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Thursday 23 December 2010, PM

Jeremy Hunt has a lot more on his plate than just the BSkyB decision | Media |

Photograph Justin Williams Suddenly things have got even busier for the culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt. That's right, the perennial political hot potato that is the appointment of the new BBC Trust chairman and if Hunt is still in the department and gets his way after the corporation's existing royal charter ends in 2016, it may be the last one. Interviews will be held in January and the former Conservative party chairman and Hong Kong governor, Lord Patten, is understood to be one of those being considered. - link

November BBC iPlayer monthly performance pack

Nick's been in bed with flu for over a week, so I get to publish the iPlayer stats this month. This was a month-on-month increase of 1, with requests up 32 year-on-year. Continuing autumn titles contributed to another record-breaking month for TV requests, with three episodes of The Apprentice topping the list. - link
Thursday 23 December 2010, AM

BSkyB: Without prejudice | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

It was quite improper to reveal his prejudice in such a manner and there was no question that he, as business secretary, could not play any further part in the forthcoming decision over whether to allow, block or refer the bid. The decision now passes to Jeremy Hunt at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. It would be a mistake to assume that Mr Hunt is a blank sheet of paper a quasi-judicial figure above politics who brings no prejudices of his own to the matter. - link

Hunt ruling will be open to legal challenge after past Murdoch support - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

He told Sky News it had been shelved because Mr Murdoch was now confident the deal would be waved through. You would have to do more than argue the minister was biased. Mr Hunt will then have to decide whether to refer the takeover to the Competition Commission. - link

Connected home is the trend for 2011 - Telegraph

Being addressable opens up a whole new world of possibilities the beginnings of that are already being seen with the way Sky customers can set their Sky boxes remotely, but that trend is set to accelerate rapidly over coming years. One solution, the company thinks, is a programme guide that goes backwards as well as forwards turn back to last night, see what youve missed and watch it on demand. In a way its an analogue solution to a very digital problem, but it may also be the way to put on-demand, digital TV into the homes of many refuseniks. - link

MediaGuardian Review 2010: What will next year bring? | Media | The Guardian

2011 will be the year of the connected TV and not necessarily just YouView. Games consoles will come to life as suppliers of TV we are at the edge of the next TV revolution. YouView will be a winner next year but so will Skywhich is in a wonderful position of having all the connectivity in place through all its broadband connections. - link

BBC TV channel replaces radio

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Wednesday 22 December 2010, PM

Rupert Murdoch in legal talks over BSkyB bid | Media | The Guardian

The company has held talks with its lawyers in an attempt to determine whether such an action could succeed. Cable issued an intervention notice in November, five months after News Corp said it had made an offer to buy the 61 of BSkyB it does not already own. News Corp's lawyers could argue that the decision was taken for personal reasons by pointing to comments made by Cable to undercover reporters at the Daily Telegraph. - link

Conservative links to Murdoch under scrutiny as private meeting revealed | Politics | The Guardian

The meeting took place on 28 June, shortly after News Corp said it had made an offer to buy the 61 of BSkyB it does not already own. Hunt's relations with the Murdochs are now under fresh scrutiny since he was handed official responsibility for ruling on News Corp's bid to take full control of BSkyB. Civil servants normally record details of meetings between ministers and commercial interests to keep colleagues up to speed with discussions that are taking place across government. - link

BBC - Nick Robinsons Newslog: Somethings bugging me

He survived as secretary of state for rather less business than before. The public, they argue, has a right to know the private policy disagreements of those around the cabinet table. It's been used with great effect to expose football hooligans, violent racists, fraudsters and the like. - link

Does the Vince Cable sting undermine journalistic integrity? | Maggie Brown | Comment is free |

Vince Cable's comments about the government and Rupert Murdoch were recorded by two journalists posing as constituents. Drug dealing, arms dealing, people trafficking, fraud, corruption, exploitation and the misuse of public office for personal gain are some of the grander examples that fall into this category. The implicit deal is that wrongdoing is exposed, and it is in the public interest that society benefits more from acquiring the information, than from the undermining of trust that accompanies this. - link

