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Monday 07 July 2014, PM

DVB sets new standards - informitv

The Digital Video Broadcasting Project has ratified specifications for the delivery of ultra-high-definition television services. Its Phase 1 specification sets a base level for UHDTV but does not address more demanding requirements that are already on the horizon. It allows for the possibility that Phase 2, which has yet to be considered, will use higher frames rates. - link

RadioToday - De-regulate with caution, says UKRD boss

There is no question that there is an increasing detachment taking place between local stations and their local communities and we are not in favour of a further substantial erosion of this relationship. It is not. Local commercial radio licences are granted to businesses by Ofcom so that they can serve specific local communities and if there is a further move which allows too much erosion of this relationship, there will be little point in having local commercial radio licences of this nature at all. We represent a particular strand of local commercial radio which seems to be unfashionable in certain quarters. - link

UBS: Sky could sell ITV stake - News - Broadcast

ky could sell its 7.5% stake in ITV ahead of the creation of Sky Europe, according to analysts. The move may help to pave the way for the creation of a pan-regional pay-TV business, first floated in May, which would bring together Sky Italia and Sky Deutschland with the UK service. Sky could be keen to resolve its plans for its interest in the free-to-air broadcaster ahead of tackling the ambitious consolidation strategy. “?We argue that there is potential for BSkyB to sell this stake as part of the plan to create Sky Europe,” Tamsin Garrity, an analyst at investment bank UBS, noted in a report. Sky bought a 17.9% stake in the commercial broadcaster in 2006 to block cable operator NTL, now Virgin Media, from taking over the broadcaster. It subsequently sold a 10.4% stake in February 2010, leaving it with the 7.5% holding. - link

BBC News - Teletext festival breathes life into old tech

Teletext, a British invention from the 1970s phased out in the UK in 2012, is a television information retrieval service. Despite teletext's limitations, artists from across the world have pushed the ageing tech to its limit to create an impressive collection of retro illustrations. The festival, in its third year, will be run by Finnish art collective FixC, from 14 August to 14 September 2014. - link
Monday 07 July 2014, AM

Susanna Reid's list of instructions to boost Good Morning Britain's ailing ratings of ITV show - Mail Online

It leaves the programme with just 13 per cent of the audience, falling short of the 15 per cent executives said it needed to survive. Scroll down for video Change Susanna Reid has been told to soften her look as executives worry it deters female viewers. On Friday, the 43-year-old took the show outdoors once more, sporting a flowery dress, sling-back heels, hoop earrings and sunglasses. - link
Sunday 06 July 2014, PM

Scotlands TV industry post-independence: A Yes vote will interfere with viewing north of the border -

So, the BBC would give its shows to a foreign country at no further cost to Scottish viewers. Some companies in Scotlands thriving independent production sector, which produces numerous shows for network British television, are alarmed at the prospects for their businesses post-independence. The idea that the BBC would just sit down and put pen to paper on such a deal is ridiculous. - link

Nick Pollard: ‘Sky News is always more inventive and energetic than BBC News’ - Media - The Guardian

Nick Pollard, the former head of Sky News, was asked to investigate the fallout from the botched Newsnight investigation, while Tony Hall, his exact contemporary at school, was invited back as director general. Pollard was not shot, as a messenger bringing grim news, but neither was he invited to fix the problems hed accurately identified as many thought he should have been. Ever the enthusiast, he has directed his energies into modernising BFBS, which celebrated 70 years of broadcasting in 2013. - link
Saturday 05 July 2014, PM

BBC staff told to stop inviting cranks on to science programmes - Telegraph

Science coverage does not simply lie in reflecting a wide range of views but depends on the varying degree of prominence such views should be given. The Trust said that man-made climate change was one area where too much weight had been given to unqualified critics. In April the BBC was accused of misleading viewers about climate change and creating false balance by allowing unqualified sceptics to have too much air-time. In a damning parliamentary report, the corporation was criticised for distorting the debate, with Radio 4s Today and World at One programmes coming in for particular criticism. - link

QVC builds TV presence with new Freeview channel -

The new channel will strengthen the companys TV business model, and will provide a 24-hour platform for QVCs product ranges in one-hour themed slots and branded programmes. This announcement strengthens the commercial model for local TV broadcasters up and down the UK. The proceeds from the sale go directly to help fund a wider range of services for local television. - link

Social media drives TV choices for one in seven in UK - Social TV - News - Rapid TV News

Celebrating its second birthday, the subscription-free on-demand platform provider discovered that 14 of Facebook users questioned also said they always or often use the site to talk about the TV programme they are watching. For Twitter the number was slightly higher at 16. Nationally, 4 of people admitted they talk about TV at least once a day on Facebook and 2 on Twitter. - link
Friday 04 July 2014, PM

