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Tuesday 15 February 2011, AM

OK! TV. Its neither: Channel 5s new show aims low and misses | Media | The Guardian

Photograph Channel 5 There are launches, soft launches and deliberately comprehensive exercises in expectation-lowering. The show it replaced, the justifiably maligned Live From Studio Five, was an inept mishmash that seemed to prove conclusively Channel 5 could not be trusted with another daily light entertainment show. There may have been worse portents of quality than this, but not many. - link

Download the bbc.closing.sites.archive torrent

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Monday 14 February 2011, PM

Sony HDT500, HDT1000 Freeview HD PVRs have obvious amount of storage | Crave | CNET UK

To this end, the company offers up two new models, the HDT500 and the HDT1000. The two machines have the ability to record one channel while watching another, and series link for recording every episode of your favourite shows -- neither of which are particularly Earth-shattering. As you would expect, the PVRs can also output 1080p, which will be upscaled from either 1080i or standard definition. - link

informitv - YouView delays launch raising further doubts

YouView has conceded that it will not launch its broadband enabled television platform before 2012, confirming industry doubts about progress with the project. In an announcement presenting the postponement as an update on launch timings YouView said that it will have a product in trial by the end of the year, with a full consumer launch planned in early 2012. The prospects for the platform, backed by the BBC and a consortium of broadcasters and network operators, appear increasingly uncertain as a result. - link

informitv - Livestation sees traffic for news channels surge

Viewing of the online video service Livestation has increased significantly as a result of interest in the political unrest in Egypt. The service carries a number of live news channels, including Al Jazeera. Livestation has reported a 1,000 increase in viewers in recent weeks and has at times struggled to keep up with demand. - link

informitv - BBC sees limited demand for 3D TV

However, she points out that with only 140,000 3D compatible television screens installed in the United Kingdom, the addressable audience is currently still small. 3D is interesting but it is not central at the moment, she said, and would not be drawn on what projects the BBC would be backing in 3D. In working in 3D there are a couple of things that we are looking to find out. - link

informitv - BBC iPlayer released on iPad

A global version of the BBC iPlayer for the iPad is in development. However, it raises some interesting questions in the light of the draft syndication policy that the BBC Trust published in January. So why has the BBC invested in the development of a dedicated application for the Apple iPad - link

CiTV orders more cool stuff is Everything about content in the 21st Century, from television to web, mobile, tablet and beyond. - link
Monday 14 February 2011, AM

BBC accused of lowering standards to encourage more ethnic minorities - Telegraph

As the second and third generation hit the age group, it will go up. The BBC insisted it only recruited people based on merit. However Mr Shah said Radio 4 should recognise what it is good at in the same way that Radio 1 focuses on a younger audience. Jeremy Paxman has got in trouble for breaking the BBCs rules on impartiality by writing an article about the Iraq war. - link

The iPlayers future is mobile, says BBC | Media |

The BBC's iPlayer is proving popuar on mobile devices. The man from Microsoft can't take all the credit a major advertising campaign for the online video player coincided with Danker's arrival but with new apps for Apple's iPad and Android smartphones released last week, the rise and rise of the iPlayer is showing no signs of tailing off. More than 162m requests were made for iPlayer programmes last month, a 12 increase on December and a 35 jump on January 2010. - link

January 2011 BBC iPlayer monthly performance pack

The BBC iPlayer stats pack for January 2011 is now available to download as a pdf. The most requested radio programme was coverage of The Ashes Fifth Test, Day 3. Bridget Middleton is the Editor of About the BBC - link

The BBC is producing great drama but not enough of it | Media | The Guardian

Yet the BBC treated it with a strange carelessness. Nonetheless, more than a million people switched to it, and several TV professionals say it was the best thing they watched over Christmas. You might expect BBC1 to pick it up, as a successfully assembled comedy package, but no, it is not coming back. - link

Time to control the volume on the multimedia barons | Dan Sabbagh | Media | The Guardian

Richard Desmond, the Express Newspapers proprietor and now owner of Channel 5. No, we're not talking about science fiction this time, but rather media fact. Page 4 followed with a sympathetic write-up of the EDL's policies. - link

5 live Investigates: The XXX Files 13 FEB 2011 link
Sunday 13 February 2011, PM

World Service cuts 648 kHz

- link
Sunday 13 February 2011, AM

Paxman broke BBC impartiality rules - TV Radio, Media - The Independent

Jeremy Paxman has landed himself in hot water for breaking the BBC's rules on impartiality in a recent newspaper article he wrote about the Iraq war. Paxman failed to clear the piece with his department head, as guidelines stipulate. The corporation tightened its guidelines following TV cook Jamie Oliver's 1m advertising contract with Sainsbury's. - link

A cool Radio 4? What a turn-off | Victoria Coren | Comment is free | The Observer

Ghastly News Quiz, loathsome Midweek, pitiful History of the World in 100 Objects. I started by asking myself is Radio 4 too heavily designed for middle-aged, middle-class middle England Why should it be assumed that an intelligent, highbrow radio station holds no attraction for young people, Geordies or folk of Chinese extraction - link
Saturday 12 February 2011, AM

