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Tuesday 24 May 2011, PM

BBC Trust - Trust launches review of BBC News Channel and BBC Parliament

Please visit the BBC Trust homepage to find the information you want. you may have typed the web address incorrectly - please check the spelling, or that there are no spaces or capital letters. Alternatively, please try the other links and search box on this page. - link
Tuesday 24 May 2011, AM

BBC - Press Office - Peter Mullan launches BBC Alba's Open Your Eyes Freeview campaign

From 8 June BBC Alba will be available on Freeview channel 8 greatly increasing accessibility for viewers. BBC Alba is also now available on Virgin Media's Cable channel 188. The channel also plays a key role in promoting the Gaelic language as well as supporting language learning through broadcasting programmes for learners and those interested in Gaelic language and culture. - link

BBC - Radio 4 and 4 Extra Blog: Daleks on the 7th Dimension: The voice meets the philosopher

From feedback, Peter's debut on Radio 4 Extra is clearly being enjoyed. Presenter of the 7th Dimension Nick Briggs is, as some of you may be aware, the voice of the Daleks and other sundry Whovian monsters. This seemed an appropriate opportunity for the voice of the Daleks to meet and interview an academic who is obsessed by them. - link

Samsung Reaches Five Million Smart TV App Downloads

Ltd. announced that Samsung Apps, the worlds first application store for the television, has passed the five million download mark globally. Leading the way was YouTube, which ranked as the most downloaded app globally as well as in the United States, the UK and numerous other countries around the world. The success of our developers and the rate at which our downloads have increased are evidence that this new medium of apps designed specifically for the television experience is taking hold in the consumer living room, said. - link

Ariel - Campaign points people towards Gaelic language service

- link

BBC - Research and Development: From Channelography and beyond

They were interested in exploring what makes a channel, a programme, etc by analysing the TV data over and beyond which was supplied by the BBC Backstage project. One of the things people didn't realise about backstage was that if we didn't supply the data, we could put you in touch with people internally who you could do a deal with. This meant we had hackers building seriously amazing prototypes and demos which would never be allowed to see the light of day for fear of copyright worry. - link

BBC - BBC Internet Blog: What's On BBC Red Button 24th May - 6th June 2011

In the last epsiode of the series, Hostile World, we discover how the recurring hero of the series, the phagocyte, was transformed from medical images into a realistic 3D character culminating in a giant battle as it defends your body from invaders. All platforms Thu 26th May, 955pm-400am Stewart Lee Presents... The aim is to introduce children in the 9-11 age range to the arts and to help their teachers deliver the arts curriculum. - link

Glasgow Liberal Democrats - Glasgow Liberal Democrats - BBC policy change on Alba TV is ‘good for Borderers’ – Moo

The requested URL /scottish-lib-dems/bbc-policy-change-on-alba-tv-is-good-for-borderers--moore.html was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. - link

BBC News - Not all plain sailing for gaelic channel BBC Alba

The channel's remit has always been to try to appeal to as many people as possible - not just Gaelic speakers and learners. About 50 of Scots have satellite or cable on their main television set so going on Freeview offers BBC Alba the potential to increase its audience substantially. Market research suggests it is watched by 220,000 people at some point every week but until now conventional viewing figures for specific programmes have not been compiled. - link
Monday 23 May 2011, PM

BBC Alba on Freeview on June 8 - Local Headlines - Stornoway Gazette

- link

Shift happens: the new way to watch film and TV - Technology -

Success made the company one of the largest if not the largest US Postal Service customer. Forget triple-play TV internet Access phone service for a moment. Just for cable TV service, can a normal consumer easily figure out how much the Comcast bill will be - link

BBC HD quietly begins broadcasting in 1080p, but not all Sony HDTVs can handle it -- Engadget

It's taking advantage of a part of the Freeview HD spec that allows the broadcaster to dynamically select between 1080p / 25fps and 1080i / 25fps transmission and the boxes are mandated to be able to output 1080p / 50fps. As if Sony didn't have enough to deal with, the overwhelming majority of complaints appear to center around its TVs and the company has promised more information in the next 7 - 10 days about a fix that will take care of the problem. - link
Monday 23 May 2011, AM

