Thursday 01 September 2011, PM
BBC - Research and Development: RadioTAG
RadioTAG is a new protocol that enables you to share information with a broadcaster about what you're listening to by pushing a button on your radio. We touch on use cases for RadioTAG, summarise how it works, look at the considerations we took into account and describe how we went about designing it. For detailed technical information you can read a draft of the RadioTAG specification and download our reference implementations from github. - Sky for free public service television channels - - independent free digital TV advice
Try this pop out to Tesco and when you get to the checkout, demand that they pay you to take the goods away. No subscription or other ongoing payment is required to watch these channels. However, the next set of channels do cost if you have Sky. -
End of the road for Traffic Radio : Radio Today
The station which has been run by GTN for the last three years provided region-specific traffic and travel news, designed for journey planning and live reports. The Traffic Radio name could yet reappear under a different guise in the future. If a proposal is considered to be satisfactory the service could be broadcasting later in the year. -
SeeSaw loses Channel 4 shows in funding hitch - Media -
Channel 4 shows such as The Inbetweeners have been dropped from SeeSaw as the online TV service renegotiates its content deals. As part of the deal Criterion was required to raise a multimillion-pound round of funding to drive the rejuvenation of SeeSaw and set up its 28 staff in new headquarters. Private equity firm Criterion is best known for its acquisition of social networking site Bebo from AOL in June 2010. -
ISPs to sell YouView boxes for under £100 - News - Broadcast
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - 31 August 2011, PM

The Radioplayer gets connected on Facebook
Radioplayer, the online listening platform for radio, has launched a Facebook app which enables millions of Facebook users to share their radio listening and engage in social chat around radio content. The app makes it easy to listen to UK Radio from within Facebook, share your favourite stations and programmes with your friends via your wall, and see what other people in your area have been listening to. There are now more than 250 stations in Radioplayer, many with a considerable presence on Facebook via fan pages and group pages, and they will be invited to promote and embrace the new Facebook Radioplayer app. - mediauk.comDTG :: News :: FetchTV content portal to launch on Panasonic Connected TVs
DTG Staff 31.08.2011 Links open in a new window. - :: News :: Pace launches cloud-based software platform
Pace is to launch a new software platform with cloud-based capabilities. Pace's 'Elements' platform supports the design, delivery and management of digital content and services into and around the home and across any device. Elements includes a cloud-based interface so that viewers can personalise their video experiences and search for and access content across a broad range of connected devices. -
Broadband TV project YouView welcomes Google TV challenge
As a result of this delay, the product will become available around the same time as Google TV, which the search giant's executive chairman Eric Schmidt confirmed will be released in Europe towards the start of next year. However, a spokesperson for YouView told TechRadar the organisation had been expecting Google's announcement and hailed the development as being positive for consumer choice. Google TV is already available in the US but has so far failed to take off. -
Jazz FM leaves regional DAB multiplexes : Radio Today
Tags gmg radio, jazz fm, real xs, rock radio Category Digital Radio, Radio -
NDS lifts veil on next gen DRM - Broadband TV News
According to NDS, it enables the secure ingestion, delivery and consumption of premium content over both managed and over-the-top networks. Smith said that consumers were looking to other operators such as Netflix to provide content where it had been absent, but ultimately it was pay-TV operators that held all the cards, and that market would ultimately be the most successful providing they launched the services. Its a higher level of security over the existing DRMs that are out there. -
Virgin: YouView “missed the boat†- News - Broadcast
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - 30 August 2011, PM

Save BBC Four from cut backs - PetitionBuzz
Whilst it is accepted that the BBC has a duty to all licence payers, within that responsibility should be a commitment to provide innovative niche programming that could not be provided by a commercial operator. The arguments for protecting BBC Four from cuts are very similar to the successful argument to save 6Music. BBC Four, like 6Music represents the sort of niche programming that it is impossible to create under an advertisement/sponsorship model and it is greatly loved, rather than taken for granted by its audience. - petitionbuzz.comBBC - BBC Internet Blog: What's On BBC Red Button 30th August - 12th September 2011
A special family history guide for new computer users offering advice, tips and encouragement to get online is available at and at venues running the popular First Click beginners courses. On the night of Saturday 10th September - Sky, Virgin Freesat viewers can watch all four concerts live in full. All four concerts will be available to watch on iPlayer from Sunday 11 September, for 7 days. -
talkSPORT kicks off DAB giveaway : Radio Today
Google TV: the verdict - Comment - Broadcast
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. -
Online TV still playing catch-up - Opinion - Marketing Week
Broadcasters online TV services have taken a long time to mature, and only now are they beginning to realise the marketing potential that has been obvious since the very beginning. Channel 4 has announced that its on-demand TV portal, 4oD, will include ads targeted according to demographic data when it relaunches this week 31 August. Users themselves will also be encouraged to sign up for accounts enabling them to set their own personalised preferences - a feature that will be known as My 4oD. - Digital launch delayed - What Satellite Digital TV
TechRadaris part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. -
Google TV hopes US failure won't put us off - City A.M.
The list is only slightly sullied by the appearance of Janet Street-Porters name, which I assumed was a mistake until I Googled it. Nothing is perfect. It is interesting, then, that this years speaker was Google chairman Eric Schmidt. His speech, which had a whiff of the sales pitch to it, encouraged the amassed industry figures to Think beyond the TV box... - cityam.comNot Long Until Digital TV Switchover Isle of Wight News: Island Pulse:
It may seem a long way off, but from 7th March 2012, the Isle of Wights terrestrial TV signal will be turned off. He said There are reports from trading standards elsewhere in the country of companies targeting vulnerable people and charging well over the odds for set top boxes ahead of the digital switchover. They also sell them equipment that is totally unnecessary. A typical digital box can be found for less than 20 and many TVs also have Freeview built in these days and these can by bought for less than 150. -
YouView: We welcome Google TV competition - News - TechRadar UK
Google TV has hardly been a massive success in the US since it launched there this year, but it could feasibly be a key challenger for YouView. - techradar.comBBC - About the BBC: The 3D Wimbledon experiment - your reactions
-Tuesday 30 August 2011, AM

