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Monday 06 June 2011, PM

BBC reassesses sale of Television Centre as cuts bite - Media -

Under the proposal the BBC would sell Television Centre to developers but rent back some of the studios to continue making programmes at the site, and perhaps lease some space to house an orchestra. The rest of the centre parts of which are crumbling and likely to be demolished to make way for new buildings could become home to independent production companies, other media organisations and performing arts companies. However, last autumn's licence fee freeze and the BBC's new areas of funding responsibility, including the World Service, mean its funding is being cut by 16 in real teams. - link

ITV rapped for 'pushing' videogames is Everything about content in the 21st Century, from television to web, mobile, tablet and beyond. - link

Sky/News Corp deal is a fudge that is only sweet for the politicians - Media - The Guardian

If the timing was unsurprising, what has happened since has been an entertaining adventure in which the principal casualties have been Vince Cable and the Daily Telegraph rather than any Murdochs. It does not address the concerns about Murdoch power nor indeed does it deal with any of the phone-hacking issues that have in part dominated the media agenda in the first half of this year. The point behind objections to News Corp's takeover of Sky was a simple one, that Murdoch's power and influence in British society and public life are too great. - link

BBC Workplan reveals connected strategy - Broadband TV News

The BBC is to explore how the delivery of content over IP can further enrich and add value to its television services. One such service will be the 2012 London Olympics that will see the availability of 24 different streams and offer viewers the ability to personalise the content. Red Button will serve as the link between BBC linear, interactive and on demand programming. - link

informitv - Online video traffic to increase sevenfold by 2015

There will be nearly three billion internet users and twice as many network-connected devices as people on the planet by 2015. Internet traffic will quadruple by then, driven mainly by online video, which will increase by seven times. Average global internet traffic will approach 250 terabytes a second, with a million minutes of video crossing the network every second. - link

informitv - Wi-Fi Direct connects television to other devices

Digital televisions are among the first devices to adopt Wi-Fi Direct, a set of peer wireless networking protocols that enable compatible products to communicate directly, with or without a wireless access point or internet connection. A report forecasts that there will be 80 million digital televisions with Wi-Fi Direct enabled by 2015. Furthermore, it predicts that by 2014 every personal computer, consumer electronics device or mobile phone that ships with Wi-Fi will support the new standard. - link
Sunday 05 June 2011, PM

BBC4 to ditch drama and comedy to focus on arts - Media - The Guardian

The channel looks to be ditching drama and comedy to focus on the arts. However, for all the critical and media acclaim, BBC4 has less than a 1 share of the television audience, while spending 55m a year. BBC management is keen to beef up BBC2, which suffered the biggest drop in audience share of the five main channels in 2010. - link
Saturday 04 June 2011, PM

The BBC make a switch to 1080p HD TV broadcasts

Having for some time received a fair amount of criticism for the quality of its High Definition broadcasts the BBC has made the switch to the higher quality 1080p format. The mixed 1080i/1080p broadcasts take into consideration the fact that a number of programmes shot in HD use the two formats in conjunction - 1080p for location and 1080i for the studio. The BBC are simply broadcasting what has been produced rather than encoding in the 1080i format. - link
Saturday 04 June 2011, AM

Which? reveals new Smart TV test results - June - 2011 - Which? News

The good news is that the picture quality on the Best Buys is some of the best we've ever seen - whether watching standard-definition, high-definition or even 3D TV. Only one of the TVs on test managed to sound even remotely impressive - the rest deliver synthetic, harsh and bass-lite audio which will leave you scrabbling for a decent set of Hi-Fi speakers. Six of eight new TVs let you connect to the internet too. - link

BBC News - Plea put out for lost TV shows

3 June 2011 Last updated at 1130 ET A group devoted to the appreciation of vintage television is calling on TV watchers to search their attics for recordings of programmes feared lost. Four missing episodes of 1950s sci-fi drama The Quatermass Experiment are among the most sought-after shows. Four Dennis Potter dramas from the '60s are also missing believed to be wiped by broadcaster, as is most of the first series of The Avengers. - link
Friday 03 June 2011, PM

BBC unveils 2011/12 budget is Everything about content in the 21st Century, from television to web, mobile, tablet and beyond. - link