Anthony Rose, ex-YouView CTO iPlayer Head to speak at VoD the rise of web-connected TV | News On Digital Med

In the UK, YouView has seen terrestrial broadcasters join-up to deliver a web-connected TV service - does this mark a new way of working and what will be the importance of collaboration in future media output Any additional places will be invoiced at 95vat. Tickets for Associate Members remain at 95vat - if you are an Associate, and wish to book, please login and register for the event, and we will invoice you. - link

BBC Pestons Picks: Unanswered questions about Cable

What I still feel bemused about is why the Telegraph, for which I used to work, did not publish the one story that would have unquestionably legitimised its under-cover exercise to elicit the private views of Lib Dem ministers. The important point is that Mr Cable was the final judge - on his own, with almost absolute power - about whether this takeover should be allowed to proceed. This would have been a personal decision, not a cabinet one, under the terms of the 2002 Enterprise Act. - link

BBC archive sale marks the death of common sense | Media |

I was more than a little surprised to discover that the BBC material I needed has been given away to a local film archive. Said archive is happy to give me a copy for 70 VAT, if I am happy to wait for the 'few days' it will take to obtain it. Switch hitting Light switches at the BBC's research and development department's refurbished home in west London have been axed. - link
Wednesday 22 December 2010, AM

Hunts praise for Murdoch comes back to haunt him - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

The Culture Secretary has displayed flashes of hostility towards the BBC that chime with the tycoon's belief that the national broadcaster is cosseted at public expense. Mr Hunt startled BBC bosses whose salaries he has publicly criticised with his tough approach to negotiations over its budget which ended up with the organisation agreeing to fund the World Service from the licence fee. This month he accused the BBC of institutional bias towards the liberal left, claiming it was out of step with the public on such issues as Europe and immigration. - link
Tuesday 21 December 2010, PM

Which? uncovers dialling code costs and confusion - December - 2010 - Which? News

Companies use a range of different dialling codes, and even for the same dialling code, call charge rates vary greatly depending on your phone operator and whether you're calling from a landline or a mobile. Sky, for example, had the longest average wait of all broadband providers at over five minutes and uses an expensive 0844 number. This would set you back 41p from a BTlandline, but charges by other providers - such as VirginMedia - may be higher. Chaotic call costs Mobile charges are almost always higher than from landlines, so if you end up having to make a call when you're out and about, it could quickly add up. - link

Rupert Murdoch Wanted A Fox News-Style Channel In Britain: BBC Chief

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What Vince Cable said about Rupert Murdoch and BSkyB

The Telegraph this morning chose not to publish the most explosive part of the remarks made by Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, to undercover reporters. Vince Cable and Rupert Murdoch A whistleblower has passed me the full interview. Here are the excised comments by Mr Cable. - link

BBC Alba to be shown on Freeview

Programmes are currently available on Sky, Freesat and live on the BBC iPlayer. Scottish politicians and local authorities had called for the channel to be shown on Freeview. It has served Gaelic speakers well and was attracting more than four non-Gaelic speakers for every viewer who uses the language, according to the review. - link

TG4 to be broadcast on freeview

Previously TG4 was available on a free-to-air basis to about 60 of the population in Northern Ireland. The UK and Irish governments have now agreed that the most effective way to provide for the continuing provision of TG4 is by building a new 'band' which is a means of carrying the channel. It is hoped that this will increase the coverage of these channels in Northern Ireland, enabling about 90 of the population to receive the services on Freeview. - link

Rhondda views get raw deal after digital switchover - Wales News - News - WalesOnline

She and her partys Assembly candidate for the area Sera Evans-Fear have urged operators to invest in Welsh transmitters so all viewers get the same deal. She said While the digital switchover is welcome, it has left the people of the Rhondda with fewer channels to choose from than many other parts of the UK. They are angry that they are receiving a second-class service and arent able to receive the full number of channels. - link

