Thursday 10 January 2013, PM

Ariel - BBC One hits highs in unprecedented year
Consolidated figures show the BBC's flagship channel grew its share and bagged nine of the top ten rating programmes. BBC One scored its biggest peak share increase on record ie since 2002 when the current measurement system began of 0.9 points - the only terrestrial channel to register a rise. Closing Ceremony Peak time and all hours share were the largest since 2008, while BBC One enjoyed its highest average audience since 2004. -
DAB radio in-car reaches new high
This potentially means in-car internet radio is a step closer with the car. But, we shouldn't forget that broadcast radio is still the pre-eminent way of listening. Indeed, comments on Twitter pointed out that nobody's yet fully explained how everyone sitting on the M25 will technically be able to listen to internet radio it doesn't scale for the football match, after all, and it may bankrupt the radio companies because all that bandwidth doesn't come free. - mediauk.comThursday 10 January 2013, AM

Alasdair Milne, former BBC director general, dies aged 82 - Media -
Alasdair Milne, the former BBC director general who has dies aged 82, fought to keep the broadcaster independent. His family said Milne, the oldest living former director general, had suffered a series of strokes and passed away on Tuesday. When the interview's existence was revealed ahead of transmission, home secretary Leon Brittan demanded that the BBC drop the film. -
Black and white television still No1 choice for 13,000 UK homes - Media -
Black and white television is still the No1 choice for more than 13,000 homes in the UK. New figures from the television licensing authority have revealed that more than 13,000 households in the UK are still watching in black and white, 46 years after the first regular colour broadcasts began on BBC2. The penchant for monochrome prevails despite the switch to digital with the turn-off of the last analogue TV signal, in Northern Ireland, on 24 October last year. -
BBC News - UK still has 13,000 black-and-white TVs
London had the highest number of monochrome licences, at 2,715, followed by Birmingham and Manchester, it said. The number of licences issued each year has dwindled from 212,000 in 2000. A total of 13,202 monochrome licences were in force at the start of 2013. - 09 January 2013, PM

UKTV posts 20-year ratings high - News - Broadcast
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - 09 January 2013, AM

Freesat hires marketing director from ITV - News - Broadcast
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. -
It's official: 3D is dead - The Verge
There's something about 2013's Consumer Electronics Show that's different from every other iteration this decade. You might not realize it immediately, for it's marked by the absence rather than the arrival of a new technology, but it's there and we're all sensing it on a deep, subconscious level. There are no more 60-foot posters with people exploding out of flatscreen televisions. -
How the TV Business Got Rich Off the Thing That Was Going to the Kill It: The Internet - Derek Thompson - The Atlantic
Many of them outperformed the newer and nimbler companies, such as Apple, Netflix, and Google, that are supposedly destined to displace them. They owe much of their success to the very thing that was supposed to kill them -- the Internet. The Internet was supposed to make these companies poor. - theatlantic.comTuesday 08 January 2013, PM

Aereo will take its TV distruption to 22 new cities this spring Tech News and Analysis
Aereo, which offers a way for people to watch and save TV shows on their mobile devices, has so far been available only in New York City. Now, Aereo is undertaking a rapid rollout that will take it to over 90 million consumers in 22 new cities. The expansion will be fueled by a new 38 million round of funding from media mogul Barry Dillers IAC. -
BBC News - CES 2013: Samsung simplifies its smart TV experience
The South Korean firm is the world's best-selling maker of smart TVs, which allow people to surf the web and access other services via their main screen. Ultra-high definition offers four times as many pixels as today's 1080p HD standard, allowing screens to expand in size without sacrificing picture quality. The innovation takes advantage of technology previously used to create a sense of 3D. -
DEBATE: Is the BBC sending kids TV to the ghetto? - Comment - Broadcast
8 January, 2013 Broadcaster under fire for switching its kids output to digital channels. It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. -
Gaydar closure is a sad loss - Comment - Broadcast
In-car internet radio becomes a reality : Radio Today with RCS
Ford has announced a new developer program which will allow radio stations gain space on a vehicles digital screen via apps. Using SYNC voice commands along with steering wheel and radio buttons, drivers can listen to a live audio stream or their favorite podcasts from within the mobile app. Tags featured, ford, internet, tunein Category Industry News, Radio - :: News :: Zeebox adds audio recognition feature
Zeebox is to add an audio recognition feature in its iOS and Android app, enabling it to identify content on the TV and deliver a sybchronised second-screen experience. By integrating audio-fingerprinting technology from Gracenote Entourage, Zeebox will be able to identify TV shows and films being watched live or on catch-up, from a few seconds of audio. Once the show has been identified zeebox will provide additional information, votes and polls, tweets, presence and transactional opportunities, all synchronized to the programme being viewed. - 08 January 2013, AM