Interview: BBC iPlayer Boss Says All Good Things Come To Those Who Wait| paidContent

Our intention is to make this available to as many places as possible, including 3G. Why no download The original, Windows-only iPlayer was a download-only system. Without a doubt, this has climbed to virtually the top of our list for the product, Danker says. - link
Friday 11 February 2011, PM

Theres a British in BBC| Mark Thompson | Comment is free | The Guardian

Those who believe that the only place where you can find great talent or make outstanding programmes is inside the M25 London's orbital motorway really should get out more. Unlocking that potential will be great for the BBC, great for our audiences, and great for the UK. Programmes which are not the result of some sad, politically correct regional policy, but some of the best output the BBC makes anywhere. - link

BBC - Radio 4 Blog: CPLH and widening Radio 4s appeal - BBC Trustee David Liddiment on service licences

There are many incidental pleasures to be derived from the latest BBC Trust Review, a copy of which is now available on its website. Surprisingly, to me anyway, Radio 5 live costs only a little less than twice as much CPLH as Radio 4. The station which has the lowest cost per listener hour is, unsurprisingly, the most popular, Radio 2. - link

Sony HDT1000 and HDT500 PVRs announced | News | TechRadar UK

The PVRs have twin Freeview HD tuners built-in so you can record two programmes at once and watch another at either 576p, 720p, 1080i or 1080p picture quality. - link

Watching your recorded TV on the road with Remote Media Streaming

This is thanks to a very cool and easy-to-set-up feature in Windows 7 called Remote Media Streaming. Once the connection is made, we can get to the media on our WMC back home and play it on the netbook. This creates a secure peer-to-peer connection between the home PC and the remote PC. - link

BBC News - What should you look for in a TV?

With so many models of televisions now on the market, it can be difficult working out which one is 3D, HD or simply not up to the job. LJ Rich gives her guide of what to consider when choosing a new TV. Read more TV buyers' guide Follow the Click team on Twitter at bbcclick - link

Whats On BBC Red Button 12th - 25th February 2011

Available from 12th February on Sky and Freeview. The quiz features 10 questions based on moments from the brand new series of Nuzzle Scratch. The first two instalments are a two part series Henry Moore Carving a Reputation 1898 1945. - link

S T delivers terrestrial VOD ahead of YouView | Broadband TV News

- link

Channel 5 unveils celeb-laden slate is Everything about content in the 21st Century, from television to web, mobile, tablet and beyond. - link
Friday 11 February 2011, AM

Breaking news: uncivil war breaks out at Channel 4 - TV Radio, Media - The Independent

The programme has undergone a troubled recent history losing its lunch time bulletin and the news show on its sister channel, More 4, as well as cutting staff numbers. The programme is recruiting a third full-time presenter to work alongside Snow and Guru-Murthy, and a social affairs editor and science editor. Channel 4 News last week won an unrivalled 13 nominations in the Royal Television Society's television journalism awards, and Mr Fewell expressed surprise at the unease. - link

Media Talk podcast: The AOL/HuffPo deal, Radio 4, and TalkSport link

DTG: the official guide to entering the UK free to air digital television market

- link
Thursday 10 February 2011, PM

YouView delayed again, signs its own death certificate | Crave | CNET UK

Even if the service could magically arrive tomorrow, it still wouldn't have much of a chance, given the prevalence of online-service 'portals' on Blu-ray players and TVs. A 2012 launch achieves only one thing, and that's to allow Sony, Samsung and LG to develop better and better online features on their hardware, which do essentially the same job as a YouView box will. Even Panasonic, which currently operates the weakest portal, will have a much improved version up and running this year. - link

C5 relaunch puts lesbians centre stage | News | Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

BBC iPlayer - Android Market

You will need to install this separately from the Google Play marketplace. Give us the same quality app as apple It is typical of the bbc to ignore 75 of the market and focus on 15. - link
Thursday 10 February 2011, AM

BBC iPlayer - Civilisation: The Skin of Our Teeth

Sir Kenneth Clark begins his landmark 1969 series on the history of civilisation with the re-establishment of civilisation in Western Europe, in the tenth century after the fall of Rome to barbarism. - link
Wednesday 09 February 2011, PM

Official: YouView delayed until 2012 is Everything about content in the 21st Century, from television to web, mobile, tablet and beyond. - link

iPlayer apps for iPad, Android on the way is Everything about content in the 21st Century, from television to web, mobile, tablet and beyond. - link

YouView to launch in early 2012

YouView has announced that it will have a product in trial by the end of this year, with a full consumer launch planned in early 2012. YouView also announced it will shortly publish its core technical specifications for launch. This will allow any manufacturer to build a device using its underlying technologies but not necessarily under the YouView brand. - link

BBC iPlayer apps spark online backlash | Media |

Yes, the iPlayer will be available in Android and iPad app stores this week, Danker wrote in a blogpost late yesterday. Only available for handsets with Android 2.2 and Flash 10.1. Indeed, why invest time developing new apps at all when all this could be done through the mobile web - link