European Commission statement on News Corps BSkyB takeover | Media |

The commission's findings concern solely the competition aspects of the proposed transaction. They are without prejudice to the ongoing investigation by the competent UK authorities of whether the proposed transaction is compatible with the UK interest in media plurality, which is different from the commission's competition assessment. The UK remains free to decide whether or not to take appropriate measures to protect its legitimate interest in media plurality as permitted under article 21 of the EU Merger Regulation. - link

BBC Trust - Trust approves BBC ALBA carriage on Freeview

Please visit the BBC Trust homepage to find the information you want. you may have typed the web address incorrectly - please check the spelling, or that there are no spaces or capital letters. Alternatively, please try the other links and search box on this page. - link

BBC - Press Office - BBC Statement on Trust review of BBC Alba

This will make the channel more widely available for a wider audience. - link

EC OKs News Corp s Sky Bid, Saying People Don t Want Bundled Media Anyway| paidContent

The UK will ultimately decide on whether to allow the buy-up, after Ofcom publishes its investigation on its effects on media plurality by December 31. News Corp already owns 39.1 percent of Sky, one of the worlds most successful subscription TV businesses the full takeover was prompted by Sky hitting 10 million customers this year, the pair are yet to agree a price. With respect to bundling with print subscriptions, the market investigation revealed that price is only one, and not the main factor determining readers choice of and loyalty to a newspaper. - link
Tuesday 21 December 2010, AM

Cross border reception for RT and TG4 | Broadband TV News

Northern Ireland is to gain a new low power digital TV multiplex for the carriage of television services from the Irish Republic. This combined with analogue overspill from transmitters in Ireland has given the channel reception in 60 of homes. The additional capacity within the multiplex will enable the carriage of the two principal RTE channels. - link

Google TV Faces Delays Amid Poor Reviews -

Google TV has just enacted its first programming cancellation. Google has a long history of putting out new products and then revising them on the fly. This year, for example, computer makers waited for Googles new ChromeOS software so they could ship new types of Web-based laptops. - link

Google TV products pulled from trade show

Google has reportedly asked manufacturers to delay announcing support for its television platform, just weeks before the annual Consumer Electronics Show. Google TV, which brings search and the web to television screens, launched with Sony and Logitech but received mixed reviews. The major television networks blocked access to their online shows. - link

Mobile television success a matter of definition

With smartphones and tablets offering larger screens and higher resolutions, mobile television and video services are redefining their role. They can now be seen as part of a multiscreen strategy, appealing to pay-television operators as much as mobile networks. MobiTV has been a pioneer in mobile television for over a decade and now reaches over 14 million subscribers in the United States. - link
Monday 20 December 2010, PM

Ofcom | Letter to Arqiva regarding the broadcast of Sky Text on DTT

Notice of Ofcom's decision on Arqiva's request is set out in the letter at the following web link. - link
Monday 20 December 2010, AM

Decision due on BSkyB buyout bid | News | Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link
Friday 17 December 2010, AM

Why is the Barclay family complaining about the News Corp-Sky deal? | Media |

The Barclays, in short, should be on their side. These are not people who hold press conferences, but seem prepared to mix it with the liberal half of the British media they otherwise have little in common with. There may still linger memories of a time when the Times ran several pieces investigating their finances shortly after Sir David and Sir Frederick took over the Telegraph. - link

Leaked memos cast doubt on Fox News claim of neutrality - Press, Media - The Independent

At issue in the supposedly-secret directives is semantics specifically the language that Fox correspondents use when discussing two of the most controversial items on Barack Obama's presidential agenda healthcare reform and climate change. That would directly contradict Fox's official policy, which has always been to insist that while commentators such as Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck are dyed-in-the-wool conservatives, its news teams are unbiased. The first leaked memo, made public last week, was sent by Sammon last October, shortly after the US Senate unveiled a health bill which included a provision that would give the public sector a small role in providing medical insurance to Americans. - link