Lord Sugar paid £500,000 to chair YouView - Media -
The entrepreneur was paid 500,000 for chairing YouView over a 12-month period. The payout handed to Sugar, who was appointed at the behest of shareholder Richard Desmond in March 2011 as the venture missed its launch deadlines, dwarfs that of his predecessor Kip Meek, who was paid 97,000 for less than eight months in the role of chairman. Total wages and social security costs for YouView's average employee base of 29 in 2012 was 3.25m an average of 112,206 per staff member. - 07 January 2013, PM

What the TV industry wants from CES - Comment - Broadcast
7 January, 2013 3D and 4K - not smart curtains and internet fridges It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - 07 January 2013, AM

BBC makes Space for cultural history - Media - The Guardian
It is nine years until the BBC's centenary in 2022, the date originally set by its former director of archive content, Roly Keating, for digitising the bulk of the vast archives that date back to the birth of the corporation. Given the gargantuan scale of the task which includes 1m hours of programming, 10m stills, the world's largest sheet music collection and documentation for every programme many might have given up. Instead, a determined team has been working on an even more ambitious scheme, the Digital Public Space, to open as much of this material as possible to the public. -
Costly Channel 4 advertising dispute risks dragging on for second month - Media -
The advertising dispute is costing Channel 4 about 20m per month. The last formal talks between the two sides took place on 21 December. With Group M failing to accept what is understood to be an improved offer by Channel 4 compared with its previous deal, and both sides unwilling to budge on their position when talks do restart, there is a chance the ad freeze could run into February. - 06 January 2013, PM

BT plugs YouView with new ad character
Like fellow investor TalkTalk, BT is hoping that offering YouView will tempt customers to sign up to its telephone and broadband service. Having recently returned from holiday, she takes to YouView as a way to catch up with the soaps she has missed. ' else if google_ads.length gt 1 / For text ads, append each ad to the string. - to Channel 69 - BECTU
BECTU marks the imminent loss of Channel 69 to programme makers and live events producers. 27 December 2012 The channel used by radio microphones for nearly 50 years is closing. Spectrum around 2.6GHz, previously used by radio-cameras, is also included in the auction. - 05 January 2013, AM
BBC - BBC Internet Blog: What's on BBC Red Button 5th - 12th January
It's a new year and we've got lots of great red button content to keep you entertained throughout 2013. There's a showcase of the musical talent predicted to make waves in 2013 and the return of the ever popular Antiques Roadshow play along quiz where you guess the value of antique items - can you beat the team of experts Add to that a bit of Miranda and a lot of sport and you'll agree that we've got a great start to the new year on red button. - 03 January 2013, PM

Bath transmitter fire hits television and radio broadcasts - UK news -
The BBC estimates that 80,000 homes in the area around Bath have been affected. Photograph Matt Cardy/Getty Images Police are investigating whether a fire at a transmitter site that affected television and radio broadcasts to thousands of homes was started deliberately. The fire service were called to the blaze at the site in Bathampton, near Bath in north Somerset, just before 6am on Thursday. - 01 January 2013, AM

BBC Radio Cymru cuts hours and introduces English songs in row over royalties
BBC Radio Cymru, the Welsh-language network,is ending its 25th anniversary year with the solemn announcement that it is going to pad out its schedule with English pop and rock songs. Classical and instrumental tracks will also be used to fill air time because the station claims that it will not be able to afford to play from a catalogue of more than 30,000 popular Welsh-language tracks. BBC Cymru is also threatening to reduce the length of its daily schedule because it doesnt have enough Welsh music to play. - 29 December 2012, AM

