Wednesday 18 September 2013, PM

BBC local radio embraces female presenter challenge - Women in Leadership - Guardian Professional
Photograph Christopher Thomond for the Guardian Local radio is rather like a broadcasting Tardis it is a lot bigger on the inside than it appears on the outside. They're not to know that we're a network of 39 stations, generating over 5,000 hours of programming each week to an audience of more than seven million people. In fact, the scale of local radio often takes people inside the BBC by surprise. - theguardian.comTuesday 17 September 2013, PM

Ofcom - Summary
1.2We concluded in the SRSP 2010 that where we authorise rights to use spectrum through licensing, we can employ three mechanisms for setting fees cost based pricing, administered incentive pricing and auctions. We also determined that cost based fees which reflect our spectrum management costs should apply to spectrum licence classes where AIP which is calculated based on the opportunity cost of the spectrum used is not appropriate. 1.3We signalled our intention to review cost based fees in our 2013/14 Annual Plan, and this document serves as the first in a series of cost based fee reviews. -
The format, which falls somewhere between chat show entertainment television and advertising, has been described in the television industry as a chatmercial. ITV sources said the channel was categorised as advertising and that responsibility for content rested with JML. The show has been trialled over two hours from 12.40am on Monday mornings on ITVs main channel and will continue to be shown on the channel. -
Ariel - What price a safe pair of hands?
The scale of his salary and the terms of his 1m settlement have become a kind of shorthand for cushy jobs and lax management. It is hard to feel sympathy for people leaving the BBC with six, let alone seven-figure compensation but, taking the case of Mark Byford in particular, I have felt there is a side to his story that hasn't been heard. He spent 32 years at the BBC and held a sequence of high-level jobs before becoming deputy director general in 2004. - 16 September 2013, PM

Video isn t breaking the internet: The industry giants are Tech News and Analysis
The web cant handle video, goes the common refrain. For example, Comcast estimates that if people wanted to watch the television content they watch on its pay TV service using the web, each home would consume 648 gigabytes per month. Were at the point where the web giants, ISPs, backbone providers and content companies are all trying to make their own set of rational decisions about delivering video to avoid having their servers or network assets sit idle while also trying to avoid over-investment. -
Ariel - Trust seeks audience views on BBC news
16 September 2013 Last updated at 1211 Audiences are to be asked what they think of the BBC's news and current affairs output. The BBC Trust has opened a public consultation to gather views on everything from Newsnight to Newsbeat, with the focus on their quality and distinctiveness. 'Now the Trust is going to ask in detail what those audiences expect of the BBC, what they appreciate most, and where they think we could give them an even more distinctive service. - 16 September 2013, AM

With 30 tuners and 30 TB of storage, SnapStream makes TiVos look like toys - Ars Technica
When you've got 30 or more channels that you need to be recording simultaneously, your cable company's DVR isn't really up to snuff anymore and it's time to call in the big guns. Enlarge / The SnapStream offices near downtown Houston are filled with neat TV memorabilia. For example, a SnapStream cluster is just as good at repackaging, transcoding, and distributing content for re-use as it is for recording it in the first placefunctionality you won't find on a consumer-grade DVR. - arstechnica.comSaturday 14 September 2013, PM