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Thursday 02 June 2011, PM

Summary of responses to the Local Media Action Plan Consultation

This document summarises the 140 responses we received to the Local Media Action Plan consultation. These responses included expressions of interest in providing a network channel expressions of interest in providing local services expressions of interest in providing nations-based specific services comments on the local TV policy proposition A-Z responses The non-confidential responses to this consultation was published on 14 October 2011 and are shown below. Unless stated otherwise, allfiles are less than 1mb in size and are inRich Text format RTF. - link

Ofcom - Coexistence of new services in the 800 MHz band with digital terrestrial television

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Mobile signals to interfere with digital TV

The telecoms watchdog is starting a research programme to find out how to help people affected when future mobile technology is switched on. About 3 of TV-watching Britons could suffer interference from fourth-generation 4G mobile, said Ofcom. Filters will solve the problem for some, said Ofcom, but others may have to use other ways to get TV signals. - link

Changes to BBC HD channels on satellite on 6th June

I wanted to let you know about an upcoming change to the way we broadcast our HD channels on satellite, and how this might, or might not, affect you. One of the BBC's principles is to ensure that we use the spectrum we have available to us in the most efficient way possible. This means that from time to time, as technology develops, we make changes to the way our services are broadcast to ensure we are making best use of this scarce resource. - link

Jeremy Hunt signals overhaul of local TV plans - News - Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

Here's what's new

See all James Cridland's articles And here it is - Media UK v5. The layout is neater, flows better on wider screens try resizing your screen wider and then smaller and see what happens, and allows us much more opportunity to control our look and feel in the future. You'll use this to control any email alerts you get from Media UK shortly - we've temporarily disabled new signups while we continue to work on the backend. - link

Jeremy Hunt confirms major shift in local TV policy - Media -

Jeremy Hunt previously championed the idea of launching a network of local TV services. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has published a summary of the 140 responses to its consultation on local TV. A number of the submissions are understood to have opposed the national network and played a part in Hunt's rethink, as revealed last month. - link

Now Digital requests to extend multiplex - Radio Today

Ofcom has published a consultation on Now Digitals request to extend the coverage area of one of its local radio multiplex licence. Now Digital wants to extend the Exeter Torbay multiplex further to include North Devon. It says that it will launch the first of these within six months of Ofcom granting consent to its request, and the latter two six months after a positive decision in 2013 by Government regarding digital switchover. - link

Bubbling mud, DAB, and DAB+ - James Cridland

Apologies, but I suspect thisll be even more technical but its hopefully interesting. This is supposed to be like, so Ive been told, the experience on DAB though my experience in Australia was that the squeaks and burbles were just as audible. Well, heres how it works, according to a correspondent to this blog. - link
Thursday 02 June 2011, AM

Proposal to axe some BBC2 daytime shows to save money 'gaining traction' - Media -

Mark Thompson made the suggestion on BBC2 daytime shows in March. A fortnight ago senior managers met in Caversham to begin the process of whittling down the large number of suggestions put forward, including the one about BBC2 daytime. He plans to cut 20 from budgets across the BBC. - link
Wednesday 01 June 2011, PM

Digital switchover begins in Edinburgh - Edinburgh News - STV Local

The change began when the analogue BBC Two signal from the Craigkelly transmitter was turned off early this morning. The switchover will be completed on June 15, when all the remaining analogue channels will cease to transmit. The Switchover Help Scheme is still welcoming applications from eligible older and disabled people to get help to convert one television, including a choice of equipment, installation and aftercare. - link

Ofcom - Review of procedures for handling broadcasting complaints, cases and sanctions

Final statement published 010611 Introduction 1.1 Ofcom is the body in the UK responsible for issuing licences to television and radio broadcasters. Ofcom also regulates the BBC's and S4C's obligations in relation to content standards and fairness and privacy. When investigating whether a broadcaster has breached its relevant obligations, Ofcom follows certain published procedures. - link

What is UltraViolet and why should you care? - The Register

Cable companies and telcos are already members, including BT and BSkyB. It's really a wholesale platform, designed so that if you have a free UV account, you'll pay once and then watch a movie anywhere. The optical media you've just bought becomes your instant backup disc. - link

A week listening to… BBC Radio 1Xtra - Television radio -

Tim Westwood a 53-year-old vicar's son from East Anglia. Poor Sarah, once breakfast show queen now relegated to emergency DJ last Monday she hosted three hours of waffle launching a two-day festival 1Xtra is hosting in Hackney in 2012. The programme, broadcast live from inside the Olympic park, was supposed to be co-hosted by regular mid-morning smooth talker Trevor Nelson but because he'd been delayed in traffic Cox had to fill for almost the entire show a task, considering that she hasn't stopped talking since 1996, she did with aplomb. - link