No One Uses Smart TV Internet Because It Sucks - Gadget Lab -
People arent using their internet-connected smart TVs for anything beyond, well, watching TV. It turns out, nobody wants to tweet from their TV. Worse, more than 40 percent of the people who buy a connected TV arent even using it for its ostensible primary purpose getting online video onto the biggest screen in your home. -
Kiss FM appears on national Digital One : Radio Today with RCS
Kiss, which is already available via a number of local digital multiplexes across the country in stereo, is transmitting in mono nationwide at 80 kbps. Smooth Xmas, which was at the same quality, was only on-air for two months in the run-up to Christmas for the second time. Last year it morphed into Smooth 70s which is still transmitting. - 28 December 2012, PM
In Boost to U.S. Plans, BBC World Service Is Added to Time Warner Cable -
Last year, the BBC began aggressively to seek American distribution for its international news channel, which it says is available full time in more than 200 million homes worldwide. Relatively few were in the United States, however, at least until Comcast signed up late last year, increasing the channels reach to about 15 million. There is still some way to go before we can say we have reached everyone but 2012 has been a year of significant breakthroughs for us in the U.S., the news organization noted earlier this month. - mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.comTuesday 25 December 2012, AM

BBC News - Has 3D film-making had its day?
It rapidly became the biggest grossing film of all time, in part because of its ground-breaking digital 3D technology. But, in retrospect, Avatar now seems the high-point of 3D movie-making, with little since 2009 to challenge its achievement. Three years on, has the appeal of 3D gone flat - 24 December 2012, AM

Ian Burrell: The arrogance of Lord Patten is damaging the BBC's reputation
Far from providing reassurance that the BBC is addressing its current crisis with the seriousness and urgency it surely merits, the avuncular peer somehow creates the impression that he thinks it's all been a bit of a fuss about nothing. Lord Patten's appointment in March 2011 received a mixed reaction. To others, there was merit in choosing a political heavyweight whose Tory credentials might help to counter the BBC's critics in the right-wing press. - 22 December 2012, AM
BBC - BBC Internet Blog: What's on BBC Red Button 22 December-5 January
It's the last Red Button blog of the year - but with Christmas and New Year nearly upon us it's also one of the biggest. Here's a look at what's in store - and if you want to stay updated on Red Button throughout the festive season, be sure to follow us on Twitter or visit http// Join Karen Hardy on Red Button during the final for expert analysis of each couple's crucial routines. - 21 December 2012, AM

BBC News - Law relaxed on digital copying
20 December 2012 Last updated at 1033 ET Making digital copies of music, films and other copyrighted material for personal use is to be made legal for the first time under government plans. -
Memorandum of Understanding on Local DAB Funding for Radio Switchover
- launches Oxford DAB multiplex to boost local digital radio services
-Thursday 20 December 2012, AM

BBC News - Ofcom names 4G auction bidders
20 December 2012 Last updated at 0717 ET Seven bidders for the auction of bandwidth for 4G mobile broadband services have been named by Ofcom. The telecoms regulator said the auction would increase the amount of airwave available for mobiles by more than 75. The auction is due to start next month, with licences granted by March and services launching in May and June. - 19 December 2012, PM

Ariel - At a glance: findings on November 2 report
The Newsnight item referred to incidents at care homes in north Wales during the 1970s and 80s. Basic journalistic checks on the story were not applied. The Newsnight team did not make adequate attempts to seek validation for the story beyond what the reporter delivered. -
Watch TV channels from across the world with ChrisTV Online! FREE
Lets be frank most free internet TV apps are utter rubbish, little more than a front end to a collection of web links which either dont work, or point to channels or shows which youd never want to watch anyway. One or two applications are a little more interesting, though. FREE, in particular, shows rather more ambition than most of its more basic competition. -
Ariel - Trust demands change to management culture
He said that newsrooms could only operate with trust and confidence and that these were missing in this instance. 'The priority is to create a BBC that is more united and single-minded,' the corporation said. She also added that more rules and bureaucracy were not the solution. -
Review: Humax DTR-T1000 Youview set-top box - Technology -
It has been around for a few months, but recent software updates make it worth taking a detailed look at now, as irritating shortcomings have been ironed out and useful functionality has been added, which means it should be a worthy piece of kit to have around during the forthcoming flopping-in-front-of-the-telly season and beyond. Humax has a good track record of making set top boxes its Freeview and Freesat receivers and recorders have won praise in the past. This one is a YouView box, which means it incorporates the familiar Freeview service with on-demand TV, both from catch-up services and from dedicated content providers. -
What is ultra HD? - LED, LCD and plasma TV reviews - TV DVD - Which? Technology
Ultra high definition, or ultra HD for short, is one of the latest buzz terms in TV technology, but what does it mean and should you care A full HD TV will have a resolution of 1,920 x 1,080 pixels, while an ultra high definition model will have a 3,840 x 2,160 pixel resolution. Is a normal HD TV enough for you -
BBC News - BBC criticised for Newsnight axed Jimmy Savile report
The report dismissed claims the Newsnight probe was dropped to protect tribute shows to the late TV presenter. Newsnight's editor and deputy are being replaced after another inquiry criticised a report which led to Lord McAlpine facing false claims of abuse. The BBC's head of news is returning to her job, but her deputy is to resign. - 17 December 2012, PM