The original Media UK
What did the first version of Media UK look like Starting in 1994, Media UK was hosted on a CompuServe forum. It's available from him via e-mail, via anonymous ftp at as /customers/periodicals/Middlesex-News/medialist, or via the WWW at http// -
How Google plans to change the way you watch TV Online Video News
Reading the transcript or watching a video of the lecture Schmidts speech starts about 36 minutes in, you get the feeling that this is no less than a manifesto, not just on the way things will be but also on the way they should be. The message to broadcasters, in light of this, seems to be that they can either get on board with technological change or risk being left behind. And, given the on-demand way that viewers are increasingly viewing content through prerecorded shows on their DVRs, video-on-demand selections through their cable provider or streaming on the Internet there needs to be a way to sort through those content choices. - gigaom.comSunday 28 August 2011, PM

TV advertisers tighten their belts again - Media - The Guardian
However, the bad news for commercial broadcasters is that after a slow summer for TV advertising, there are signs of further belt-tightening by advertisers against a backdrop of turmoil in financial markets, faltering economic recovery in Europe and the US, and even the negative sentiment resulting from the recent riots across England. Nevertheless, ad space during The X Factor is selling for at least 5 less than last year at about 150,000 for a 30-second spot which could cost the show as much as 12m in ad spend. Last weekend's launch show was 15 minutes shorter than last year meaning it ran with one less ad break of 3.5 minutes which cost ITV at least an additional 500,000 in ad spend. -
Labour seeks law change to stop News Corp renewing BSkyB bid - Media - The Guardian
Labour's proposals would prevent Rupert Murdoch renewing his BSkyB bid until the outcome of the Leveson inquiry. In a move designed to capitalise on the embarrassment the phone-hacking scandal has heaped on the government, Labour said there was still a possibility that Rupert Murdoch could reopen his bid and the law should be changed to allow ministers to block it. He has written to the culture secretary, Jeremy Hunt, and the Lib Dem culture spokesman, Don Foster, with his proposals. -
Media Monkey's Edinburgh diary - Media - The Guardian
Alas Google's in-house airliner was unavailable to bring chairman Eric Schmidt to Edinburgh. He had to resort to a British Airways flight to bring him to London before catching the train to Edinburgh presumably not in standard class. The Channel 4 chief executive, David Abraham, was rather more settled in his role with the broadcaster at this year's Edinburgh than he was last year, when he had been in the job for just a matter of months. -
Google crashes TV's Edinburgh party - Media - The Guardian
There are three things the TV executive audience have come to expect from the annual MacTaggart lecture the pantomime of an inter-industry dispute, an intellectual appreciation of the past year's achievements and a warm glow of self-congratulation derived from being an industry that still matters, despite everything. Even before Google's executive chairman had taken to the stage, there were mutteringsfrom festival veterans that his would be the most anodyne MacTaggart ever, that he was miscast as keynote speaker, that this was tech tokenism taken a step too far. What Schmidt did deliver was a carefully crafted lecture designed to boost Google's intellectual credibility, and give much-needed depth to the debate around the role of technology firms in the media industry's future. -
Half of BBC cuts will come from programme and content budgets - Media -
For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. To get the latest media news to your desktop or mobile, follow MediaGuardian on Twitter and Facebook. -
Talk Talk chief executive Dido Harding says group is ready to listen to its customers - Telegraph
The award citation claimed that Talk Talk operatives were rude and aggressive, charged for services that hadn't been supplied and didn't return customers' calls. No wonder Harding, 42, is making her presence known, taking over customer calls in Talk Talk's Nottingham contact centre last week. That's fine too because then I will do a better job of fixing such problems for other customers. - hints at reboot for Google TV -
Google TV, the search companys troubled internet-television service, will soon be getting a reboot, its executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, hinted on Saturday. Mr Schmidt admitted that the first version of Google TV, which was released last autumn, has not been a huge success, something he blamed on long TV product replacement cycles and the fact that it was a beta or test version. Google typically brings out beta versions, and theyre not for the faint of heart, and I think thats what you saw. - ft.comGoogle TV 'is nothing new' - Advanced Television
He confirmed that Google TV would launch in Europe early next year with the UK among the top priorities. His comments apply especially to European viewers who have some sort of catch-up TV/broadband service. So, really it is just designed as an add-on rich-media environment for anyone using a basic Freeview or Freesat box one of the ones that doesnt have Internet connectivity. - advanced-television.comFriday 26 August 2011, PM