BSkyB loses sex discrimination and unfair dismissal cases | Media |

BSkyB faces a 200,000 payout to two women journalists after they won their claims for unfair dismissal and sex discrimination. A tribunal ruled that Natalie Stone, 34, and Victoria Waterson, 31, were axed from their jobs because they were mothers with young children. The pair, who both earned about 20,000, can claim up to 65,300 each for unfair dismissal and open-ended damages for sex discrimination. - link
Thursday 16 December 2010, PM

Ofcom | Review of ITV Networking Arrangements - Statement

Statement published 161210 1.1 We have decided, following consultation with stakeholders, that the system of cost sharing between Channel 3 licensees specified in the existing Networking Arrangements should be retained for the moment. The statutory purpose of the NWA is to enable the Channel 3 licensees, when taken as a whole, to be a nationwide system of services which is capable of competing effectively with other television broadcast services in the UK. 1.3 Ofcom has a statutory duty to carry out a general review of the NWA from time to time under section 293 of the Communications Act 2003 the 'Act'. - link

Hindsight is 2010 vision | Broadband TV News

This may be just the thought that you would expect from a year-in-review piece, but so much has happened over the last 12 months that 2010 may genuinely become seen as a defining year, writes Julian Clover. Freeview HD is undoubtedly a slow burner, but one that should shine brightly in years to come. The BBC should thank Channel 5 for deciding that it didnt want to take an allocation that could have changed some perceptions about the last of the analogue broadcasters. - link

Broadband TV to take off with launch of YouView, says expert

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Zai Bennett appointed BBC3 controller | Media |

Bennett succeeds Danny Cohen, who became the controller of BBC1 in October. The digital channels overseen by Bennett are some of the most successful parts of the ITV business. Bennett will inherit a channel that had an 88m budget in the year to the end of March. - link

ITV could settle dispute with STV out of court | News | Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

What clouded BSkyBs judgment? | Media |

To find out more information about driving traffic to your content or to place this widget on your site, visit We welcome your feedback at or - link

YouView must see big picture | Comment | Broadcast

16 December, 2010 By Kate Bulkley Departure of Anthony Rose is a massive blow no matter how it is spun. It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

ITV agrees move to MediaCityUK

ITV Studios is the regions biggest producer of original content, with over 700 hours of programming made annually. The very latest developments in technology and production facilities are set to be incorporated in the new Coronation Street complex. For Press related enquiries, please contact or For Investor enquiries, please contact If you are a viewer, all enquiries and comments to the team. Please note that the above press contact will only respond to enquiries from the Press. - link

Thompson stands his ground over cutting BBC services | News | Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link
Thursday 16 December 2010, AM

Inside the revamped BBC Broadcasting House | Media |

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And here is todays news BBCs state-of-the-art building | Media | The Guardian

The newsroom will be visible both from the street and through a large glass window in a BBC Media Cafe open to the public to avoid a security breach, the room has toughened glass which can be darkened to frustrate telephoto lenses. About 20 camera positions around the building mean it can double as studios. With prime views across Regent Street and London, the redevelopment at the back of the original 1932 building is undeniably a step up from the dark and often cramped conditions many BBC journalists have been used to. - link
Wednesday 15 December 2010, PM

ITV1+1 gets January launch date | News | Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

Media Talk: 2010 in review link

KC concern over YouView impact on broadband data allowances

The emergence of broadband-enabled TV as a mainstream technology could lead internet service providers ISPs to review data allowances. As such, they will place greater pressures on ISPs to deliver consistent services in the face of increased usage, he noted. He added that the launch of YouView is also likely to refuel the net neutrality debate, as ISPs ponder the creation of a tiered approach to online traffic management. - link

BBC audience: DAB less tasty than leftover turkey The Register

The BBC's own research has discovered that DAB radio leaves the audience nonplussed. The research also notes that many people were indifferent because they'd been given a DAB radio as a present. It sounds more like a curse - and invites images of DAB radios shivering abandoned by the roadside, before turning feral, and scavenging from dustbins. - link

Im Windows 7 and TV on a PC was my idea* (*sort of) | News | PC Pro

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