UTV goes HD on Sky and FreeSat - UTV Live News
Ofcom - Spectrum Pricing: A framework for setting cost based fees
BBC measures success of programmes by asking if they are 'fresh and new' - Media -
Fresh and new director of television Danny Cohen says the BBC needs to find out what the audience thinks is distinctive. Cohen said it was a mistake to obsess with how many people watched or didn't watch Netflix' acclaimed BBC drama remake, House of Cards. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. -
Ofcom could easily regulate BBC, says chief executive - Media -
Richards said there needed to be a debate in the next year or two about electronic programme guides and the prominence given to public service broadcasters. He said his toughest time in the job was when David Cameron, then still in opposition, announced his intention to abolish Ofcom. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. -
BBC Trust uncertainty could affect hunt for new chairman - Media -
Chris Patten due to step down in April 2015. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has admitted that both charter renewal negotiations and the task of finding a successor to Lord Patten could be begin sooner than expected and may run alongside each other. Ministers had been planning to start the process of looking for Patten's replacement next year as he is due to step down in April 2015. - theguardian.comSaturday 14 September 2013, AM
DTG :: News :: New Freesat HD with freetime box from Humax launches
The new box is made by Humax and expected to retail for only 99. DTG Staff 13.09.2013 Links open in a new window. -
BBC hires Whitehall veteran PR to repair its tarnished image - Media -
Image change John Shield has been hired to repair the BBC's damaged reputation. The director general will be publishing his vision for the BBC over the next decade next month, as the corporation gears up for charter renewal negotiations with the government. Julian Payne, who has been acting head of communications since Mylrea's departure, is moving to a new role leading the BBC's recently announced review of trust and executive working practices, reporting in to Hall. -
BBC - Blogs - About the BBC - A broadcast tour of Sussex
To mark the 30th anniversary of BBC Sussex, the station has embarked on a 30 day tour broadcasting live from across the county. I first mentioned the idea of marking the 30th anniversary of BBC Sussex in January. Easy enough, you might think, but lots to do, from arranging parking and permits through to getting a good mix of guests to talk about each of our featured destinations. -
BBC - Blogs - Internet blog - What's On BBC Red Button 14-20 September
Also from CBBC, there's a blog from presenter Chris, horoscopes and jokes to make you laugh. The play along is not available on Virgin TiVo but remember you can also download the BBCs free mobile play along app. For a full list and times of sport coverage on Red Button see the BBC Sport website. - 13 September 2013, AM
Media Talk podcast: Dave Gorman

Apple’s iOS 64-bit iUpgrade: Don't expect a 2x performance leap • The Register
Apple has said the chip is compatible with all the iOS out there that is still 32-bit. Apple hasnt said how much RAM the 5S contains, but its not going to be of the order that the new 64-bit chip makes possible. Software could use some extra headroom with 64-bit pointers, although that may boil down to effectively 48 bits of useful virtual address space per app the upper bits being reserved for the operating system and unmapped space. -
Twitter / premrugby: Don’t forget you can try ...
Enter Open Tweet details g f Go to user... -
BBC News - Audio pioneer Ray Dolby dies aged 80
Mr Dolby had suffered from Alzheimer's disease for several years and was diagnosed with leukaemia this summer. Mr Dolby was born in Portland, Oregon, and grew up in the San Francisco area. He began his career in the Ampex Corporation, helping to develop early videotape recording systems while he was still a student. - 12 September 2013, PM