In the air: Wild ideas to solve Sky News problem - Markets Analysis

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Cable Forum: Police warn against using chipped set top boxes

The warning came after the final member of a gang found guilty of modifying and selling illegal boxes was jailed for six years at Birmingham Crown Court. Subhan Ali, 29, of Turner Street, in the Sparkbook area of Birmingham, was busted along with three others during a Police raid in 2008 in which more than 2,000 modified, or chipped boxes were recovered. Dave Farrell, of West Midlands Police, vowed that the fight against fraudulent cable TV viewing would go on and that users of chipped boxes have as much to fear from the law as those that modify the boxes in the first place. - link
Wednesday 01 June 2011, AM

UK RadioPlayer releases its first figures - James Cridland

With all of UK radio in one place, the Radio Player is something that fascinates overseas radio people as youll see from this writeup of one of my recent keynote speeches from California. Coming together to provide one voice for radio is something I speak a lot about for good reason because it grows all of radio as a result. The UK RadioPlayer known here simply as Radioplayer has just released their first snapshot figures. - link

BBC iPlayer - Help - Panasonic Freesat TVs – Why does playback of a programme abruptly stop?

This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets CSS enabled. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets CSS if you are able to do so. - link

BBC - Research and Development: Prototyping Weeknotes #61 (27th May 2011)

The beginning of the week was taken up with prep for our experience prototyping sessions and then ahalf-day semantic web workshop at the main RD offices which involved a lot of talking and learning - it was enjoyable and useful for all attendees. On Tuesday, we have a further session around lo-fidelity prototyping. Kat's team buildsa prototype for a dashboard that lets parents see and manage their kids online activity. - link

'File sharing' solicitors face disciplinary body - May - 2011 - Which? News

One of which is that the two acted in a way that was likely to diminish the trust the public place in them or in the legal profession. If you'd like to know more about file sharing, take a look at our Which guide - find out what file sharing is and the types of files you can share legally. Between 2006 and 2009 David Gore and Brian Miller were responsible for the sending of thousands of letters to internet users accusing them of allegedly downloading and distributing copyright-protected material via peer-to-peer networks. - link

The Pips return from a 3 hour break - Radio Today

The computer operating the Greenwich Time Signal, most popularly known as the pips, stopped working on Tuesday evening. The box that creates the audio of the pips have died unfortunatley. It could be a power supply problem, and we are still investigating The interview about the death of the pips is now on audioBoo for your listening pleasure. - link

BBC bosses to update staff on Delivering Quality First - Media -

Earlier this year, a consultation was held with staff to come up with cost-saving ideas. To contact the MediaGuardian news desk email or phone 020 3353 3857. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 3353 2000. - link
Monday 30 May 2011, PM

BBC Alba Freeview switch-on campaign asks viewers to 'Open Your Eyes' - News - THE DRUM - Advertising, Design, Media, Ma

Read more Press Gazette, the print trade title for UK journalists, has announced it is axing its quarterly print edition in favor of focusing its resources on a weekly digital edition, iPhone app and website. Read more International - 05/01/2013 Metro has revealed the figures from its activity during the Christmas period, seeing a notable rise in traffic to via mobile devices.... Read more Online voucher and daily deal specialist has found that the people of Birmingham are the most committed to self-improvement. - link
Monday 30 May 2011, AM

Farewell to Mark Byford, the BBC's steady-handed deputy - Media - The Guardian

Mark Byford, BBC deputy director general, is stepping down after 32 years at the corporation. If he has a public profile at all it is because Byford came to symbolise the apparent excesses of top executive pay at the corporation. It was very easy to put the question, as even many lower ranking BBC staff did who else would pay Mark Byford 500,000 and for what - link

Here s How You Might Be Able To Watch Live TV, For Free, On Your iPad AllThingsD

Your iPad can do lots of things, but live TV generally isnt one of them. With a few exceptions, the TV networks dont want their programming going out live anywhere but your big screen, under their supervision. Heres a start-up that wants to change that Bamboom says it will let you watch live broadcast TV anywhere you can get a Web connection, on whatever device you want. - link
Sunday 29 May 2011, PM

