Monday 28 July 2008, AM

Ofcoms blueprint for public service broadcasting leaked |Media | The Guardian
With some updated audience research added, it will form the basis of Ofcom's conclusions in September, which will then feed into its final recommendations next year. ITV ITV argues in its confidential submission to Ofcom that the costs of fulfilling its public service role will outweigh the benefits by the end of this year. Ofcom puts the date at 2011, but estimates that by 2012 they will be costing ITV 60m a year. - 27 July 2008, AM
Saturday 26 July 2008, AM
Rhyl coverage will be TV landmark - WalesOnline
It will be a landmark for the Welsh language broadcaster, with English language commentary available for the first time. - 25 July 2008, PM

Government wants to cut illegal filesharing by 80% by 2011 |Music |
Illegal downloading it is estimated as many as 7 million people in the UK are illicit filesharers The government has set a secret target to reduce illegal filesharing of music and films by up to 80 over the next three years, can reveal. The goal was outlined in a letter by Baroness Vadera, the business minister, relating to the agreement the government struck with internet service providers and the film and music industries to curb illegal filesharing. Industry estimates put the number of illegal filesharers in the UK at between 6 and 7 million people. - with visual impairments and communications services | Ofcom 1
You might like to try one of the following to help find what you were looking for Make sure the address of the page you are looking for is spelled correctly. Try submitting a question to our FAQ system Go to the Ofcom homepage and navigate to the information you want. Click the 'back' button to try another link. - price check
BBC Trust consults on corporations mobile plans |Media |
However, ITN has argued that the launch of ad-free BBC services will crush the development of commercial models of mobile advertising by rivals. However the corporation also argues that - in line with its remit - mobile allows it to increase the reach of BBC services and hit currently under-served groups such as 16- to 34-year-olds. The trust will consider whether a public value test should be applied to the BBC's proposals. - 24 July 2008, PM
Metronic readying Freesat HD receivers
Illegal filesharing: ISPs pledge not to spy on web users | Media |
The BPI chief executive, Geoff Taylor, said in a conference call this morning that the focus was on uploaders of illegal content. He denied reports that a levy on internet users of up to 30 had been considered or tabled with government. As part of the memorandum of understanding the ISPs have agreed to send out 1,000 letters a week in a three-month trial to subscribers who have been identified by the BPI as having been engaged in illicit uploading or downloading of music. - on Freesat announcement 'imminent'
-Freeview petition handed over - Berwickshire Today
The petition, which has the signatures of 2,500 local people, calls upon the Government to review urgently the impact of switchover on the Borders and to take immediate action to prevent local viewers from missing out on up to twenty television channels when the switch to digital television is made in the Borders in sixteen weeks' time. Under the plans for switchover as they currently stand, every viewer who receives their signal from a relay transmitter, which accounts for approximately 40 percent of all viewers in the Borders, will only receive half the Freeview channels. This situation has arisen because commercial broadcasters are not obliged to carry their signals on relay transmitters. - 24 July 2008, AM

Flash Files - Part 2 -
Click on this icon below to return here. As with all the BBC mechanical models, this was shot in black and white and the colour was then added in electronically. Although the colours and lettering were later changed, the distinctive clock face survived into the 1980s. -
US advertising: McMorning Las Vegas, heres the news | Media | The Guardian
Several TV outlets have begun to sell the fast-food giant the right to place cups of its iced coffee on to the desks of news anchors as they present morning current affairs shows. Product placement has become a huge branch of advertising in the US, creeping into all areas of entertainment television. This is the first time product placement has percolated through to news broadcasts. - - BBC iPlayer - Help - In which audio formats can I play BBC radio stations?
This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets CSS enabled. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets CSS if you are able to do so. -
Watch the BBC Olympic trailer by the Gorillaz team | Media |
Based on a traditional Chinese folktale, it features Monkey, Pigsy and Sandy encountering danger on their way to the Olympic stadium. -
Keating to control BBC content on iPlayer/Kangaroo
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. -
Wind Farm Blacks Out Our Tellies - The Daily Record
Householders are missing their favourite programmes because the farm's giant turbines are blocking the signal to their TVs. People in Glasgow's east end have already complained about dodgy TV receptions, caused by the 110-metre Whitelee masts. David Johnston's firm have been repositioning aerials for some of those hit. - 23 July 2008, PM
Panasonic DMR-EX88 DVD PVR: Dont let TV boss you around - Crave at
In Crave's ideal world, we'd be able to project TV out of our eyeballs whenever we wanted to watch it. We despise this hopelessly old-fashioned process of waiting for a programme to start and then sitting down and not being able to go for a wee until the first advert break. Obviously, this model of convenience doesn't suit the television industry. - Press Association: 4Music to be rebirth of music TV
Whitelee wind farm causing TV tuning problems
- 21 July 2008, PM
Court tosses FCC 'wardrobe malfunction' fine
The page you have requested is no longer available. If you have reached this page via a link from another page, please use our feedback page to send a site fix request. - news.wired.comDisruption to TVs - Banbury Today - Back to Home Page
Trust slams BBC Sports Personality deal
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - NEWS | UK | 200,000 TV licence evaders caught
More than 16,300 evaders were caught in London, more than in any other city, with Glasgow and Birmingham coming second and third. A fine of up to 1,000 can be given to anyone found to have broken the law by failing to buy a 139.50 licence. TV Licensing officials can detect which of the UK's homes do not have a licence through a database holding details of more than 29 million addresses. - enters Freesat market with new HD receiver, PVR to follow at Connected TV
-Monday 21 July 2008, AM
informitv - Teletext Extra Juice improves interactive user experience
Teletext Extra is a new interactive service available for Freeview digital terrestrial television in the United Kingdom. It has been launched by Teletext and InView Interactive in response to the technical limitations of existing digital text services. Based on new software known as Juice, it is faster, easier to navigate and supports much better graphics. - informitv.comSunday 20 July 2008, PM