Feedback: Climate Change Coverage: 4 Jul 14 link

Doctor Who writer predicts extermination of the soap opera - Media Monkey - Media -

The man who penned Queer as Folk reckons Coronation Street, Hollyoaks et al have at best 10 years left in them, the Sun reports. You can see a television landscape in 10 years time where they wont exist or will be reduced. Well, Monkey is determined to look on the bright side with all that air-time going spare, think of all the new reality TV shows that can fill up the schedules. - link

Exclusive: Today Programme criticised for giving platform to climate sceptic Lord Lawson - TV Radio - Media - The

It gave the impression that theres still debate about climate change. Across our programmes the number of scientists and academics who support the mainstream view far outweighs those who disagree with it. - link

Ariel - TV News celebrates its 60th birthday

At 7.30pm on July 5, 1954, Richard Baker uttered the opening words. Kenneth Kendall was the first, in 1955, later joined by others such as Robert Dougal, who would all become semi-permanent fixtures of the living room furniture. 'For many of us working in television news or multimedia news, some of these people are the people we grew up with,' says Mary Hockaday, head of the newsroom and responsible for about 1000 staff. - link
Wednesday 02 July 2014, PM

Radio's Brave New World

It sounds as if radio is heavily under threat. The facts are that radio is as resilient today as it always has been. The amount of people who tune into radio is as high as it has ever been. - link

Media: Diversity, Facebook controlling emotions, Changes to Radio 5 Live link
Wednesday 02 July 2014, AM

RadioToday - Second national DAB multiplex welcomed

- link
Tuesday 01 July 2014, PM

Why the Aereo Shutdown Will Be a Disaster for Broadcast TV - Re/code

Too bad they werent in Anaheim with me, because despite Aereos now-illegal Rube Goldberg-esque transmission technology, it offered a distinctive and revolutionary way for broadcast TV to remain relevant to younger viewers. Unfortunately, most TV execs probably never had a chance to actually use Aereo. I had a chance to use Aereo extensively when I spent a month in the Boston area this spring, and it delivered broadcast TV to the devices that most people under 30 use to view video mobile phones and tablets. - link

Ariel - Matthew Postgate to be technology chief

1 July 2014 Last updated at 1334 Matthew Postgate is to succeed John Linwood as chief technology officer. Currently controller of research and development, he will be responsible for delivering the BBC's broadcast technology and IT systems. Linwood was sacked from the role last July for his part in the 100m failure of the Digital Media Initiative. - link

BBC - Blogs - About the BBC - Schedule changes at 5 live

Today I have just shared with the team here at 5 live a major set of schedule changes. It is a sad time as, within this, we say goodbye to three of the great stars of 5 live, but it's also an exciting time as we look ahead to the next stage in our life here in Salford. We say farewell to Victoria Derbyshire who has an exciting new opportunity with BBC News, details of which will be announced in the next few months. - link

RadioToday - Second national DAB multiplex advertised

Ofcom will today advertise for a second national DAB radio multiplex, as promised by the Government in 2013. This will be the second time Ofcom has advertised an additional national multiplex, having awarded a licence to Channel 4 in 2007 to operate a second multiplex to compliment Digital One. Digital One is now full with 11 mono stations broadcasting at low bit-rates and just three stations broadcasting in stereo. - link
Monday 30 June 2014, PM

Public TV Ad Ban Will Remain After Supreme Court Declines Review - Variety

The station also said that the court should reconsider a 1969 Supreme Court decision that allowed the government to place some restrictions on broadcast content, arguing that the media landscape had changed so much in the last 45 years. Late last year, an en banc panel of the 9th Circuit sided with the government, concluding that it had a vested interest in maintaining public television without the influence of for-product sponsors. The station is independent and not affiliated with PBS, and some other larger public television stations had warned that allowing ads for for-profit goods and services could undermine their ability to raise money from corporate underwriters and federal and state funding sources. - link

Secrecy concerns raised around appointment of new BBC Trust chairman - Press Gazette

They have also questioned the suitability of current acting chairmanDiane Coyle for the role. The organisations have also asked Javid to explain why the next chairman will be required to work two days a week down from three to four while still being paid 110,000 a year. The letter asked why no information has been released on who the three people on the interview panel for the Trust role are and how they were picked. - link
Monday 30 June 2014, AM

Coming This Summer

Wouldnt it be great to watch live and recorded TV anywhere in the home, and also when you are on the go - link
Sunday 29 June 2014, PM