Harman warns against more scrutiny of BBC finances by spending watchdog - Media -
I don't think we should do a Dangerous Dogs Act on the BBC, rush to do something everyone agrees is good but doesn't really work. -
BBC ex-chair says NAO more interested in headlines than value for money - Media -
Bland also said the corporation should be regulated by an outside body such as Ofcom, instead of the BBC Trust, which is under fire. The idea that the BBC should be looked at in the same way as departments of state does not fill me with enormous enthusiasm. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. -
Burns and Bland back BBC regulation change - News - Broadcast
Channel 4 chairman Terry Burns and former chair of the BBC board of governors, Christopher Bland, have suggested that a single board, plus Ofcom, is the best method for regulating the BBC. Speaking on a hastily organised panel session at the RTS Cambridge Convention following Mondays PAC hearing, the pair suggested that a unitary board structure, with input from the TV regulator, addressed the issue of the BBC Trust having to act as both regulator and cheerleader. -
Ofcom - Request to change frequency of Herefordshire Worcestershire local DAB multiplex: Statement
These statutory provisions require Ofcom to consult on any such requests before it makes a decision, and so a public consultation was held between 13 August and 10 September. As MuxCo's proposal to change the frequency of the local radio multiplex service would have no impact on the range of local digital sound programme services proposed to be available in the Herefordshire Worcestershire area, Ofcom was satisfied that this statutory criterion had been met. Provided the request meets the terms of the statute, the decision whether or not to agree to the request is at Ofcom's discretion. -
News -
The company provides satellite communications services to broadcasters, content and internet service providers, mobile and fixed network operators and business and governmental organisations worldwide. The culturally diverse regional teams of SES are located around the globe and work closely with customers to meet their specific satellite bandwidth and service requirements. -
Ariel - India staff get three month pay ultimatum
12 September 2013 Last updated at 1520 BBC India staff have been given three months to accept a new pay offer before funds are redirected elsewhere. Staff in the Delhi bureau - who are employees of either Global News or Newsgathering - have already rejected the staggered rise which would see a 5 increase for the lowest paid, 3 for those on around 20,000 and no rise for those earning the equivalent of 31,000 or above. They argue that the proposal fails to take into account the rising cost of living in India where there's been 'double digit inflation' since 2010. -
U.K.s Channel 5 Committed to U.S. Dramas, Owner Says - The Hollywood Reporter
U.S. broadcast networks have in recent years started receiving such fees from cable and satellite TV operators, giving them a new revenue stream that mirrors the carriage fees cable networks receive. However, in the U.K., business models have been different. The BBC, for example, is estimated to pay about 8 million 5 million per year to BSkyB. - hollywoodreporter.comDavid Abraham RTS Speech, Cambridge 2013 - Channel 4 - Info - Press
Opening remarks Id like to welcome you all to the conference and set the scene for this opening session and for the conference as a whole. Its always a challenge to try and encapsulate discussions on behalf of an entire industry into a coherent 48 hour event especially when one considers the big beasts that have performed this role and the ideological battles that have played out here over the years. The first RTS Cambridge I ever went to was the day after 9/11. - channel4.comThursday 12 September 2013, AM

BBC governance review is overdue - but welcome - Media -
In truth, there is no point in creating yet another board to oversee the BBC's management executive. Give that job to Ofcom and be done with it. -
BBC News - BBC has had annus horribilis, says culture secretary
She wants the public spending watchdog to have greater access to the BBC. The BBC has announced a review of its structure to provide better oversight of the way the licence fee is spent. 'Insufficient independence' Ms Miller's speech to an audience of industry insiders in Cambridge comes after a difficult week for the BBC. -
Maria Miller's speech to the RTS Television Convention – full text - Media -
Having worked in the advertising industry for 20 years, I couldn't agree more He was a towering figure in broadcasting and one who will be sorely missed by many people here today. Of course Sir David was one of the first people to become famous through his appearances on television. -
Channel 5 owner warns of regulation threat to public service broadcasters - Media -
Desmond will also point to a historical regulation that allows non-PSB channels to air more minutes of advertising per hour. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. To get the latest media news on your desktop or mobile, follow MediaGuardian on Twitter and Facebook. - theguardian.comWednesday 11 September 2013, PM
Media: TV Writers; BBC Governance

BBC payouts row: HR director faces calls to quit over 'sweetener' allegation - Media -
Adams previously issued a correction to her claim that she could not recall a key memo proposing a controversial 1m payout to the BBC's former deputy director general, Mark Byford. He declined, but said he was happy to share it with the comptroller and auditor general of the National Audit Office, Amyas Morse, who also attended the committee meeting. Shortly afterwards Morse told the committee he had seen the email and suggested Adams be allowed to view it and respond after the hearing. -
TiVo eyes the cloud with premiere of network PVR - Tech Culture - CNET News
TiVo has announced a new, cloud-based television offering that could strengthen its relationships with cable and satellite providers. Dubbed the TiVo network PVR personal video recorder, the new cloud-based service is only in prototype phase at this point, the company noted Wednesday. However, the cloud-based service, which will be shown off for the first time at the International Broadcasting Conference in Amsterdam starting Thursday, may find its way into homes at some point in the future. - news.cnet.comWednesday 11 September 2013, AM