Hi-tech is turning us all into time-wasters | Science | The Observer
Many researchers blame computers and mobile phones for providing too many distractions for people. They need to change the way they act and think.' Ferrari says that chronic procrastination is now so serious a condition it needs to be recognised by clinicians. In a study to be published later this year, he estimates that 15 to 20 per cent of people are chronic procrastinators. - 20 July 2008, AM

Armando Iannucci: Welcome to the brave new world of Murdoch | Comment is free | The Observer
In the annals of business acumen, no single act of commercial chutzpah can surpass the company manoeuvres carried out by Rupert Murdoch over the period 2010 to 2014. To assess just how revolutionary, how completely beyond the reach of what any human individual had yet achieved in more than 30 millenniums of civilisation his actions were, it is useful to note that prior to the year 2010 the figure of Rupert Murdoch was one respected but never adored by people of influence who considered themselves his peers. Now in his mid-70s, he showed no sign of loosening the reins of power he held so firmly in his two gnarled hands. - 18 July 2008, PM
ITV boost as Grade hints at bid talks | This is Money
Sky boss Jeremy Darroch is also said to have been approached by potential buyers of the group's ITV holding, which he may be forced to sell over the coming weeks. Hopes that a buyer may be waiting in the wings sent ITV ailing share price soaring 4.6p, or 12, to 42.9p. However, the prospect of Jon de Mol sweeping in to put ITV out of its misery were greeted with scepticism in the City. -
Smith: BBCW needs new UKTV partner
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - HDTV: "The BBC's Bold Trial Of Reverse Karaoke!"
A couple of weeks ago, I was speaking to the technical director of Discovery he said that over 75 of their quality control failures are due to surround sound problems. The SD channel has stereo audio, but we don't mix it down from the surround audio yet it is actually a separate mix at the moment. It's worth remembering that well over 95 of the audience of any live programme is watching in standard definition with stereo sound and the standard definition audience must get the best possible service. - TV coming to PS3 10 September
Sony has finally given an official date for the Play TV addon for PS3. - stuff.tvFriday 18 July 2008, AM
DTG News: Australia launch Freeview service
Australias free-to-air commercial television networks together with the nations public broadcasters have announced the establishment of an Australian version of Freeview. A consortium has been formed to help drive take-up of the free-to-air digital television platform. Mr Dalton said This is an extraordinary step forward for the free-to-air broadcasters. -
TV mast works affect families' Freeview boxes
Work carried out at the mast on July 1 means that some have been left with set top boxes that do not work. So I went back to Currys where I got the box about 18 months ago. Eventually someone there told me the signal at Caldbeck had been changed. Mr Nuttall, of Skinburness Road, added We had no warning about this. - 16 July 2008, AM