HD Radio an initial review - James Cridland

Its not every day that youre given a radio which is almost useless in your home town but thats what I was given recently a fancy little Mighty Red HD Radio. Ive not owned my own HD radio, nor had enough time to properly fiddle and listen to an HD Radio in real-world conditions. So, after a short charge the radio uses any old USB charger, I was off to listen, using the real-world environment of a busy airport. - link

Lying losses and limes - Media UK

That's the overwhelming radio blog subject in the last two weeks. I posted about digital platform figures - a post which has got a man from talkSPORT very angry. US radio guru Tracy Johnson, meanwhile, discusses people who lie on-air, and points out that most emails from listeners are ignored. - link
Saturday 28 May 2011, PM

Why SeeSaw Failed And What It Means

From SeeSaws launch, it was evident the Project Kangaroo technology, which was developed by Ioko and which was well-regarded, was actually just an adequate Flash video player, accompanied by an unusual page-dimming feature. Taken as an experience, the product was not a patch on the equivalent U.S. TV aggregator, Hulu. SeeSaw launched when the idea of a single online aggregator for online TV made perfect sense from a consumer standpoint. - link

How I fell back in love with Television - Telegraph

In the 30 years since I had ceased to be a TV critic, that prediction had proved itself untrue. So the movement towards must-watch complexity was already on before HBO changed the game with The Sopranos. Clearly the first-rate talent was no longer looking on television as the second-best destination. - link
Friday 27 May 2011, PM

14 December 1950: Television tastes - From the Guardian -

To find out more information about driving traffic to your content or to place this widget on your site, visit We welcome your feedback at or - link

Digital Economy Act in fresh legal challenge

In 2010, the firms asked for a High Court review, arguing the Act broke European laws that the UK must uphold. In April, the High Court rejected the call for a judicial review, but said the government had to look again at who pays for some of the Act's measures. The companies said in their appeal that the court should reconsider the anti-piracy actions required by the Act. - link

Major changes to commissioning in BBC Online

BBC Online is in the process of making major changes, as we set ourselves up to deliver the new strategy outlined in January. Central to this is the emerging discipline of product management blogged about by Chris Russell here. From divisional websites, to pan-BBC products the operational challenge This is a challenging process. - link

Knowing your AAC from your Elbow - James Cridland

But, thanks to Absolute Radios penchant for gigs in unusual places, Elbow played the crypt in St Pauls last night. Effortlessly hitting the top notes in One Day Like This, expressing wonderment that hes been singing to Lord Nelson over there pointing to his ornate grave and covering a wide selection of the bands repertoire, the 90-minute gig was a delight. This was the latest in the stations push for high quality audio. - link

SeeSaw online TV venture to close - Media -

The company informed its 28 staff on Friday that a buyer had not been found and that it is launching a 30-day consultation. It is expected to close around 20 June so that costs relating to the business can be accounted for in Arqiva's financial year to 30 June. Joost, the web TV service founded by the Dutch technology entrepreneurs behind Skype, closed its UK service in 2009. - link

Arqiva to close VoD site Seesaw - News - Broadcast

27 May, 2011 By Alex Farber Arqiva is on the brink of closing its video-on-demand service Seesaw after failing to drum up the necessary funding. It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link
Thursday 26 May 2011, PM

BBC - Radio 4 and 4 Extra Blog: The Today programme: The "radio show that one in eight of us now tune in to"

This seemed like enough reason to publish a few pictures from the earlier days of the programme. Des Desmomd Lynam, occasional co-presenter of the programmew, looks on. - link

Communications minister launches free-to-air Digital TV service TheJournal

The Saorview system can be accessed either by purchasing a set-top box that will decode the digital broadcasts, though newer televisions might already have decoding systems fitted within them.The new system will not require homes to install a satellite dish. The analogue switch-off will not impact on viewers who currently watch TV through a satellite or cable system though it does affect the 340,000-or-so homes which will receive their main TV service through a traditional antenna. - link

Ofcom bans 36-month contracts and makes number porting easier - Crave - CNET UK

Ofcom has introduced three regulations designed to benefit UK mobile-phone users. The telecoms regulator has banned contracts longer than 24 months, and forced operators to transfer customer's mobile numbers to a new provider within one day. It's also introduced an emergency SMS scheme that will let registered users text, rather than call, 999. - link
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