Civilisation in HD: Which other shows deserve a high-def makeover? | Television radio |

The calm, clear photography that still makes this television history of European art and culture such a visual delight will hopefully be revealed in all its glory for a new century by a high definition makeover. Civilisation was not the first art programme on British television. Its pioneering director of programmes, David Attenborough, and his team saw the potential of colour television for beautiful documentaries and the first they commissioned was Civilisation. - link

Sky News faces investigation over Sky Atlantic coverage | Media |

Boardwalk Empire Sky Atlantic's opening show on 1 February. Sky News broadcast a news report about the launch of Sky Atlantic in a show called The Live Desk. The Ofcom investigation comes at an embarrassing time for Sky and News Corp, which is attempting to buy the 60.9 of the satellite broadcaster it does not already own. - link

YouView launch delayed until 2012 | Media |

YouView, the BBC-backed venture to bring video-on-demand services to Freeview, confirmed on Wednesday that it will not launch until 2012. YouView had initially targeted a launch in June this year, but since last September its chairman, Kip Meek, has been hinting that a delay was on the cards. It is understood that the project has been delayed due to technical issues. - link
Wednesday 09 February 2011, AM

Royal Wedding - 3D | Rupert Murdoch - Sky TV | Mediaite

Have you noticed everythings in 3D all of a sudden Well, looks like the folks at Rupert Murdochs Sky TV did they were deep into planning to air the upcoming royal wedding in 3D until the royal family put the proverbial kibosh on it. A palace spokesman saying Im afraid I have to say that we have decided not to progress with 3D coverage of the service on this occasion, reports the UKs Guardian. - link

David Prosser: Sky TV continues its losing streak - Business Comment, Business - The Independent

This appears to be a company that is almost always on the wrong end of regulatory rulings. Last week, for example, a Portsmouth publican won a victory in the European courts over whether she was legally entitled to show her customers Premier League football via a satellite broadcaster from Greece, rather than the more expensive Sky. Now Sky looks set for a walloping from the Competition Commission on its movies services its preliminary view is that the broadcaster is making excess profits. - link
Tuesday 08 February 2011, PM

BBC iPlayer apps, coming soon to Android and iPad

There's been a lot of speculation over the last 24 hours about BBC iPlayer apps for mobile, so I wanted to clarify our plans. These apps are coming at a time when we're really beginning to see massive growth of people using BBC iPlayer on mobile devices. We're just applying the finishing touches to the apps as we speak, and all things being well we plan to have Android and iPad apps in stores by the end of the week. - link

BBC Radio 4 Blog: The BBC Trusts review of service licences for Radio 4 and Radio 7

The BBC Trust's service licence review was hugely positive for Radio 4 and Radio 7. I have seen some of the listeners' responses on Radio 4 to the Trust. The Trust's reseach received a record number of responses and revealed that eighty per-cent of the audience approved of us with a score of eight- or more out-of-ten. - link

How do I uninstall BBC iPlayer Desktop for Windows?

This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets CSS enabled. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets CSS if you are able to do so. - link

Filesharing prosecutions will face serious problems, says judge | Technology |

Judge Birss QC said on Tuesday that the process of connecting copyright infringement to a named individual based on their use of an internet address is fraught with difficulties because internet connections, or IP addresses, are often used by more than one person. That could create serious problems for copyright owners seeking to enforce their rights under the Digital Economy Act. Beyond that, copyright owners might be able to take people to court or demand that their internet connection is throttled or constrained. - link

Hauppauge nanoStick T2 PCTV 290e review | TV tuners | Reviews | PC Pro

As its a USB tuner, though, installation is as easy as popping it into a spare USB port. Its a neat way of jetting TV around the home, but youll need a broadband connection with a fast upload speed if youre keen to stream TV while youre out and about. Regardless, it seems somewhat redundant given the existence of TV streaming apps such as TVCatchup. - link

How do I install BBC iPlayer Desktop for Windows?

The BBC is not responsible for content or software downloaded from external sites. 1. You can also visit the Install BBC iPlayer Desktop page. 2. The installation page will appear with simple instructions on how to install BBC iPlayer Desktop. - link

ACS:Law stops trading, reports claim - February - 2011 - Which? News

ACSLaw in legal closure Andrew Crossley said that he was pulling out of the 'illegal filesharing' business due to the negative attention the work was generating for him, his family and the law firm. The firm's closure comes a week after Andrew Crossley announced that he would no longer be chasing alleged copyright infringers. The announcement followed ACSLaw pursuing 27 alleged file sharers, then requesting the cases be dropped a request that may need approval from the judge presiding over the case. - link

YouView delayed until February 2012 - Pocket-lint

New video-on-demand platform YouView has been delayed until next year, according to one of Pocket-lint's trusted sources. It was previously reported that the service, formerly called Project Canvas, had been pushed back to summertime, but we now understand that it is unlikely to surface until at least February 2012. Our source, who works within the television broadcast industry, tells us that, while they believe YouView is still on the cards, the new venture will be pushed back by 12 months, rather than the six revealed by the Daily Mail back in January. - link
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