Optimize Your Surround Sound System - Wired How-To Wiki
You've agonized over picking the right video system for your home theater, dropped the money for it and even hooked it up to your sweet surround sound audio setup. So, why does it sound like the apocalypse when you fire it up Chances are you need to balance the audio system to best suit the characteristics of the room. -
Watch now!: Exclusive interview with BBC2s Roly Keating
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. -
Dirac Pro to bolster BBC HD links
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. -
S4C to give English commentary option on sports coverage | Media |
S4C's main commentary on its football and rugby coverage will continue to be in Welsh. The broadcaster already provides English subtitles on its service. English commentary will also be available for all live rugby games in the Magners League, Swalec Cup and live games from the Principality Premiership. - to install DVB device drivers - LinuxTVWiki
Note This article assumes that your device is actually supported by the drivers -- Just because your board happens to have a chip on it that corresponds to some existing driver does NOT mean your product is supported. If the driver doesn't recognize/bind to your particular hardware, then the module will probably load but then proceed to not do anything. In other words, support for your device would have to be added to the driver. - linuxtv.orgTuesday 15 July 2008, PM

Business and the weather | Something for a rainy day |
IT IS not only the British who are obsessive about the weather. The internet is jammed with websites that inform about current and future weather conditions. Those forecasts are getting better, thanks to satellite technology, ever more powerful supercomputers and a host of other smaller refinements. -
Choosing an Energy-Efficient TV: Scientific American
Which of the latest models are the greenest Can you tell me which of the latest models is the greenest I was told that the flat-screen/plasmas are real energy hogs. - sciam.comBBC NEWS | Entertainment | UK iTunes shelves music price cut
Six months ago, the company said it would lower the price of songs in the UK to bring British fees into line with those on its other European services. A song costs 79p in the UK and 0.99 euros elsewhere. At the time of Apple's announcement, that worked out at 74p. - News: Astrium to build new satellite for SES ASTRA
The spacecraft is the fourth ASTRA satellite to be built by Astrium and is scheduled for launch in 2011. This will also enable us to continue to respond to the strong demand for digital and High Definition HD capacity, and to provide significant growth potential to key European markets. -
YouTube Blog: The Law and Your Privacy: An Update
As we let you know on July 4, YouTube received a court order to produce viewing history data. Read the official legalese here. In addition, Viacom and the plaintiffs had originally demanded access to users' private videos, our search technology, and our video identification technology. Our lawyers strongly opposed each of those demands and the court sided with us. - youtube.comTuesday 15 July 2008, AM
BBC NEWS | Business | BT to pump 1.5bn into broadband
BT plans to plug some homes straight into the fibre-optic network BT is to invest 1.5bn in fibre optic cables, giving up to 10 million UK households access to faster broadband. The plans would bring 40 of homes in reach of an ultra-fast service by 2012. BT is also planning to put fibre-optic cable into about 1 million homes, making the service even faster for those customers. - challenges Skys dominance of pay TV - Business News, Business - The Independent
BT has renewed calls for greater regulatory control of Sky's alleged dominance of the pay television market as the telco's on-demand entertainment service upped the ante by offering customers free access to Setanta Sports 1. The service also has 5,000 hours of on-demand content that can be bought either on a pay-per-view basis or as part of its three tariff packages all of which will now come with Setanta Sports 1 bundled in. The upgraded deal also includes exclusive access to 28 on-demand Scottish Premier League games. - 14 July 2008, PM
Digital TV: iPlayers play for online eyes - Media, News - The Independent
Before the Australian-born Rose was appointed to his post last September, he had been the chief technology officer for six years at Kazaa, the notorious peer-to-peer website that has been the subject of many anti-piracy copyright lawsuits since its creation back in July 2002. Rose says that the BBC was looking for someone with expertise in digital-rights management, peer-to-peer technology and mass-market consumer applications. The iPlayer automatically remembers programmes you've watched before, he says. - Flat Antenna replaces the satellite dish | Electricpig
Code NoSuchKey Message The specified key does not exist. -
Ten Network drops Australian Big Brother after Pamela Anderson fails to save show | Media |
Pamela Anderson meets housemates in Australian Big Brother. The Australian commercial TV broadcaster said it had decided to end its association with the Endemol format after the end of the current series because it was no longer able to surprise viewers. Ratings for the current run, which is due to end on July 21, have been averaging little more than a million viewers per episode, down from a high of 2.8 million in 2001. -, live from the cutting-room floor | Media Monkey |
If you're one of those people who thinks Telly Savalas is a Brazilian satellite channel, then you'll probably enjoy this bumper selection of goofs and gaffes - well, one of them, anyway - from Sky News. To find out more information about driving traffic to your content or to place this widget on your site, visit We welcome your feedback at or - a page