BBC's complaints procedure faces calls for overhaul - Media - The Guardian

Senior journalists grumble that the constant stream of complaints and legal challenges ties up staff in mounting a defence, often of individual news items or even single quotes while at the same time complainants are frustrated by the slowness with which complaints are resolved. No wonder, then, that Lord Patten, new chairman of the BBC Trust, wants to simplify the corporation's complaints procedure. The costs of handling such objections are particularly galling for BBC staff, given the urgent need for retrenchment in all areas of spending as the corporation faces a 20 budget cut in real terms over the next four years. - link

The Kelly Williams debacle does not bode well for ITV - Media - The Guardian

Britain's Got Talent ... but is ITV making the most of its talent They have talked the language of corporate cultural renewal convincingly and with conviction. In fairness they have consistently suggested that previous strategic failure has been mostly a matter of implementation rather than the strategy itself. - link

David Abraham: the devil is in the detail - Media - The Guardian

The media agenda has been elsewhere the BBC, cuts, the licence fee, and latterly News Corp and Sky. Television advertising has been surprisingly buoyant recession, what recession, silencing questions about the medium term viabilty of free-to-air television. There have been hits notably the remarkable My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding but the overall ratings tell a different story. - link

BBC News - BBC Alba Freeview date unveiled

The Gaelic channel will be on Freeview Channel 8 from 8 June - the same day as the digital switchover begins at the Blackhill transmitter. The channel, which has been on air for more than two years, was originally only available on satellite. However it became available on cable last week. - link

Digital switchover team set to spend some capital on London - Media - The Guardian

Digit Al, the robot guide to digital switchover Digital switchover has been quietly advancing region by region around the UK since October 2007. The switchover machine has so far run remarkably smoothly, with seven of the 15 UK TV regions already switched and several others in the process of turning off their analogue transmitters. However, when digital switchover comes to London in April 2012 the process will inevitably take place under the gimlet eyes of media and political commentators, most of whom live in the capital. - link
Saturday 21 May 2011, PM

Radio stations given Freeview reprieve over BBC Alba

It had been expected all the corporation's radio stations would be removed whenever BBC Alba broadcast because of restricted bandwidth. However, three radio stations - 1 Extra, 5 Live and 6 Music - will now remain on the platform 24-hours a day. The date when BBC Alba is launched on Freeview is due to be announced. - link

BBC radio to stay in Scotland - Radio Today

Three national radio stations are to remain on Freeview 24/7 in Scotland once BBC Alba launches in the near future. BBC Alba will broadcast from around 1700 till midnight on weekdays, borrowing capacity currently used by numerous radio stations. Through the Strategy Review weve committed the BBC to doing more to ensure that its services can be conveniently accessed by all audiences, and doing more to represent the nations. - link

News is a subset of the conversation BuzzMachine

Heres a tale that reveals how journalists tend to think of their role in the conversation that makes up news and society. I think the conversation is happening all around us, with or without the journalists. I teach now that its the role of the journalist to add value to that conversation verification, debunking, facts, reporting, context, platforms, teaching. - link
Saturday 21 May 2011, AM

Watch BBC iPlayer on TV - LED, LCD and plasma TV - TV DVD - Which? Technology

Since the BBCs iPlayer won a Which So with so many ways to watch iPlayer on your TV, which should you choose, what do you need, and how do you connect it all up to watch iPlayer The iPlayer interface on most of these devices is different to the one you'll see in a web browser. iPlayer menus are optimised to view on a larger TV screen, and for easier navigation using a remote control rather than a mouse and keyboard. - link
Friday 20 May 2011, PM

BBC HD 1080p/1080i Switching Causing Audio Dropouts On Some Sony HDTVs

It transpired that the Beeb upgraded the encoding software on its Freeview high-definition channels on 22nd and 23rd of March, allowing programmes which are natively shot at 1080p25 to be automatically transmitted in progressive mode instead of interlaced 1080i25. The Japanese TV manufacturer is aware of the problem, and is working hard on a firmware update to ensure there is no disruption in picture and sound data during transitions from progressive to interlaced modes and vice versa. This is probably due to the televisions aspect ratio being pegged independently to different video formats, and should be rectifiable by setting the same aspect ratio ideally without overscan for both 1080i and 1080p content. - link

