Except what it has become is something rather different, in effect a Channel 6 a new ITV1-style free-to-air service in an era when many thought network television was for the birds. Though whether this actually meets the aspirations of creating a genuine set of city-based local TV services remains to be seen. - link

George Entwistle: a BBC director general in the making? - Media - The Guardian

George Entwistle, the controller of BBC Knowledge, is surprisingly chipper given that the corporation faces possibly the most trying financial circumstances in its 83-year history. However, Entwistle appears to be going places in the organisation possibly all the way to the top, some BBC colleagues believe which may explain his upbeat outlook. He mixes straight talking with a smattering of BBC corporate-speak. - link

What future for product placement? - Media - The Guardian

From today, broadcasters have the green light to charge brands to appear in top-rating shows. However, fears that Simon Cowell and Cheryl Cole will start nursing giant-sized Diet Cokes in front of millions of viewers are unlikely to be realised anytime soon. In fact, as of day one of the introduction of media regulator Ofcom's new product placement rules it is almost impossible to identify a single confirmed deal of any sort. - link

The YouView revolution will not be televised just yet - Media - The Guardian

So you can see why, irrespective of whether it really does revolutionise viewing habits, they see YouView as quite so significant. For the other key shareholders principally the internet service providers BT and TalkTalk there is almost as much at stake. BT has spent a reported 800m on BT Vision, and it does now work and thanks to Ofcom does now have premium sport but to say it has failed to meet expectations rather understates the case. - link
Sunday 27 February 2011, PM

BBC Trust fail to understand commercial radio output - James Cridland

Im pleased about the BBC Trusts recent series-stacking announcement. That said in the approval paper, the BBC Trust makes the following pronouncements about commercial radio at the bottom of page 4 1. There is a limited amount of on-demand content offered by commercial radio 2. - link
Sunday 27 February 2011, AM

BBC North: it's not grim, but it is still 160 miles away from HQ - Media - The Observer

BBC Breakfast's Sian Williams and her colleagues are grumbling about being marooned in Manchester. BBC Breafast presenter Sian Williams is angry about being moved to Salford. Why on earth are BBC Breakfast presenters, including Sian Williams, right, still cutting up rough - link

Lord Patten's role could be to take the BBC into Europe - Media - The Observer

Chris Patten needs to bring his eurocentrism to the BBC. Which doesn't mean that there won't be grilling and goadings as Lord Patten proceeds to anointment. Patten knows all about Europe and today's world. - link

ITV on schedule to report pre-tax profits of £300m - Business - The Observer

ITV is expected to report that its pre-tax profits tripled in 2010, on the back of a resurgent advertising market. It is expected to report that advertising in the first quarter of 2011 is up 10. The company's strong position net debt will have more than halved to about 300m, with forecasts that it could be wiped out altogether by the year's end, and more than 700m in the bank has led to speculation over how it might use its financial muscle. - link

We're such a feeble nation that Murdoch was bound to triumph - Will Hutton - Comment is free - The Observer

Rupert Murdoch has always had an eye for a great deal. When he bid 7.2bn for the balance of BSkyB he did not own, he got in before other shareholders tumbled to how valuable the company was becoming. On Friday, a report in the Financial Times suggested that he is finally close to his goal an announcement could be made as soon as this week. - link
Saturday 26 February 2011, AM

Patten is named as choice to lead Trust - TV Radio, Media - The Independent

He will appear before the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee next month in a pre-appointment hearing. A former Conservative MP and Cabinet minister, he lost his seat in the 1992 election. - link

Top 10 Best Android tablets to look out for - February - 2011 - Which? News

How we test tablets Using an Android-based tablet is usually a slick experience a flexible platform for downloading and using the many apps available from Google Play. However, as weve found out, not all Android tablets weve tested are up to scratch. Our lab testers put each tablet through a detailed examination and series of carefully chosen tests to replicate how you use a tablet, testing important features such as battery life, screen quality and ease of use. - link

Media UK v5 is coming - Media UK

See all James Cridland's articles There's a new, shiny, Media UK round the corner. Other companies call their versions after desserts, or Muppets characters, but Media UK prefers good old-fashioned numbers. The live Media UK version, as you read it today, is v4.1102221228 - the minor version number is derived from the date and the time the codebase was last updated at 12.28pm on 22nd February. - link
Friday 25 February 2011, PM