High roller Michael Grade knows the value of money - Media Monkey - Media -
Michael Grade a man who knows something about being the son of a rich family. -
David Attenborough: big BBC salaries are huge embarrassment - Television radio - The Guardian
Attenborough spoke out in the wake of the latest controversy around executive pay at the BBC, where 60m was paid to outgoing executives over an eight-year period, including more than 1m to the former deputy director general Mark Byford. The BBC is in my view one of the most important strands in the cultural life of this country and it is going through a bad patch. Ideally they would like the BBC to be exterminated but they realise that would never happen, or should not happen. - theguardian.comTuesday 10 September 2013, PM

Apple TV a no-show, in any respect, at iPhone event - Internet Media - CNET News
Apple held an event at its Cupertino, Calif., home base Tuesday. Headlining the presentation was its introduction of a new budget smartphone, the iPhone 5C, and its new flagship iPhone 5S, as it seeks to attract more customers and revitalize interest in its devices. Dueling reports last week first stoked anticipation that Apple had a new set-top box on deck for Tuesday's event after long neglecting the device in terms of any significant refresh. -
NextRadio - a good FM radio app
There's little sense using bandwidth and battery to pick up the same station that you can get via FM radio, after all. The problem is, however, that FM apps on mobile phones aren't very good. Typically, they are bundled with the phone, and carry little extra features. - mediauk.comTuesday 10 September 2013, AM

BBC's Less Than Magnificent Seven under fire from MPs - Media - The Guardian
Photograph PA Like most people in their late 60s, Chris Patten is a bit past his best-before date. Fleet St was also out in force to witness the fall of the Tory type they most hate liberal, self-confident, pro-European and elitist, as the tabloids call their critics. Needless to say they were all disappointed by their own hopes and predictions. -
BBC gets the thumbs down from national newspapers - Media -
A radio interviewer asked me yesterday whether the BBC's reputation would be harmed by the golden payoffs scandal. The news headlines - the ones that catch readers' eyes, if not their full attention - are uniformly negative. True, the trustees were not necessarily apprised of every extra payment that was made. -
House bill aims to prevent broadcast TV blackouts - The Hill's Hillicon Valley
The discussion draft is a response to the month-long blackout of CBS stations for millions of Time Warner Cable customers. A satellite television law is set to expire at the end of next year, and it's possible that re-authorization legislation could include other changes to video regulations. Eshoo's proposal won praise from cable providers but drew the ire of the broadcasting industry. - thehill.comMonday 09 September 2013, PM

BBC's 'squabbling' executives slammed by MPs amid payoffs scandal - Media - The Guardian
Letters: Payoff for the BBC is a change in management structure - Media - The Guardian
Former BBC director general Mark Thompson leaves the public accounts committee hearing into payoffs to former colleagues. They were made not from profits but from the television licence fees of individual households. It took 6,500 licence fees a small town to cover just one of these severance payments. -
BBC Trust is “broken†say MPs - News - Broadcast
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. -
Ariel - Thompson stands by Byford pay-off
The former director general believed it represented 'value for money' for the BBC, which paid the ex-deputy DG 12 months' salary and 12 months' pay in lieu of notice. He said the BBC wanted Byford to remain in post during a period of 'immense operational challenges' and that the extra payment was required, in his judgement, to keep him 'fully focused' on the task and 'not worrying about head hunters'. 'I believe I made sure the BBC Trust was fully informed in advance about these settlements,' he told the committee. -
BBC payoffs saga grossly unedifying, says Margaret Hodge - Media -
BBC payoff row: Mark Thompson and Lord Patten face MPs - live - Media -
Ahead of the hearing at 3.15pm, here is a useful primer on the key issues at play for Thompson and Patten. The BBC Trust has claimed it was unaware of key elements of the two high-profile payments to Byford and Baylay and specifically that they involved payments in lieu of notice and a delay in the serving of notice. Patten and Fry told the PAC hearing that, had they known that the Byford payment was greater than his contractual entitlement, they would have acted. -
Sony announces game-changing PlayStation Vita TV
Basically, the device turned mobile games into home console games. At this point, I will have to roll dice to decide which one to watch Netflix on. However, the true killer feature of this 100 box is PlayStation 4 remote play. - betanews.compick a page