BBC Trust role is no part-time affair - TV Radio - Media - The Independent

Its extraordinary that the Government thinks a role that engulfed a seasoned figure like Chris Patten can be carried out with such minimal commitment. It was hardly a good career move for Lord Patten or his predecessor Michael Lyons, who never appeared content in the role. In times of BBC crisis, which are not infrequent, its a seven-day job. - link

RadioToday - BBC turns on 250th DAB radio transmitter

BBC national digital radio has been extended with the switch-on of over 250 DAB transmitters so far. Seven transmitters were recently turned on, bringing the total number across the UK to 253. Its part of the current phase of their digital radio network expansion plan bringing a further two million people into the coverage area and increasing coverage from 93 to 97 by the end of 2015. - link
Sunday 29 June 2014, AM

Ofcom - Ofcom consultation on the UK preparations for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15)

- link

BBC News - BT apologises for broadband outage

Users complained they were unable to connect to some websites - including social media, banking and shopping sites - as a result of the problems. BT said it was unable to say how many customers had been hit, but issues were reported in various parts of the UK. - link
Saturday 28 June 2014, AM

Moderate TV viewing linked to premature death - Health News - NHS Choices

Watching TV for three hours a day can be deadly doubling your risk of dying early, the Mail Online reports. The participants were asked to self-report time spent on three types of sedentary behaviour TV viewing, computer use and time spent driving. They were then followed for between 2 and 10 years to see if any of the participants died prematurely, and if so, if there was a significant association between premature death and types of sedentary behaviour. - link
Friday 27 June 2014, PM

Feedback: Anti-Austerity Coverage: 27 Jun 14 link

Public TV Station Seeks Supreme Court Review of Ban on Ad Spots - Variety

The day after the Supreme Court issued its decision in Aereo, the justices are weighing whether to take another case that could have a significant impact on broadcasting. The station challenged the penalty, but also sought to invalidate the 1981 law that restricts public stations from airing ads for commercial products or political candidates, and even challenged the FCC on First Amendment grounds. Late last year, an en banc panel of the 9th Circuit agreed that the government was on solid legal ground and that it had a vested interest in ensuring that public TV retained its non-commercial nature. - link
Thursday 26 June 2014, PM

Channel 4 to launch two new HD channels Digital TV Europe

June 26, 2014 UK terrestrial broadcaster Channel 4 is due to launch two new high definition channels on the Freeview platform. Were excited that these Channel 4 channels are joining the HD community, said Arqivas director of digital terrestrial television, Mike Finchen. - link

RadioToday - Global makes London DAB multiplex changes

Global Radio is making a number of changes to the platforms used by its London radio stations broadcasting on DAB. XFM is also on the move from London 2, where it was broadcasting at 112kbps, to London 1 where it returns to 128kbps stereo. A Global Radio spokesperson told RadioToday We are moving these services in order to use our digital capacity more effectively. - link

DTG :: News :: BBC to continue 4k trials at Commonwealth Games

This time the research development trial will be broadcast to a public screening, giving people the opportunity to see the very first live UHD broadcast of a Commonwealth Games. This new broadcasting system is BBC RD's vision in order to increase speed and ubiquity of internet networks. New forms of content could take advantage of this information to provide richer, more interactive and more personal ways of telling stories to audiences. - link

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Ariel - BBC Three triumphs at Broadcast Digital Awards

In what was a triple sweep, it also took best factual channel and best entertainment channel. The recognition comes as the youth channel faces moving solely to iPlayer next year, subject to approval by the BBC Trust. Its challenge is to maintain that level of excellence as an online channel next year.' Overall, the BBC won half of the awards up for grabs, a total of nine out of 18 categories. - link
Thursday 26 June 2014, AM

Media: Hacking trial special link

BBC receives £500m offer for UKTV - Media -

It is understood that Scripps has made multiple attempts to convince BBC Worldwide to sell up, with the best offer thought to be in the region of 500m. This option was never exercised, as BBC Worldwide lacks the financial muscle or flexibility within its 350m borrowing facility. UKTV made a healthy operating profit of 71m last year, albeit flat year-on-year, with Scripps boosting programme investment to a record high of 110m. - link

DTG :: News :: More than 1bn homes will have Digital TV by the end of 2014.