The democratic case for local television - openDemocracy

Former BBC director-general Greg Dyke sets out the case for 'very local television' in Britain. Not only is there demand local TV is increasingly needed to fill the void left by failing newspapers. It would be a democratic public service not a paternalistic one. As a Londoner born and bred I have grown more and more frustrated by the dominance of London and the South East in this country. - link

The World Service versus al-Jazeera - The Spectator

Yesterdays debate on the future of the World Service was an unqualified success for its convener, Richard Ottaway. Having recently picked up the Turkish TV channel Cine 5 at auction, it is planning to launch a further Turkish-language news channel. If Hillary Clinton is right about that information war, we should give some serious thought to how to win it. P.S. The cartoon at the top of this post is by Collins. - link

Media Talk podcast: Imogen Thomas, Fred Goodwin and superinjunctions link

BBC - Radio 4 and 4 Extra Blog: Feedback - Radio 4 Extra: A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

Fred Whalley was among a number of listeners who were sad to lose the children's programming that they had enjoyed on 7, and even some Archers addicts claim to be indifferent to Ambridge Extra. Well these are early days and the retitled network has only been broadcasting for a few weeks, but the BBC Trust was clear that something had to be done to improve the size of audience. The last figures suggest Radio 7 had a 0.6 share of listening, making it a vulnerable target at a time of belt tightening. - link

Ariel - World Service funding to be reviewed

MPs said that 'the value of the World Service far outweighs its relatively small cost. Speaker after speaker yesterday argued against the cuts, which will mean more than 600 job cuts, praising the role the BBC's international services played in supporting democracy, providing remote communities with their only source of impartial news and raising Britain's international standing. 'The Government has undertaken to reflect on the debate. - link

BBC - BBC Internet Blog: April 2011 BBC iPlayer performance pack

It's time for the latest in the series of monthly BBC iPlayer performance packs. The new series of Doctor Who delivered the most-requested programme this month, with Russell Howard's Good News also returning strongly. The main section of Royal Wedding coverage appears in the list, although in total the whole event delivered more than a million requests via BBC iPlayer. - link

EBU makes new hybrid standards call - Broadband TV News

Peter MacAvock, the programme manager of the EBUs technical department, has again called for a single European hybrid standard. Different standards had only resulted in confusion and the implication that the EBU had only looked to the UK. - link

BBC News - Guernsey television and radio services interrupted

All Freeview television services, but not satellite services, may be interrupted between 1000 and 1400 BST. The radio transmitter for BBC Guernsey and commercial services will also be operating on reduced power during this time. - link
Friday 20 May 2011, AM

BSkyB buyout delayed amid widespread public concern for media - TV Radio, Media - The Independent

Rupert Murdoch's controversial buyout of BSkyB has been delayed after the Government received some 40,000 responses to a consultation process on planned purchase. News Corp, which is seeking control of the 61 per cent of BSkyB that it does not already own, has offered to allow Sky News to be run as a separate company under an independent chairman. News Corp first bid for complete ownership of BSkyB in June 2010. - link / UK / Business - Hunt admits delays on BSkyB bid ruling

Printed from http// Print a single copy of this article for personal use. - link
Thursday 19 May 2011, PM

BT envisions improved subscriber experience with Motive ServiceView

Industry News Blogs Briefing Room advertisement BTs build-out, first announced in 2008, is scheduled to be finished next year. ServiceView has been deployed by other carriers, though Motive may be more known for its widely-deployed Home Device Manager solution. The ServiceView software is used by customer representatives in the service provider call center to give them subscriber experience visibility and control, as well as automated problem analysis. - link

Ofcom urged to expand mobile internet - Technology -

MPs have urged Ofcom to extend mobile internet coverage in rural areas. The 800MHz spectrum is favoured in rural areas because it works well over long distances and is dedicated to the faster 4G internet speed. Ofcom is carrying out a consultation into its plans to auction off the rights to the next generation of mobile wireless networks. - link