BBC - BBC Internet Blog: What's On BBC Red Button 26th February - 11th March 2011

The quiz features 10 questions based on moments from the brand new series of Nuzzle Scratch. The first two instalments are a two part series Henry Moore Carving a Reputation 1898 1945. The show will run until the end of May 2011. - link

Objectivity could go as British Forces Broadcasting Service contracted out - UK news - The Guardian

The decision, part of attempts by the Ministry of Defence to make savings, has raised concerns that large military contractors with no experience of objective news reporting or radio and television production could bid to run the service as a money-making scheme. Critics of the decision expressed concern that the values and ethos of the broadcasting station would be lost. Contractors thought to be interested in bidding include Babcock, Serco and BT. - link

C4 prepares to submit for local TV network - News - Broadcast

25 February, 2011 By Balihar Khalsa Channel 4 is understood to be preparing a submission to host the new national TV channel delivering local content. It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

BBC - Research and Development: Prototyping Weeknotes #51 (25/02/11)

We start two new projects in earnest this week. That project started, as they often do, with a long meeting first thing on Monday morning. Tristan discusses how he remembers what to watch and the rest of the team, including Chris N, Duncan and Kat, start thinking about how they do the same. - link

Lord Patten confirmed as 'preferred candidate' for BBC Trust chairman - Media -

Lord Patten is being lined up to succeed Sir Michael Lyons. Barring a major reversal the former Hong Kong governor is expected to take up the BBC chairmanship after the hearing next month, once the appointment has been signed off by the Queen. Patten is being lined up to succeed Sir Michael Lyons, who is stepping down in at the end of April. - link

DTG :: News :: Switchover Help Scheme helped half a million go digital

The number of older and disabled people who have received help to switch to digital TV this week passed the half a million mark. The 500,000th Switchover Help Scheme customer had their digital TV equipment installed this week, about two and half years after switchover began. The Switchover Help Scheme offers people aged 75 and over and people with certain disabilities practical help to switch one TV to digital in the run-up to switchover in their region. - link

World Service closures begin - News - Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link
Friday 25 February 2011, AM

Government hunts for 'plan B' on internet piracy proposals - Technology -

The working group, which will comprise rights holders, internet service providers and search engines, is being formed after culture secretary Jeremy Hunt referred the Digital Economy Act's section 17 on website blocking to Ofcom for review. The issue of site blocking has been one of the most contentious elements of the DEA and the referral further raised the temperature of the debate, with some rights holders concerned it was a move to kick the measure into the long grass. On the latter issue it was decided to form a working group to look at ways of making the proposed system more palatable. - link

Media Talk: Reporting from the front line link

Cameron tries to get Big Society adverts on TV for nothing - Advertising, Media - The Indep

For all those struggling to cope with those listless minutes between the end of Emmerdale and the start of Coronation Street, help may soon be at hand the Big Society is coming to the small screen. It is thought that the 60-second segments, to be shown on ITV, Channel 4 and Five, would aim to encourage people to get involved in their local community, showcasing specific projects. Officials from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport have approached the three commercial public service broadcasting channels who are currently discussing the proposals. - link

Murdoch reported to be close to BSkyB deal - Media -

If an agreement is accepted by the culture secretary Jeremy Hunt, a 15-day consultation will follow. To find out more information about driving traffic to your content or to place this widget on your site, visit We welcome your feedback at or - link
Thursday 24 February 2011, PM

BBC - The BBC Radio Blog: Series catch-up for speech-based radio programmes is here

Thursday 24 February 2011, 1813 Andrew Caspari Ever since 2002, when we started offering listeners the chance to hear radio programmes on demand via the original Radio Player, listeners have consistently asked to be able to catch up on all the episodes of series whilst that series is on air. There is nothing more frustrating, they told us, than getting interested in a serial in the third week and not being able to catch up on the first two parts which disappear after 7 days. In fact we became quite concerned that people might not even start listening to a serial if they felt they would not be able to keep up. - link

BBC iPlayer - Help - Why is iPlayer buffering on Freesat?