Government calls for Virgin Media to support local TV
The government is calling for Virgin Media to use its internet-enabled television platforms to give greater exposure to local TV services. Earlier this month, Ofcom identified 65 towns and cities across the UK to lead the national rollout of local digital TV broadcasting. -
Broadcaster buy-in is vital to Google TV’s success, say experts - News - New Media Age
new media age gives you practical, expert knowledge on how to demystify the latest digital trends and make them work for your business. Sorry, were not currently accepting new online subscriptions to -
Google: regulation is crippling British TV - News - Broadcast
Includes full speech It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. -
BBC News - Googles Eric Schmidt criticises education in the UK
Dr Schmidt said the UK needed to reignite children's passion for science, engineering and maths. Dr Schmidt told the audience of broadcasters and producers that Britain had invented many items but were no longer the world's leading exponents in these fields. Dr Schmidt said the internet was transforming television, even though people still spent much more time with TV than the web. -
Eric Schmidt's MacTaggart lecture - full text - Media -
Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google, condemns British education system - Technology - The Guardian
Link to this video The chairman of Google has delivered a devastating critique of the UK's education system and said the country had failed to capitalise on its record of innovation in science and engineering. However, he said the UK had failed to build industry-leading positions or successfully transfer ideas from the drawing board to the boardroom. He defended the company's contribution to the TV industry, pointing out that it had invested billions of dollars in IT infrastructure that media companies use. -
Eric Schmidt's MacTaggart lecture - live video - Media -
Watch the Google chief executive deliver the keynote speech from the 2011 Edinburgh TV festival live from 6.45pm on 26 August. -
Channel 4 and ITV challenge Sky over data it gleans about their shows - Media -
Abraham said that, as public service broadcasters, Channel 4 and the BBC had a responsibility to lead the way in being clear with how their data is used. Our duty as a commercial broadcaster is to see what consumers will pay for and that comes down to data. Vaizey said he wanted to see transparency in how data is used. -
Can Android apps save Google TV?
Google TV, an ambitious project to bring Google's powerful search tools and targeted advertisement to the television screens of America and eventually the UK, has been something of a commercial dud. Logitech's Revue set-top box, the first Google TV device to hit the market just short of one year ago has dropped in price by a whopping 60 to try to spur consumer adoption. Part of the optimism for the platform comes from its nascent ability to run Android apps, and consumer tech companies have been jockeying to get a strong TV-based app ecosystem in place for years. - betanews.comBBC - BBC Internet Blog: Changes to BBC services on satellite and cable this autumn
Satellite dishes in Tower Hamlets, London We're planning to make some changes to our satellite transponder line-up in about a months time. For the vast majority of viewers, these changes should occur seamlessly and require no intervention. However, a few of you may need to switch your receiver off and on again or retune it in order to continue to receive all of the BBC services available to you. -
Google TV Coming to the UK Finally! AndroidGuys
Ok so even though our reader base is predominately US based, Im from the UK so feel obliged to be the one getting excited over this Even though Google TV hasnt been the raging success that Google would have liked, its update to Honeycomb bringing apps along for the ride make it a much better prospect. Although 6 months is quite a long time at least we know it is coming, and it stops me doing something stupid like buying an Apple TV. -
BBC4 chief: we are not going to be axed - Media -
Will BBC4 face some consequences of the BBC-wide reduction in our funding of 20 An online Save BBC4 petition, launched earlier this month after reported that the channel was facing cuts, has attracted more than 18,000 signatures in 10 days. The Spies of Warsaw spans the decade from 1933, against a backdrop of Nazi Germany expanded its power and influence across Europe and eventually provoking the outbreak of the second world war with its invasion of Poland. - Edinburgh International Television Festival - News
Dr. Schmidt comments Its a great honour to be invited to give the MacTaggart lecture the previous speakers are all incredibly impressive. Under his leadership, Google dramatically scaled its infrastructure and diversified its product offerings while maintaining a strong culture of innovation. The MacTaggart Lecture will take place on Friday 26th August 2011 at 6.45pm. - Guardian Edinburgh International Television Festival
-BBC - About the BBC: The Edinburgh TV Festival - a word from the Chair
-Channel 4 revamps 4oD on
Channel 4's catch-up TV service, 4oD on, has been rebuilt to include a host of new features to enhance the user experience. New features include predictive search and viewer driven recommendations. The new 4oD will also include My 4oD', where registered users can create playlists of episodes, keep track of episodes they've watched or started watching and get in-page reminders from Channel 4 whenever a new 4oD episode is available for them to watch. - R
Google TV gets set for UK launch? is Everything about content in the 21st Century, from television to web, mobile, tablet and beyond. - c21media.netpick a page