Jeremy Hunt eyes shake-up of local TV plans - News - Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

News Corp-BSkyB approval delayed - Media -

It had been expected that an announcement would be made on whether Hunt was giving the deal the final go-ahead by the end of April. Although he stressed no decision has yet been taken which option to go for, the second is looking more likely for reasons of financial independence and had created huge interest among bidders wishing to launch local services. When asked what the timeframe for establishing the scheme is, Hunt said he expected the new licences to be issued and legislation in place during this parliament, which runs until 2015. - link

DTG :: News :: EBU publishes DVB-T2 planning guidance

DTG Staff 19.05.2011 Links open in a new window. - link

BBC told cuts cannot wait is Everything about content in the 21st Century, from television to web, mobile, tablet and beyond. - link

Al Gore hits out at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp - Media -

He added that the decision reflected how News Corporation operated worldwide. Now I may not be a party to that debate, but if anybody believes that News Corp will remain hands off if there are diverse opinions that do not agree with its ideological agenda then they are fools. Current TV has run several documentaries critical of the Italian premier and his government. - link

BBC - BBC Internet Blog: BBC iPlayer Desktop: Series Record launched

Yesterday, as part of the BBC iPlayer's continuous evolution, we've launched a new feature, which we're calling Series Record. The desktop application installs on your computer and lets you download programmes to watch in the highest available quality, regardless of your broadband speed. Downloaded programmes are available for up to 30 days before they expire seven days once you've started to watch. - link

Pact cheers Hargreaves' fair use regime rejection - News - Broadcast

19 May, 2011 By Ben Dowell Pact has said it heartily applauds the rejection of a fair use regime for intellectual property outlined in the Hargreaves report published on Wednesday. It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

Sky under fire for taking post projects in-house - News - Broadcast

19 May, 2011 By George Bevir Sky is directing indies to complete an increasing amount of post-production at its new West London base, post houses have claimed. It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

Glasgow Liberal Democrats - Glasgow Liberal Democrats - BBC change of heart on digital radio 'simple common sense' - Sco

The requested URL /scottish-lib-dems/bbc-change-of-heart-on-digital-radio-simple-common-sense.html was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. - link

IPTV news - BT adopts customer experience management solution for YouView rollout

Alcatel-Lucent will also provide BT with a complete set of services, including installation, project management, and software customisation and integration. Last April YouView published its final core technical specifications for launch and announced further device partners, including Pace and Huawei. - link

BBC ALBA Launches On Virgin Media

- link
Wednesday 18 May 2011, PM

Ariel - No reversal of World Service cuts

18 May 2011 Last updated at 1656 The government has dashed hopes that cuts of 16 to the World Service budget can be reversed. 'World Service assured us at the time of their settlement that they were working to identify savings in this back office area. The degree to which they have done so is not clear,' Hague says. - link

William Hague questions BBC World Service's commitment to savings - Media -

William Hague criticised the corporations decision to close services including BBC Hindi on shortwave. The World Service assured us at the time of their settlement that they were working to identify savings in this area too. - link

Intellectual Property Office - Independent Review of IP and Growth

Chaired by Professor Ian Hargreaves and assisted by a panel of experts, the review reported to Government in May 2011. The Review makes 10 recommendations designed to ensure that the UK has an IP framework best suited to supporting innovation and promoting economic growth in the digital age. - link

BBC iPlayer - Help - What is the Series Record feature?

The Series Record feature allows you to set up your computer to download BBC programmes automatically as soon as they are made available. Once set, all new episodes of the selected programme title will be downloaded to the iPlayer Desktop application on your computer. You must have the BBC iPlayer Desktop application installed on your computer to use subscriptions. - link
Wednesday 18 May 2011, AM

ukdigitalradio: New transmitter for Scotland

We use cookies to improve user experience on our website. If you continue, we'll assume you are happy for your web browser to receive all cookies from our website. See our privacy policy for more information on cookies and how to manage them. - link
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