If you're experiencing buffering or poor performance of iPlayer on your Freesat receiver, please get in touch with us using the 'Contact Us' formbelow. We'd particularly like to know the make and model of your receiver, the name of your ISP, and whether or not you have a problem viewing on other devices such as laptops using the same connection. - link

Nigel Dacre to bid to run new national TV channel - Media -

Nigel Dacre is bidding for the channel through his consultancy Inclusive Digital. Dacre is bidding through his company, Inclusive Digital, a consultancy which he hopes can work with, or help organise, a consortium. Separately, Channel 6 announced on Thursday that it had signed agreements with the universities of Sunderland and Cardiff to collaborate on the launch of local TV services in their areas. - link

All about plug-ins for Windows Media Center

One of the great benefits of the community of enthusiasts that has grown around Windows Media Center is the number of plug-ins developed to enhance the experience in WMC. Plug-ins also called addins, and lately even apps bring new information and features to the Windows Media Center environment. Over the years, plenty of enthusiast websites have written about their top 10 or must-have plugins for WMC. - link

BBC iPlayer - Help - Why is the video not playing properly when I play TV programmes using the BBC iPlayer Android app?

This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets CSS enabled. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets CSS if you are able to do so. - link

Top Tory appeals over BBC cuts - News - Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

Radio Today.. with RCS: Digital One keeps Karma secret

- link

S4C protesters begin newsroom sit-in - News - Broadcast

24 February, 2011 About 15 demonstrators have occupied a BBC newsroom in protest at changes to the funding of the broadcasters Welsh language channel. It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

Sky’s EPG Monopoly game - Comment - Broadcast

24 February, 2011 By Kate Bulkley Moving up the listing is no guarantee of success, warns Kate Bulkley. It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

Pluralism and the bid for BSkyB - Media -

The ever-perceptive David Elstein, the former Channel 5 chief executive who once worked for BSkyB as its head of programming, was unimpressed and has produced an alternative set of measurements. I explored this subject in my column in yesterday's London Evening Standard. To find out more information about driving traffic to your content or to place this widget on your site, visit - link

Approval of series-stacking for radio

Please visit the BBC Trust homepage to find the information you want. you may have typed the web address incorrectly - please check the spelling, or that there are no spaces or capital letters. Alternatively, please try the other links and search box on this page. - link

BBC Trust approves series stacking : radio listeners rejoice - James Cridland

The BBC Trust has approved series stacking for radio Theyre kind of like the headmasters of the BBC. If you work there, they watch what youre doing, tell you off if you do something bad, and you have to ask them for permission to do new things. - link
Thursday 24 February 2011, AM

TV matters: Ad breaks - they re not just natural - Television radio - The Guardian

The Compare the market ad - ad breaks tend to be seen as either a financial inevitability or an irritation Yesterday's decision that commercial breaks can double to six minutes during films and dramas is not just off-screen bureaucracy. Ad breaks tend to be seen as either a financial inevitability or an irritation, but little attention is paid to the deep effect they have on the shaping and pacing of programmes. The biggest fear is welcome-back recaps of the sort that already disfigure Channel 4 documentaries. - link

Company to bid for TV network licence - Wales News - News - WalesOnline

The new channel broadcast on the Freeview platform would aim to support local news services and would be funded entirely from advertising. Channel 4 is still considering its response, and ITVs stance is unclear. Expressions of interest in launching the new TV network in 2013 are due to be submitted to Mr Hunt by March 1 and are designed to focus on the concept and vision, rather than legally-binding details. - link
Wednesday 23 February 2011, PM

News Corp/Sky negotiations grind on - Media -

Hunt wants to make an announcement when Parliament is sitting, and while that was also the intention with Lord Patten the will to do so is strong this time. Few outside News Corp place much faith in an independent board structure to deal with worries about media plurality/Murdoch-domination but it is not obvious what else could be on offer that is not a structural, sell-something off remedy. News Corp isn't going to roll over and concede a sale of Sky News, particularly when it can argue with a bit of justification that a new owner may not be so committed to an expensive service. - link
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