The research says that by year-end, two thirds of all households using TV's will be using a digital platform to watch programming. There will still be large disparities in the digital penetration by region as North America for example will be 97.1 Digital while Latin America will be just 51.5. China will have the highest number of Digital Homes at 289 million, followed by the US at 114 million and India with 96.4 million. - link
Wednesday 25 June 2014, PM

Ariel - Weather is big news for most adults, finds Ofcom survey

25 June 2014 Last updated at 1328 The weather rates ahead of crime and worldwide current affairs as a topic that people consider to be news. Six in 10 UK adults nominated the weather as a news topic, ahead of crime 53, worldwide current affairs 53, UK-wide current affairs 51 and UK-wide politics 49. The statistics come from Ofcom's research into news consumption, which included a survey of nearly 2,800 people across the UK. - link

BBC's James Harding to newspaper publishers: let's work together - Media -

BBC head of news James Harding has said the differences between the corporation and publishers have been overdone. It means a society in which the decisions of powerful people go unreported and unchallenged, undermining any belief in local democracy and institutions, public services and private businesses. And, to my mind, the squabbles in recent years between the local press and the BBC are getting us all nowhwere. - link

Supreme Court Ruling a Likely Death Knell for Aereo - WSJ

Interviews with Mr. Hurwitz and others were conducted before the ruling was announced on Wednesday. Aereo could also lobby to try to change the law, though most experts familiar with the ways of Washington put the odds of success between slim and none. Aereo is a two-year-old company that picks up television signals and sends them to the Internet-connected devices of Aereo subscribers, all without permission from or payment to the broadcasters who provide the programming. These fees have become increasingly important to broadcasters, making up 3.3 billion for the industry last year and expected to hit 7.6 billion by 2019, according to SNL Kagan. - link

The Verge

With a success under its belt with the Chromecast, Google is officially renewing its assault on the living room with Android TV. Google TV, launched in 2010 with its apparent ambition to turn your television into a smartphone, is now firmly in the past. Android TV is Google's rekindled vision for your home's largest screen, and it's considerably sleeker and more in line with the competition's offerings. - link

Statement from Aereo CEO and Founder Chet Kanojia on United States Supreme Court Decision - All Aereo

Weve said all along that we worked diligently to create a technology that complies with the law, but todays decision clearly states that how the technology works does not matter. Consumer access to free-to-air broadcast television is an essential part of our countrys fabric. Using an antenna to access free-to-air broadcast television is still meaningful for more than 60 million Americans across the United States. And when new technology enables consumers to use a smarter, easier to use antenna, consumers and the marketplace win. - link

BBC News - US high court rules Aereo violates copyright law

Aereo uses thousands of tiny antennas to pick-up TV signals and transmit them to subscribers who pay as little as 8 5 a month for the service. Aereo offered its service for subscribers to watch on smartphones and other portable devices. It is available in New York, Boston, Atlanta and some other major US cities. - link

Lets work together: BBC in olive branch to local press - Journalism News from HoldtheFrontPage

A senior BBC executive has held out the prospect of content-sharing with local newspapers in an apparent olive-branch towards the industry. James Harding, director of news and current affairs at the corporation, says the BBC is considering making its audio and video archive to local media as part of a new partnership approach. Said James We share a belief in local journalism because we have a responsibility to the country we live in to ensure that local journalism gets back on its feet. - link

Ofcom - News consumption in the UK - 2014 report

Published 250614 This summary report provides key findings from Ofcoms 2014 research into news consumption across the four main platforms television, radio, print and online, and highlights where these have changed since 2013. It is published as part of our market research range of publications that examine the consumption of content and attitudes towards that content on different platforms. The aim of this report is to inform an understanding of news consumption across the UK, and within each UK nation. - link
Tuesday 24 June 2014, PM

Lenny Henry tells MPs ethnic diversity plan of BBC does not go far enough - Media - The Guardian

Henry told MPs on the culture, media and sport select committee that Britain had been losing talent because of the mistaken belief that ethnic minority actors did not have star power. Ejiofor recently won acclaim for his role in the film 12 Years A Slave. Henry added Development funding is great but there are people absolutely trained and ready to rock. - link

Ariel - Diane Coyle expresses fears on BBC independence

Coyle was critical of the hurried negotiations between the BBC and the government as part of the latter's spending review in October 2010. The resulting settlement froze the licence fee at 145.50 until 2017. They include improving the quality, range and originality of BBC One drama, especially in peak time control of overall headcount, particularly cuts in the number of senior managers. - link

Selling door-to-door carries too much risk of damaging the BSkyB brand - Business - The Guardian

550 door-to-door salesmen could lose their BSkyB jobs, and have already been taken off the streets. Photograph Chris Radburn/PA Believe in better, say the Sky ads, a philosophy hard to marry with the very old-tech idea of paying salesmen to go door-to-door flogging television and broadband contracts. Door-to-door selling is what gas and electricity suppliers do, or used to do, often landing themselves in hot water with their regulator when the sales techniques proved too aggressive or plain misleading. - link
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