BBC News - Ministry of Defence to sell part of its radio spectrum
The spectrum being sold is below the 15GHz frequency, which is seen as the most useful type because it can be used for a wide range of communications. Mobile phone and broadband suppliers are seeking access to more spectrum. The sale, which will take place in 2014, will give private operators the chance to buy more spectrum to support the introduction of fourth-generation 4G mobile services to people in cities, towns and villages across the UK., which will allow much faster download speeds. -
New Saturday night show for BBC Locals : Radio Today with RCS
The show will share the same name but will be hosted in each area by a local presenter, each Saturday from 8pm and will support unsigned, undiscovered and under-the-radar musicians. The country-wide initiative is in addition to the new networked evening show starting on January 7th 2013 with Mark Forrest on all stations. Programmes previously occupying the Saturday evening time slot will be moved to other areas of the stations output but precise details of this will vary from station to station. - 16 December 2012, PM

Freeview continues Never Miss a Moment campaign enlisting Gekko and House PR to create integrated experienti
Launched in November the campaign has since been on the road brining the Freeview experience directly to consumers across the UK. -
Broadcasting in 2013: BBC must get back on track in a fully digital TV world - Media - The Guardian
The BBC will have fewer director generals in 2013 than it did in 2012. His task is nothing less than to piece together the corporation's shattered reputation and restore morale in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal and Newsnight's catastrophic report libelling Lord McAlpine. The ease and availability of VoD will put further pressure on linear TV audiences and traditional forms of advertising revenue. - 16 December 2012, AM
BBC - BBC Internet Blog: What's on BBC Red Button 15-22 December
Here's a look at what's in store - and if you want to stay updated on Red Button throughout the week, be sure to follow us on Twitter. Our coverage starts at 6.15pm, as Helen Skelton and Olly Foster report from the red carpet ahead of the big night. We've also got enhanced coverage of the SPOTY ceremony from 7.35pm, featuring additional information about the nominees and the opportunity to tweet your thoughts about the show, and we round off the evening with a look back at the big talking points immediately after the show finishes. - 13 December 2012, PM

BBC keen to run BBC2 afternoon archive shows in daytime overhaul - Media -
Changes to daytime schedules will be introduced from 2 January, with the full new BBC1 line-up in place from 7 January. BBC2 programmes at 1pm are still being decided, but the afternoons in January will be given over to more extended coverage of snooker, with bowls, darts and minority sports also expected to find a home there. These are expected to lead in to repeats of Antiques Road Show at 5.15pm. -
Ariel - Tips on mobile journalism
13 December 2012 Last updated at 1110 In this era of instant information and misinformation, the BBC and other media outlets have provided smartphones to many of its field reporters. Below BBC staff give advice on how journalists can make the most of their iPhones for audio, images and live broadcasts. Radio 5 live reporter Nick Garnett, who is seen as being at the vanguard of mobile journalism, gives his insight into smartphone reporting. - 12 December 2012, PM
BBC - BBC Internet Blog: Android: An update
Since then it has been downloaded to more than one million Android phones and tablets. In this short period of time we've witnessed a dramatic change in the Android platform and in BBC usage on the platform. When we launched, seven inch Android tablets weren't driving significant usage. - 12 December 2012, AM

BBC News - Will the 4G mobile auction meet the £3.5bn target?
Will the process raise the government's 3.5bn target 4G is being introduced to ultimately replace existing 3G coverage, and will give smartphone users faster data downloads. Following the passing of Tuesday's deadline for applicants, the auction will start next month, with licences granted in February and March and services set to be launched in May and June. - - BBC Internet Blog: Fifteen years of BBC Online
This week marks an important anniversary for the BBC, online. Fifteen years ago first went live to the public and BBC Online was born. Innovation is at the heart of the BBC and has been since its inception. - a page